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  1. TheAnachronism

    So...Joanna Newsom

    [ETA: How the heck does one embed youtube videos? Am I missing something? I was in denial about my lack of intelligence, but now I know.] I know she's not very mainstream (or, like, at all), but given the amount of musicophiles, poetry lovers, and literati that inhabit this forum, I'm surprised...
  2. Hardenbergh

    ACLU backs student's singing of Christian song

    I just read this news this morning. I don't usually hear many favorable things about the ACLU but here is one: http://www.nj.com/newslogs/starledger/index.ssf?/mtlogs/njo_ledgerupdate/archives/2006_06.html#148180
  3. peptoabysmal

    The left is singing the same old song.

    Let me say up front. I am a conservative and an atheist. I shouldn't have a problem with this story about Celine's banned song, right? Ah, but I do have a problem with it. It is another example where the desire to promote acceptance of cultural diversity and positive interpersonal relations...
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