Ziggi Zugam wrote me that Kevin Ryan presented some new FTIR of some WTC red/gray chip, which "definitely debunks" Millette's study.
I'm not sure but Ziggi probably pointed to the FTIR in the article on Debunking the Debunkers, titled
"Answering Youtube Troll ctcole77's '3 QUESTIONS 911 TRUTHERS DON'T WANT YOU TO ASK THEM'"
Here is a screenshot, look at the upper part here:
The spectrum of some red/gray chip is the upper one, reference spectrum is taken from
the paper of Gash et al.
For unknown reason, Ryan chose to record his spectrum on the dark side of the chip, with "singed-like appearance". Like before, spectrum of the chip is almost unreadable, and is almost "featureless". Just some band corresponding to hydroxyl groups (above 3000 cm
-1) is visible, some vibrations at ca 2800 - 3000 cm
-1) corresponding to C-H, and the bands at ca 1600 cm
-1 and 1300 cm
-1 can be recognized.
This spectrum does not correspond to epoxy resin, but since it was taken on the "dark side", we can expect that the spectrum of some soot was basically recorded.
Here is for comparison
FTIR of soot of carbon black and soot from biomass:
Bands at ca 1600 and 1300 cm
-1 are visible, as well as that band of hydroxyls. So, this may be some hint, what Ryan really measured.
Anyway, since we naturally expect that various kinds of red/gray chips can be found in WTC dust, this FTIR of very bad quality indeed does not debunk anything, the less the Millette's study. I present it here just for the record
(And it is indeed fruitless to compare WTC red/gray chips with prevailing polymer binder with energetic nanocomposites made by Gash
et al, since they do not contain any polymer, but just minute amounts of low molar stuffs like alcohols or residual propylene oxide instead.)