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house of representatives

  1. seayakin

    George Santos charged with defrauding campaign donors

    George Santos I'm wondering if anyone is following the saga of George Santos. CNN Report NY Post NY Times If you haven't followed him he has lied about his work history, he has lied property he owned, he has lied about his education and lastly lied about his Jewish heritage (or lack...
  2. L

    Merged House stenographer dragged off floor yelling about Freemasons

    http://gawker.com/house-stenographer-dragged-off-floor-yelling-about-free-1446830813 Okaaaay.... I'm not sure I understand her point, though.
  3. eeyore1954

    House of Representatives votes to adjourne

    THe House voted to adjourne until after the November elections. This leaves not a lot of time for important tax votes. From a Wall Street Journal article http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704644404575481903960961386.html?mod=WSJ_Taxes_Taxes_2 They just came back from a month not...

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