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Welcome to the International Skeptics Forum, where we discuss skepticism, critical thinking, the paranormal and science in a friendly but lively way. You are currently viewing the forum as a guest, which means you are missing out on discussing matters that are of interest to you. Please consider registering so you can gain full use of the forum features and interact with other Members. Registration is simple, fast and free! Click here to register today.
BB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with. They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing. The ability to use BB code is set on a forum-by-forum basis by the administrator, so you should check the forum rules when you post a new message.

Below is a list of the BB code tags you can use to format your messages.
BB Code List
[b], [i], [u] Bold / Italic / Underline
[color] Color
[size] Size
[font] Font
[highlight] Highlight
[left], [right], [center] Left / Right / Center
[indent] Indent
[email] Email Linking
[url] URL Hyperlinking
[thread] Thread Linking
[post] Post Linking
[list] Bulleted Lists / Advanced Lists
[img] Images
[code] Code
[php] PHP Code
[html] HTML Code
[quote] Quote
[noparse] Stop BB Code Parsing
[attach] Attachment
[abbr] Abbreviate
[bub] Quote Bubble
[bub] Quote Bubble (variable size)
[da] Devil's Advocate
[define] Definition
[edit] Edit Box (Do not use)
[fquote] FQuote
[gv] Google Video
[hellfire] Hellfire!
[hilite] High light
[imgl] Image Left
[imgw] Image Width
[info] Moderator Info Box (Do not use)
[invisible] Invisible Text
[marquee] marquee
[me] me
[mini] Mini text
[mod] Moderator Box (Do not use)
[nfURL] No Follow URL
[rant] Rant
[reverse] Reversed Text
[rule] Rule
[spoiler] Spoiler
[squote] snipped quote
[strike] Strikethrough
[sub] Subscript
[sup] Superscript
[table] table
[Tex] New LaTex
[ttext] Typewriter text
[Ttext1] Typewriter Text
[wiki] Wikipedia
[wikiX] Extended Wikipedia Look-up
[word] Dictionary Lookup
[xhilite] Extra Hilite
[YT] Youtube
[ytold] Do not use no longer supported: YouTube Video
Incorrect BB Code Usage:
  • [url] [/url] - don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.
  • [email][email] - the end brackets must include a forward slash ([/email])

Bold / Italic / Underline
The [b], [i] and [u] tags allow you to create text that is bold, italic and underlined.
Usage [b]value[/b]
Example Usage [b]this text is bold[/b]
[i]this text is italic[/i]
[u]this text is underlined[/u]
Example Output this text is bold
this text is italic
this text is underlined

The [color] tag allows you to change the color of your text.
Usage [color=Option]value[/color]
Example Usage [color=blue]this text is blue[/color]
Example Output this text is blue

The [size] tag allows you to change the size of your text.
Usage [size=Option]value[/size]
Example Usage [size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size]
Example Output this text is two sizes larger than normal

The [font] tag allows you to change the font of your text.
Usage [font=Option]value[/font]
Example Usage [font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font]
Example Output this text is in the courier font

The [highlight] tag allows you to emphasize your text.
Usage [highlight]value[/highlight]
Example Usage [highlight]this text is highlighted[/highlight]
Example Output this text is highlighted

Left / Right / Center
The [left], [right] and [center] tags allow you to change the alignment of your text.
Usage [left]value[/left]
Example Usage [left]this text is left-aligned[/left]
[center]this text is center-aligned[/center]
[right]this text is right-aligned[/right]
Example Output
this text is left-aligned
this text is center-aligned
this text is right-aligned

The [indent] tag allows you to indent your text.
Usage [indent]value[/indent]
Example Usage [indent]this text is indented[/indent]
Example Output
this text is indented

Email Linking
The [email] tag allows you to link to an email address. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [email]value[/email]
Example Usage [email][/email]
[]Click Here to Email Me[/email]
Example Output
Click Here to Email Me

URL Hyperlinking
The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [url]value[/url]
Example Usage [url][/url]
[url=]International Skeptics Forum[/url]
Example Output
International Skeptics Forum

Thread Linking
The [thread] tag allows you to link to threads by specifying the thread id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [thread]threadid[/thread]
Example Usage [thread]42918[/thread]
[thread=42918]Click Me![/thread]
(Note: The threadid/postid is just an example and may not link to a valid thread/post.)
Example Output
Click Me!

Post Linking
The [post] tag allows you to link to posts by specifying the post id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [post]postid[/post]
Example Usage [post]269302[/post]
[post=269302]Click Me![/post]
(Note: The threadid/postid is just an example and may not link to a valid thread/post.)
Example Output
Click Me!

Bulleted Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bulleted lists without specifying an option. Within the value portion, each bullet is denoted by the [*] tag.
Usage [list]value[/list]
Example Usage [list]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
Example Output
  • list item 1
  • list item 2

Advanced Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. The option should have a value of 1 (for a numbered list) or A (for an alphabetic with capital letters list) or a (for an alphabetic with lowercase letters list) or I (for a numbered with capital Roman numeral list) or i (for a numbered with small Roman numeral list).
Usage [list=Option]value[/list]
Example Usage [list=1]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2

[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
Example Output
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2

The [img] tag allows you to embed images within your posts. You can also combine this tag with the [url] tag to make images become links.
Usage [img]value[/img]
Example Usage [img][/img] (Not linked)

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Linked)
Example Output (Not linked)


The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width (monospace) font and preserves all spacing.
Usage [code]value[/code]
Example Usage [code]
<script type="text/javascript">
    alert("Hello world!");
Example Output
<script type="text/javascript">
	alert("Hello world!");

PHP Code
The [php] tag performs the same function as the [code] tag, but also adds syntax highlighting for PHP code. Although it is designed for PHP, it may correctly highlight some other C-like languages.
Usage [php]value[/php]
Example Usage [php]
$myvar = 'Hello World!';
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
    echo $myvar . "\n";
Example Output
PHP Code:
$myvar 'Hello World!';
for (
$i 0$i 10$i++)
$myvar "\n";

The [html] tag allows you to perform syntax highlighting for HTML code.
Usage [html]value[/html]
Example Usage [html]
<img src="image.gif" alt="image" />
<a href="testing.html" target="_blank">Testing</a>
Example Output
HTML Code:
<img src="image.gif" alt="image" />
<a href="testing.html" target="_blank">Testing</a>

The [quote] tag allows you to attribute text to someone else.
Usage [quote]Quote[/quote]
[quote=User Name]value[/quote]
Example Usage [quote]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
[quote=John Doe]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
[quote=John Doe;14425944]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
Example Output
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Originally Posted by John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Originally Posted by John Doe View Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The [noparse] tag allows you to stop the parsing of BB code.
Usage [noparse][b]value[/b][/noparse]
Example Usage [noparse][b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b][/noparse]
Example Output [b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b]

The [attach] tag allows you to display an attachment in your post rather than at the bottom. It will only display attachments that belong to the post in which it is utilized.
Usage [attach]attachmentid[/attach]
Example Usage [attach]12345[/attach]
Example Output

Add a explanation to an abbreviation
Usage [abbr=Option]value[/abbr]
Example Usage [abbr=International Skeptics Forum]ISF[/abbr]
Example Output ISF

Quote Bubble
Usage [bub]value[/bub]
Example Usage [bub]Testing[/bub]
Example Output

Quote Bubble (variable size)
Usage [bub=Option]value[/bub]
Example Usage [bub=100]Loud Testing[/bub]
Example Output

Devil's Advocate
Usage [da]value[/da]
Example Usage [da]I am the devil's advocate[/da]
Example Output Devil's Advocate: "I am the devil's advocate"

This tag allows you to add a pop-up definition box.
Usage [define=Option]value[/define]
Example Usage [define=International Skeptics Forum]ISF[/define]
Example Output ISF

Edit Box (Do not use)
This is used by the Moderating Team - do not use it.
Usage [edit=Option]value[/edit]
Example Usage [edit=Yourname]Test[/edit]
Example Output
Edited by Yourname:  Test

This tag builds on the existing quote tag by adding the "originally posted by" with propper formating.
Usage [fquote=Option]value[/fquote]
Example Usage [fquote=Upchurch]Testing the formatted quote tags[/fquote]
Example Output
Originally posted by Upchurch
Testing the formatted quote tags

Google Video
Embeds a Google Video into a post
Usage [gv]value[/gv]
Example Usage [gv]7926224311831896636[/gv]
Example Output
Google Video This video is not hosted by the ISF, the ISF can not be held responsible for the suitability or legality of this material. By clicking the link below you agree to view content from an external website.

Usage [hellfire]value[/hellfire]
Example Usage [hellfire]Burn, baby, burn![/hellfire]
Example Output Burn, baby, burn!

High light
Usage [hilite]value[/hilite]
Example Usage This [hilite]text[/hilite] is highlighted.
Example Output This text is highlighted.

Image Left
Image will appear to the left and the text of the post will flow around it.
Usage [imgl]value[/imgl]
Example Usage [imgl][/imgl]
Example Output

Image Width
Usage [imgw=Option]value[/imgw]
Example Usage [imgw=64][/imgw]
Example Output

Moderator Info Box (Do not use)
For displaying Moderator messages - do not use.
Usage [info=Option]value[/info]
Example Usage [info=Test]This is a Moderator only information box.[/info]
Example Output
Mod InfoThis is a Moderator only information box.
Posted By:Test

Invisible Text
Will make the colour of any text in the tag the same as the background colour.
Usage [invisible]value[/invisible]
Example Usage [invisible]This text is invisible[/invisible]
Example Output This text is invisible

It's that animated text scrolling by default from right to left
Usage [marquee]value[/marquee]
Example Usage [marquee]Annoying Scrolling text! [/marquee]
Example Output Annoying Scrolling text!

Usage [me]value[/me]
Example Usage /me Used the /me tag
Example Output /me Used the /me tag

Mini text
This should be the smallest text combination possible.
Usage [mini]value[/mini]
Example Usage [mini]test[/mini]
Example Output test

Moderator Box (Do not use)
For displaying Moderator messages - do not use.
Usage [mod=Option]value[/mod]
Example Usage [mod=Test]Test[/mod]
Example Output
Mod WarningTest
Responding to this modbox in thread will be off topic Posted By:Test

No Follow URL
Google (and other search engines) "nofollow" option for URLs these are ignored when calculating pageranks.
Usage [nfURL]value[/nfURL]
Example Usage [nfurl]www.linktoscamsite.czm[/nfurl]
Example Output [nfurl]www.linktoscamsite.czm[/nfurl]

Can be used to give a warning to Members that the contents may not be against the Forum's Rules but still may not be suitable for work or a non-private PC. E.g. links to loud noises, borderline OK websites, images, music and so on.
Usage [NSFW=Option]value[/NSFW]
Example Usage This is not suitable for work: [nsfw=Kitten picture][img][/img][/nsfw]
Example Output This is not suitable for work: [nsfw=Kitten picture][/nsfw]

Tasteful and refined ranting.
Usage [rant]value[/rant]
Example Usage [rant]I hate everything![/rant]
Example Output
RANT! I hate everything!

Reversed Text
Reversed text [reverse]Reversed text[/reverse]
Usage [reverse]value[/reverse]
Example Usage [reverse]This text should appear reversed.[/reverse]
Example Output This text should appear reversed.

Links to anchored spots in the Membership Agreement
Usage [rule=Option]value[/rule]
Example Usage You are in violation of [rule=rule8]Rule 8[/rule] of the membership agreement.
Example Output You are in violation of Rule 8 of the membership agreement.

Allows you post "hidden" text, clicking on the button will show or hide the hidden text.
Usage [spoiler]value[/spoiler]
Example Usage This [spoiler] is the spoiler [/spoiler] tag.
Example Output This
is the spoiler

snipped quote
Usage [squote=Option]value[/squote]
Example Usage [squote=Upchurch]Darat wanted this[/squote]
Example Output [quote=Upchurch]...snip...

Darat wanted this


Usage [strike]value[/strike]
Example Usage This is [strike]strikethough[/strike]
Example Output This is strikethough

Usage [sub]value[/sub]
Example Usage This is [sub]subscript[/sub] text.
Example Output This is subscript text.

Usage [sup]value[/sup]
Example Usage This is [sup]superscript[/sup] text
Example Output This is superscript text

With this vBCode tables ca be inserted into the post. Colums are seperated by »|«, every new line is a new row.
Usage [table]value[/table]
Example Usage [table]column 1|column 2|column 3[/table]
Example Output
column 1column 2column 3

New LaTex
Latex implementation
Usage [Tex]value[/Tex]
Example Usage [tex]%5CLaTeX[/tex]
Example Output [tex]%5CLaTeX[/tex]

Typewriter text
"Types" the text onto the screen, reccomended speed is 100.
Usage [ttext=Option]value[/ttext]
Example Usage [ttext=100]Wow - bet this one gets annoying very fast![/ttext]
Example Output

Typewriter Text
Usage [Ttext1]value[/Ttext1]
Example Usage [ttext1]Wow - this is super annoying![/ttext1]
Example Output [ttext1]Wow - this is super annoying![/ttext1]

Links directly to an article on Wikipedia
Usage [wiki]value[/wiki]
Example Usage [wiki]Randi[/wiki]
Example Output RandiWP

Extended Wikipedia Look-up
Usage [wikiX=Option]value[/wikiX]
Example Usage Randi is also known as the "[wikiX=randi]The Amazing Randi[/wikiX]"
Example Output Randi is also known as the "[wikiX=randi]The Amazing Randi[/wikiX]"

Dictionary Lookup
Looks up the linked word at
Usage [word]value[/word]
Example Usage [word]Skeptic[/word]
Example Output Skepticdict

Extra Hilite
Allows you to specify the color of the highlight
Usage [xhilite=Option]value[/xhilite]
Example Usage This [xhilite=pink]text[/xhilite] is highlighted in pink.
Example Output This text is highlighted in pink.

Usage [YT]value[/YT]
Example Usage [yt]eJFWSTD8vpQ[/yt]
Example Output [yt]eJFWSTD8vpQ[/yt]

Do not use no longer supported: YouTube Video
Usage [ytold]value[/ytold]
Example Usage [ytold]C0DPdy98e4c[/ytold]
Example Output
YouTube Video This video is not hosted by the ISF. The ISF can not be held responsible for the suitability or legality of this material. By clicking the link below you agree to view content from an external website.

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This forum began as part of the James Randi Education Foundation (JREF). However, the forum now exists as
an independent entity with no affiliation with or endorsement by the JREF, including the section in reference to "JREF" topics.

Disclaimer: Messages posted in the Forum are solely the opinion of their authors.