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  1. Oliver

    Digital Future -or- Trash your Mouse

    For those digital maniacs like me out there. This may be the future of interacting with your computer - Multi-Touchscreens: 89sz8ExZndc 1yHB40jeTOw PLhMVNdplJc http://multi-touchscreen.com/
  2. T

    if you were psychic/could predict the future....

    if you were psychic or could predict the future etc, how would you prove it? i always imagined that i'd send detailed copies of my predictions(as soon as i had them) etc by registered post both to myself(and keep them sealed myself and in a bank's safety deposit box), and to various other...
  3. S

    The Future of Earth

    What do you think our future holds? As a race, we are changing rapidly now, in the sense that we have much new technology and can do things with information and power that we had no means for before, and these are mostly available to the public, although there are larger and more powerful...
  4. grayman

    Evangelical Christians focus on youth for future

    Had to write about an article I found here. This is a problem? Okay by me. You mean they've learned to apply logic and rationality. This is a bad thing? Its relevance being...? How about existing for science and humanity rather than superstition and mythology?
  5. D

    The perils of prejecting the present into the future, no. 94

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6057734.stm :rolleyes: Stupid stupid stupid.
  6. J

    The future of peer review?

    Peer review - subjecting scientific research to expert scrutiny - is the only acceptable method to adequately judge the rigour and accuracy of the research. Recently, however the approach has come under fire as a series of high-profile scientific misconduct have exposed its many flaws. The...
  7. C

    The Past Meets the Future

    The Past Meets the Future Recently David Brooks wrote for the New York Times an article labeled “The Past Meets the Future”. This was an imaginary conversation between Mr. Past and Mr. Future. Mr. Past focused upon our failure to understand the past and in so doing we make egregious errors...
  8. Y

    Review of "Prophecy: What the Future Holds for You"

    I thought you guys might appreciate reading my review of this book of Sylvia Browne's, since she and Randi are mortal enemies. Review of "Prophecy: What the Future Holds for You", by Sylvia Browne and Lindsay Harrison Opening note: I do not know who Lindsay Harrison is or how much she...
  9. C

    University's Box Sees Future

    http://www.shoutwire.com/viewstory/14077/Can_A_Black_Box_See_Into_the_Future The machine apparently sensed the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre four hours before they happened - but in the fevered mood of conspiracy theories of the time, the claims were swiftly knocked back by...
  10. hgc

    Any party switchers in our future?

    The big political wet dream, that things are so bad with the other party their office-holders start to switch sides, is starting to bubble up in my imagination. Sure the Jim Jeffords switch (R to I, caucusing with D's) didn't unleash a avalanche, but the dissatisfaction with current situation...
  11. LeCynthia

    Future Evolution Possible?

    I was just thinking about this. Let's say, for example, you take a particular animal and split the population into three groups and put each group in another part of the world. In one area the trees are high and after thousands of years they evolve longer necks. The second group is in shrub...
  12. Pauliesonne

    America's future <-> Iraq's past

    What I'm asking is if by the end of Gorge Bush's reign of terror will America be completely ruled over by christian fundamentalists?
  13. 10001

    I am the past, present and the future

    when jesus said this. i think he was trying to define an answer to "who am i?" question, for all individuals. more of a philosophical and phsychological discription, put in simple terms for the people of those days. perhaps it is enough for the minds of now days. who am i? 'I' am the Past...
  14. JLam

    In the stars, the cards and the grounds -- psychics eye the future

    Prepare to read the least critical, most unskeptical piece of garbage you've ever read. It made me want to puke. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/12/30/WBGHEGC4AD1.DTL That's just a sample. Ugh. This is from a major newspaper too.
  15. I

    Could this be the undoing of our future?: That technology will be our asset?

    Frankly, it creeps me out that once-were 3rd world-like countries are now doing all the manufacturing tasks that we so invented and performed. And now, we want to sell the world that we are the brains, and they can pay us for our brains, while they slave away and make things for us? Can't you...
  16. M

    John Titor - Man from the future?

    I caught a few minutes on a radio programme here in the UK about this man who supposedly came back in a `time machine?' from the year 2036, and was born just a few years ago (so he'd be about 6 years old by now!). He warned of a World war (of course) and a civil war in the USA. But now he's...
  17. J

    17 nation summit on the future of European space program

    Ministers from 17 European countries meet in Berlin on Monday to discuss the future of Europe's space programme. They will decide whether to give the go-ahead to a series of space missions proposed for the next decade. New space proposals being discussed include: The ExoMars mission to put...
  18. Starthinker

    Test to Predict the Future

    I normally don't "share" websites but since this is a friend of mine and we talked about it I thought I would go ahead share this one. Any ideas on how to promote something like this to get some so-called "real" psychics involved? Prediction Page
  19. Starthinker

    Test to Predict the Future

    I normally don't "share" websites but since this is a friend of mine and we talked about it I thought I would go ahead share this one. Any ideas on how to promote something like this to get some so-called "real" psychics involved? Prediction Page
  20. Number Six

    The Tierney-Simmons bet on future oil prices

    I'm surprised nobody has posted about this yet and in fact I'm so surprised that I'm guessing there's been a thread about it that I've missed. There has been a public bet made about the average price of a barrell of oil in the year 2010. Matthew Simmons (who has some oil connection but I'm not...
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