See. It does happen, as I've said!
No one ever denied it. But we've specified the where and why.
Since when does James Randi -- or for that matter,
anyone -- owe anyone else a response to an e-mail? Why the hell are you and others so rude as to expect and demand a response to an e-mail when one may or may not be needed? Frankly, I find the whole idea insulting. Hell, if we're going to go with that attitude, are we now going to insist that every call from a telemarketer be answered, and lengthy conversations be engaged in regarding vinyl siding? Give me a break!
News Flash: People living real lives have real commitment they must fulfill BEFORE they answer every little e-mail that comes their way. They are deserving of respect for those commitments, and they deserve the time necessary to meet them. They are under NO obligation to respond to me or anyone else when I take the time to contact them with something I think is "important," "funny," "interesting," or "clever." If I choose to send something, that's fine, I suppose, but that's my choice to spend my time doing so. No one else is obligated to respond to what I send out.
The remarkable arrogance of some people that their EVERY WORD warrants a response, that their every action is somehow critical to every situation, is no longer amusing, it's sad and pathetic. Seriously, someone is in need of therapy, and soon.