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Sylvia Browne predicted the 2011 tsunami!


May 11, 2002
At least if you want to believe what Sylvia Browne fans say, that's their claim. Every time a tragedy like this happens, it is claimed that a psychic saw it coming. Most recently I saw Internet chatter that Browne predicted the 11 March 2011 tsunami that hit Japan. So I looked into it.

The tsunami happened on March 11th. Well, it turns out an interview with Browne was posted just one day before on March 10th with Dave Lawrence of Hawaii Public Radio. Download the interview here:

Quick highlights of the interview- Browne is talking to a Hawaiian reporter before the earthquake in Japan. Nothing about a 9.0 earthquake, tsunami, 10,000 dead or nuclear power plant problems. Nothing at all related. Instead she talks about her future trip to Hawaii, about her lectures, and claims (without proof) she's 85% correct. Then she rants about skeptics.

Not a warning of the Japanese event to the Hawaiian audience, despite this:
Tsunami Warning issued for Hawaii, much of Pacific
Posted: Mar 11, 2011 1:18 AM EST

A Tsunami Warning is now in effect for the state of Hawaii following an 8.9 magnitude earthquake off the east coast of Honshu, Japan.

Scientists at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach said that based on available data, a tsunami may have been generated by the quake. They said the earliest that tsunami waves could reach Hawaii would be at 3:07 a.m. Friday at Nawiliwili Harbor on Kauai. The first waves would reach Honolulu at 3:21 a.m., Kahului at 3:27 a.m., and Hilo at 3:46 a.m.

Tsunami sirens began sounding at 9:59 p.m. on Thursday. They have sounded every hour since 11:15 p.m.

The Tsunami Warning was extended to Guam and Taiwan as well, and the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center also issued a warning for much of the coasts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California.

Sources are saying it's the worst earthquake ever to strike Japan. It sent people fleeing out of buildings in the capital.

In an earlier February 17th interview with Rick Hamada on KHVH of Honolulu Browne also says nothing about an earthquake or tsunami in Japan. She talks about spirit guides, dead celebrities in the afterlife, "thousands" of her study groups and so on.

Let's see what she actually did predict for this year and previously. At her spiritnow.com 2011 predictions there is nothing about earthquakes, Japan or a tsunami. Whereas, at http://www.sylviaspredictions.com there are no predictions posted online for 2010 or 2011, but...

For her predictions for 2009:
Browne said:
There will be more tsunamis and earthquakes occurring in the Far East.

For her predictions for 2008:
Browne said:
Tsunamis hit Japan in June.

For her predictions for 2007 (made December 27, 2006 on Montel Williams via Lexisnexis):
MONTEL WILLIAMS: Oh, so it doesn't even make it fun to eat. Now, how about in the rest of the world? Do you see another huge thing like the tsunami in Southeast Asia?

SYLVIA BROWNE: Yeah. And then, and then, I see another earthquake in India, I see another earthquake in, in Mexico. I see volcanoes going up everywhere. I mean, it's just depressing.

For what it is worth this post claims "Sylvia Browne said they will be a tsunami in NEW YORK this year 2007."

For her predictions for 2006 (made September 14, 2005 on Montel Williams via Lexisnexis):
WILLIAMS: You got more rain in the last year than you've had.

BROWNE: Yeah. And we're going to have more this next year.


BROWNE: And Florida's going to have more hurricanes. The Midwest is going to have just crippling snowstorms. I mean, nobody believes that we're in a polar tilt, except me, I think. Well, a few of you do. But, I mean, we're in a polar tilt.

WILLIAMS: And does that have anything to do with--with the earthquake that caused the tsunami, or this is just a natural...

BROWNE: It's a natural thing. You know, they say the last tsunami threw the earth off in a wobble. Well, imagine when we have another one.

WILLIAMS: And do you anticipate another one?

BROWNE: Yep. Yeah.

WILLIAMS: Same kind of thing.

BROWNE: Same kind of thing.

In 2004, there was a large Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Browne doesn't predict it, but claims credit anyway.

For her predictions for 2004 (Link):

Browne website said:
In October 2004 on the Montel Williams Show, Sylvia advised viewers to avoid travel to India due to safety concerns. On December 26th Sylvia's prediction was validated when a tsunami devastated India.

I tracked down the actual statement from October 13, 2004. She actually says don't go to India or the "Holy Land" for one or two years. Predicting there would be problems in somewhere in countries that are prone to problems (natural and otherwise) with two years to span seems likely:
WILLIAMS: Sylvia, before we go out of here, you said you wanted to give some people a warning.

BROWNE: Yeah, I want to give you a warning. I don't care where you want to go on vacation, but please, the one place you don't want to go is India--listen to me, please, carefully--and don't go to the holy land. Not for at least a year or two, OK? Please, please listen to me on this one, all right? Don't go to India, don't go to the holy land. Please.

Those statements are a far cry from what happened months later:
The earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.

From 2005 on CNN about this very issue (Notice how she changes what she claimed to say? She said nothing about a tsunami or hurricane.):

BOTEACH: Well, the first point is that they can do that right now on this show. I mean I challenge any of our psychics to give me any of that information, even the name of my grandfather would impress me at this point, unless you can Google me on the show.

But let me just tell you, Larry, that I mean I'm pretty insignificant. A year ago this week, Larry, 300,000 people were killed in a tsunami. Dr. James Van Praagh says to us that he feels energies. Do you realize how much energy it took to move trillions of gallons of water but not a single psychic felt that?
KING: What about his point about the tsunami? Why didn't you feel it?

BROWNE: But I -- but I did predict a terrible, terrible hurricane and everything else that was going to hit.
(She said nothing about a hurricane. But even if she did it would've been wrong anyway.)

Again, with no one around to dispute her she claimed she predicted it on December 14, 2005:
WILLIAMS: Do you know how many predictions--and you have so many more that have come true already. We're going to document--salt them in throughout the year.

BROWNE: And the tsunami in India.

Then for her predictions in 2000 for the next 100 years:
West Coast goes under in 2026. Parts of the East Coast also get inundated. Tsunamis will wipe out a large portion of Japan.

In conclusion, so while Browne has frequently claimed (2000, 2006-2009) tsunamis will hit, she didn't predict the Japanese one despite being interviewed by two Hawaiian reporters before it occurred. Previously in 2005 she claimed validation when hundreds of thousands of people died, when she didn't make that prediction.
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