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  1. L

    Agnosticism = Gateway Drug to Self-Righteousness

    Agnosticism = Gateway Drug to Self-Righteous Secular-Theism Agnosticism is an egregious delusion... it is a gateway drug to the self-righteousness drug of secular-theism. In 2023, no sane rational educated functioning human can conscientiously maintain belief in the biblical turpitude. So...
  2. ynot

    Define “Agnostic”

    I won’t offer any definition at this time, but I don’t accept any definition that makes “agnostic” a position between “theist” and “atheist”.
  3. Chanakya

    Would non-theistic “woo” lie outside the purview of “atheism”?

    We have two distinct meanings of the word “atheist”. Historically, the word “atheist” referred to someone who believes there is no god. Again, historically, the word “agnostic” was used to denote someone who chooses not to take any position on the issue. The modern meaning of “atheist” (or at...
  4. ynot

    Agnosticism is Atheism in Denial

    To say it can't be known whether gods actually exist or not is to be an atheist. Atheism doesn't require knowledge of the non-existence of gods, it merely doesn't accept unsubstantiated theistic beliefs that claim gods actually exist. Theism doesn't require knowledge of the actual existence of...
  5. P

    Neil Degrasse Tyson on atheism and agnosticism

    Awhile ago I came across this interview with NDT where he claims he's not an atheist, but an agnostic. His reason for avoiding the atheist label (while he is an atheist by definition...) appears to stem from wanting to not be grouped with the anti-theists and gnostic atheists...
  6. T

    The dreaded "A" word

    A number of years ago, toward the end of the 1990s, I had still not come to grips with being an atheist. I called myself an agnostic. One reason for avoiding the label of "atheist" was that I had somewhat bought into the view of atheists as a rather grim, uncharitable lot who militated against...
  7. N

    Are Agnostics Welcome Here?

    Reading through many of the threads on this forum, I am honestly wondering how posters on this site feel about agnostics, particularly agnostics with "hope" that there is an intelligent force in the universe. For the record, I consider myself to be a very rational thinker. I cannot commit myself...
  8. T

    What We Believe But Cannot Prove

    I searched, to the best of my limited ability and the limited tools of the Forums, for this topic and was astonished not to fiind a discussion on one of the most important books ever printed on the philosophy of science: "What We Believe But Cannot Prove; Today's Leading Thinkers on Science in...
  9. MinnesotaBrant

    Agnostic? Is it I don't know? Or I don't care?

    I was talking to a young mentally challenged guy tuesday and he blurted out the he was a atheist. I asked him well how did that tree get there. He stated "I don't know and I don't care." Is he really atheist or is he more agnostic> Also, which one is likely to get him more chicks? There are...
  10. Orphia Nay

    "Agnostics are Nowhere Men"

    There's a chapter in the Australian Book of Atheism called Agnostics are Nowhere Men, and it's written by David Horton (author, retired zoologist and archaeologist). In it, he writes: "If you understand that there is no evidence, absolutely no evidence, no evidence of any kind, not even a...
  11. T

    Evaluate this statement for logic

    I will preface this by saying that I've read most of this guys blog and he makes many, many good points. He says he is all about rationality, scientific thinking and skepticism and there is evidence all over his blog that points to just that. I fact, I've had a few e-mail conversations with...
  12. Apology

    Indiana man loses joint custody due to being agnostic

    Full story here: http://heraldbulletin.com/breakingnews/x1293919477/Custody-ruling-raises-legal-concerns It's hard to believe that this man's custody was cut from 50/50 to every other weekend plus four hours a week solely because he isn't a Christian. However, Judge Pancol mentioned Scarberry's...
  13. E

    Atheism & agnosticism

    I went the other way. Used to be an atheist, then gave it some more thought and then became an agnostic. Atheism is clearly a religion, IMO. I examined it this way and my thinking is this...First, two definitions of agnosticism...""a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause...
  14. E

    Should a cure for death be the ultimate goal for every atheist/agnostic?

    I have been a believer in God for all of my life and it is only in recent years that I have started questioning my faith. To be honest though, the prospect of absolute nothingness after death is very frightening to me and it is something that has kept me up for some nights, worrying about my...
  15. Manopolus

    Monotheism vs Polytheism: Which is more likely?

    I am truly agnostic, but I nonetheless consider Polytheism more valid than monotheism due to the simple fact that the universe rarely makes just one of anything. I'll leave it as simple as that to begin with. Any thoughts?
  16. shawmutt

    A "real" atheist...

    My experience with atheists, outside of the internet, is with folks that deny the existence of any deity. It was a dichotomy between atheist and theist. When I got on the internet and started getting into forums, I found atheists with a whole spectrum of beliefs, and the term qualified with...
  17. D

    The Death of Religion – not with a bang but a whimper

    In another thread it was claimed that which to me is obvious nonsense: I have seen the very rapid growth of religion in Cuba with the Special Period in the 1990s, which very abruptly impoverished the Cubans. It made them poor. It did not suddenly make them uneducated. When school children were...
  18. wollery

    We are all agnostic

    Okay, it's unusual for me to start a thread. It's also unusual for me to rant, but that's what I'm going to do. First, some background - this is something that has grated with me for a long time, but I've never really addressed it. This post started to form in my head several weeks ago when a...
  19. T


    I'm struggling with the ramifications of being an atheist. If there's no soul and no afterlife, does that not make us cell-based automatons, going through the motions with the illusion that we're making decisions? What are your thoughts?
  20. GreedyAlgorithm

    The Principle of Indifference

    Here is a short primer on how to avoid mangling the principle of indifference: never use it to justify assigning probability 1/n for any small integer n (like 2, for instance, yielding probability 0.5) to an untestable hypothesis, because you're probably fooling yourself. Now here's a longer...
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