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favorite books

  1. Meadmaker

    Modern Whodunit Authors?

    Are there any fans of "whodunit" murder mysteries here? Can you recommend some good authors? Let me explain. I'm looking for books in the mold of some of Agatha Christie's best works. There is a clear list of suspects, because everyone is on a boat, or plane, or whatever. The puzzle pieces...
  2. wasapi

    That book that you reread?

    There are not too many books I will reread, but I have some. Of course there are a couple of books of poetry, Mainly Galway Kinnell , Dorthey Parker, some in Portuguese. The books, A Hundred Years of Solitude, some old Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler books, are all I can think of now, but...
  3. Faydra

    Books you could NOT put down

    I looking at a 16 hour trip on an airplane in about 8 days and I can't sleep on airplanes. :( I need something that grabs me from page 1 and keeps me reading. I tend to gravitate to crime/psychological thrillers, but I'm open to anything as long as it grabs you and doesn't let go. Any...
  4. A

    What book is everyone reading at the moment? Part 2.

    This is a continuation thread from the original here. The Strangest Man (Farmelo)
  5. catsmate

    Favourite mystery/detective novels

    I've been doing a fair amount of travelling recently and reading a lot of ebooks. I've read and re-read a lot of stuff, mysteries, scifi and fantasy along with non-fiction and a lot of althist. So, as there don't seem to be any threads devoted to favourite and recommended mysteries I decided to...
  6. V

    Favorite Fantasy Series (High or Low)?

    As a huge fan of fantasy in all its literary and cinematic incarnations, I'm curious to discover which book, or series of books, most impresses you from a literary perspective and excites your imagination. Which fantasy books, if any, take you back to being a kid again in your mind and "heart"...
  7. I

    Books Set in Your Town

    The library at school was liquidating some excess inventory, so I bought a copy of The Girl, The Gold Watch, and Everything, by John D. MacDonald for $0.25 to give to a friend. I mentioned it's set in Miami Beach, and she said she'd never read a sci-fi book set in Miami Beach. Londonites, New...
  8. A

    Re-readers - what do you re-read and why

    The purpose of my question is twofold...the balance of "books to read" has been so great, along with increasing time commitments for family and oh, WORK...that I can't remember the last time I re-read a book. There have been several occasions where I've checked in for a reference, or bet...
  9. orpheus

    sci-fi recommendation?

    Hello, all. I've entered one of my least favorite periods - that awful time between novels when I try to decide what to read next. (Funny thing - when I was a child, I never had this problem; I just devoured the next available thing. But now I can spend more time trying to find the "right" book...
  10. boooeee

    Recommend a Classic

    So, I have some free time coming up because I'm switching jobs (yay) and I was wanting to find a good book to relax with. I've decided that I want to read a "classic" of lierature, and was hoping to get recommendations from the forum. My arbitrary requirement is that it needs to have been...
  11. I

    What are the best Sci-Fi books to recommend to a novice?

    The professor I have for Technical writing (That's memos, reports, instructions and so on) mentioned to me that is nephew is reading Ursula K. LeGuin, and he asked me to recommend some Sci-Fi books after we discussed the genre. He asked to send him an email with a short list. He's an educated...
  12. lister

    Must read books / authors?

    Hi, Although I have been a skeptic for a couple of years now, I have only read two "skeptical" books, "Flim Flam", and "The Faith Healers", both by Randi of course. I also read a lot of laymans physics books. Can anyone recommend any other books I should read? I keep hearing "The Demon...
  13. J

    What book is everyone reading at the moment?

    Just curious, but what books are people reading at the moment? Jim Bowen
  14. C

    Who wrote the best autobiography?

    It's another totally subjective choice, but I say David Niven's The Moon's a Balloon. The combination of humour (the daffodil!) and emotion (the death of his first wife) make me feel emotional. And there are precious few books that do that to me. Second place to Stephen Fry's Moab is My...
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