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  1. Ranb

    Walmart sham homeopathic products

    Walmart, CVS face trial for putting sham homeopathic products next to real meds https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/10/walmart-cvs-face-trial-for-putting-sham-homeopathic-products-next-to-real-meds/ Progress? Ranb
  2. Orphia Nay

    Center for Inquiry sues Boiron

    CFI are suing Boiron for violations of the Consumer Protection Procedures Act for the "unfair and deceptive trade practices it regularly utilizes in the marketing and sale of homeopathic products"...
  3. Trebuchet

    Allopathic Medicine!!!

    Apparently it's awful. And yet... I have a new grand-nephew, born last night or early this morning to my nephew and his partner. I expect that, as usual, she did most of the work! Born by emergency C-section, two months premature. Three pounds. Breathing on his own and beginning to eat. Has...
  4. Pixel42

    UK Homeopaths ordered to cease advertising CEASE

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47666939 If we keep chipping away at this nonsense maybe it will all be gone eventually ...
  5. Blue Bubble

    Peter Fisher (Queen's homeopath) killed in cycling crash

    Peter Fisher, well known as Queen Elizabeth's homeopath, killed in cycling crash in London. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-45209846
  6. Puppycow

    Canadian College cancels diploma in homeopathy

    Georgian College cancels diploma in homeopathy (Georgian College is the name, it's actually in Ontario, Canada) Hey, skeptics win one. Good on the doctors for speaking up and writing letters. Amazing how close this came to happening though. It had already been approved by the college and...
  7. fagin

    NHS England defunds homeopathy. Finally

    NHS England votes to defund homepathy, finally. 'The decision to end primary care prescriptions for homeopathy means that homeopathy funding is now restricted purely to some NHS Trusts clinics in Scotland, London, and South West England.' Hopefully the rest will follow soon...
  8. K

    [Continuation] Possible Scientific Foundations of Homeopathy, Part 2

    One more aspect, we may need to check: In view of SR can also be a natural healing méchanism, whether it can also revert cancer cells to become normal cells? Actually, clearing killed cells in mass can lead tó heavy need of body cleaning mechanism which otherwise can also be quite harmful. So...
  9. Mojo

    NHS to end prescription of homeopathic remedies?

    'A misuse of scarce funds': NHS to end prescription of homeopathic remedies A public consultation has just opened on whether a number of treatments, including homeopathy, should be available. The consultation, open until 21st October, is linked from the third paragraph of the story.
  10. alfaniner

    Score a Big one for Science! "Homeopathy does not work."

    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/homeopathy-treatments-must-be-labelled-to-say-they-do-not-work-us-government-orders-a7429776.html The FTC (not the FDA) has ruled that "homeopathic" substances must clearly state on their labels that they do not work and there is no evidence they ever...
  11. steenkh

    BBC article on animal placebo effect

    The BBC has an article on the placebo effect in animals: Why animals experience the placebo effect much like we do Those of us who have followed the debates here about homoeopathy will find few surprises here, apart from the fact that a mainstream news media actually gets it right! One thing...
  12. catsmate

    1,800 Studies Later, Scientists Conclude Homeopathy Doesn’t Work

    Link. Not really a surprise, homeopathy has been disproved numerous times before, but a major Australian meta-study which analysed more the 1,800 papers has shown that homeopathy is completely ineffective. Washington Post The Guardian
  13. K

    Moleculer Side of Homeopathy?

    Hello all, We have disscused a lot in following thread but still not ending. That thread should have been bit tired and OP was meant for other purpose. So I felt it better to discuss about posible science and positive about homeopathy in this new thread...
  14. Gord_in_Toronto

    Canadian Homeopaths Oppose New Regulation

    They've been asked to stop selling distilled water at exorbitant prices to children while lying that it somehow has a medical benefit. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health/homeopaths-prepare-to-lauch-fight-against-pending-federal-policy-change/article28856314/ They...
  15. Walter Ego

    Homeopaths Accidentally Take Hallucinogenic Drugs at a Conference

    You probably shouldn't laugh at this. ;) Twenty-nine overdoses but those effected seem to have recovered okay.
  16. Gord_in_Toronto

    "Not Vaccines or Alternative to Vaccines"

    It's a start: Nosode homeopathic labels must read 'not vaccines or alternatives to vaccines:' Health Canada http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/nosode-homeopathic-labels-must-read-not-vaccines-or-alternatives-to-vaccines-health-canada-1.3176008 :wave1
  17. Gord_in_Toronto

    Not an Infinitesimally Small Joke, Unfortunately.

    It's official: HOMEOPATHY ACT, 2007 PROCLAMATION DATE APRIL 1, 2015 Learn more here. http://www.collegeofhomeopaths.on.ca/ :boggled: :mad: Any ideas how I can have some fun with this?
  18. Milbrandt

    Are low homeopathic dilutions safe?

    I saw a parody of a homeopathic "remedy" package that was shared on facebook by the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe. I quickly assumed that it was originally a package of Oscillococcinum and commented, like others, that it was 100% sugar. When I took a closer look however, I saw that it was...
  19. Gord_in_Toronto

    'Expensive' placebos work better than 'cheap' ones, study finds

    http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-expensive-placebos-work-better-20150127-story.html Or you could take the $10,000 cure at the Institute for Advanced Quackery and Homeopathy in Juarez, Mexico. :covereyes
  20. Ladewig

    Homeopathy. Mixing a diluted ingredient with the same undiluted ingredient.lu

    While shopping for nasal spray, I came across this item http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/sinofresh-antiseptic-nasal-and-sinus-care/ID=prod6193877-product SinoFresh Antiseptic Nasal and Sinus Care ( a Patented Homeopathic Nasal Spray) Active Ingredients Eucalyptus Globulus 20xAntiseptic ...
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