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Who will win next weeks presidential debate?

Who will win next week's presidential debate?

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Since they can't bring in notes and can't consult with campaign staff during the two commercial breaks, Trump is going to have to rely on his knowledge of the issues and facts and use his 'amazing' memory.

He's screwed.

According to Ramin Setoodeh, who interviewed Trump post-presidency six times for his book "Apprentice in Wonderland," said Trump has severe short-term memory problems.

From audio of his interviews with Trump:

Rivers died in Sept. 2014, two years before the 2016 election.

Trump on why he had to finish up the interview:

This was after he'd left office and had not been granted access to intelligence briefings as other former presidents had. So what did he think he had to do with "the Afghanistan"?

Setooday had interviewed Trump several times starting in 2004, so he had a good foundation for being able to compare Trump's cognitive abilities from 20 years ago to now. He said that Trump is 'stuck' in The Apprentice where he's still the star and talked at times as if it were in the present and spoke in the present tense as if he was doing more shows and "playing the character". He said that Trump's memory of what he did in The Apprentice was "much stronger than what he did in the White House. He stumbled with the chronology of what he did in the White House. He stumbled with the chronology of recent events. He stumbled in terms of what happened in terms of our interviews when we spoke back to bac to back. He couldn't remember talking to me between our first and second conversations. His short term memory was very foggy and he had issues remebering things."

Setoodey said Trump was not interested in speaking about what he'd accomplished legislatively while POTUS or about governing, but only about the Covid vaccine and how it saved lives and how "cool it was that he could get someone on the phone almost immediately," after seeing someone on TV he wanted to speak to.

Trump also spoke about how he wished he'd run against Obama in 2012 because he could have beat him.

Setoodey says Trump wants to be loved and admired like Obama.

Trump will do his best to stick to his usual script:

"Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. Illegals, crime, Muslims, wall, Muslims, Israel, wall, weapons, Russia Russia Russia".

Thats it.
If, and that's a World Trade Center sized, "If', Trump shows up and make s complete clown show of himself, his excuse will be he was drugged.
"That's what happened, Crooked Joe Biden slipped me a mickey somehow. I'd have mopped the floor with him, but he drugged me. Some kind of horrible memory altering drug. That's what people are telling me, they're saying, 'Sir, you must have been drugged, that cooked bastard drugged you.', that's what they're saying."
I don't get why people are saying Trump won't be there, or even might not be there. What other event has he ever said he'd do and then not done? Certainly not a debate. Some Trump cult revivals have been cancelled because of weather or court dates, but not because of him backing out. Is this referring back to some glitzy New York City rich-people gathering he skipped back when he was doing his "I'm a glitzy New York City rich person" thing?
That's along the lines of what occurred to me this morning: If a candidate backs out, they should have the debate anyway with an empty chair. Ask the candidate who's there a question, let him answer, and give the empty chair two minutes to respond.

That would be the best option.

The worst option: Biden decides he really wants to debate someone with a working brain and invites the Green Party and Libertarian candidates on stage for the next two hours. Hopefully there are rules against such a disaster.
Trump last Tuesday at Wisconsin cult rally suggesting Biden is going to be 'pumped up' on cocaine before the debate. He's planting an excuse if Biden does well at the debate in the same way he planted the idea, months in advance, that the election would be 'rigged' if he lost months. This 'drugged up' excuse was also trotted out after the SOTU address to explain Biden's energy.

Joe Biden doesn’t have a clue. Now we’re gonna watch– is anybody gonna watch the debate? He’s gonna be so pumped up, he’s gonna be pumped up. You know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the White House? What happened?

Nothing was 'missing from the WH'. He's referring to the small bag of cocaine found almost a year ago, not 'about a month ago', in a visitors cubicle.

Somebody didn’t pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. I wonder who that could’ve been. I don’t know. Actually, I think it was Joe.

A small bag worth a few hundred dollars, not "hundreds of thousands of dollars worth".

Trumpers are just pathetic.
Drink if Biden uses any of these phrases:

"Convicted felon"
"Working families"
"Inflation reduction or Inflation Reduction Act"
"LGBTQ" (drink twice if he stumbles on the exact order)
"controlling women's bodies"

Drink if Trump uses any of these phrases:
"Greatest ever, best ever, lowest or highest ever" (referring to when he was President--limit 2)
"Worst ever, lowest or highest ever"(referring to Biden's term--limit 2)
Name checks an American recently killed by an immigrant
Claims 2020 election was stolen.
Refuses to promise unconditionally to honor the results of this election.

We're all going to risk alcohol poisoning within the first 30 minutes.
My own lists are somewhat different.

Drink if Biden uses any of these phrases:

"Convicted felon"
"Working families"
"Inflation reduction or Inflation Reduction Act"
"LGBTQ" (drink twice if he stumbles on the exact order)
"controlling women's bodies"
"Here's the deal."

Drink if Trump uses any of these phrases:
"Greatest ever, best ever, lowest or highest ever" (referring to when he was President--limit 2)
"Worst ever, lowest or highest ever"(referring to Biden's term--limit 2)
Name checks an American recently killed by an immigrant
Claims 2020 election was stolen.
Refuses to promise unconditionally to honor the results of this election.
"Biden crime family."
"Fake news."
"Witch hunt."
"Not going to have a country anymore." (or variations thereof)
Bump can't do a pressure free speech with teleprompter and stay on track. Hannibal L to whatever brainfart will be said out loud without ever hitting on a valid policy. No coaching, can't choose the subject matter and no teleprompter is going to be an unholy mess at his podium.
Biden does well staying on topic and stating planned policies all by himself.

Although I do suspect we need a betting pool on Gump backing out before we see who does better at a debate.

Oh, and how long before a fatal shart attack causes a unplanned break.

Since they can't bring in notes and can't consult with campaign staff during the two commercial breaks, Trump is going to have to rely on his knowledge of the issues and facts and use his 'amazing' memory.

He's screwed.

According to Ramin Setoodeh, who interviewed Trump post-presidency six times for his book "Apprentice in Wonderland," said Trump has severe short-term memory problems.

From audio of his interviews with Trump:

Rivers died in Sept. 2014, two years before the 2016 election.

Trump on why he had to finish up the interview:

This was after he'd left office and had not been granted access to intelligence briefings as other former presidents had. So what did he think he had to do with "the Afghanistan"?

Setooday had interviewed Trump several times starting in 2004, so he had a good foundation for being able to compare Trump's cognitive abilities from 20 years ago to now. He said that Trump is 'stuck' in The Apprentice where he's still the star and talked at times as if it were in the present and spoke in the present tense as if he was doing more shows and "playing the character". He said that Trump's memory of what he did in The Apprentice was "much stronger than what he did in the White House. He stumbled with the chronology of what he did in the White House. He stumbled with the chronology of recent events. He stumbled in terms of what happened in terms of our interviews when we spoke back to bac to back. He couldn't remember talking to me between our first and second conversations. His short term memory was very foggy and he had issues remebering things."

Setoodey said Trump was not interested in speaking about what he'd accomplished legislatively while POTUS or about governing, but only about the Covid vaccine and how it saved lives and how "cool it was that he could get someone on the phone almost immediately," after seeing someone on TV he wanted to speak to.

Trump also spoke about how he wished he'd run against Obama in 2012 because he could have beat him.

Setoodey says Trump wants to be loved and admired like Obama.

This is why his handlers can't let him do the debate. The problem will be convincing him, because he truly believes he's the smartest human in the history of humanity. Best bet will be for them to convince him the debate is rigged.
That's along the lines of what occurred to me this morning: If a candidate backs out, they should have the debate anyway with an empty chair. Ask the candidate who's there a question, let him answer, and give the empty chair two minutes to respond.

I prefer my "man in chicken suit" idea from a week back. Replace the no show with a man in a chicken suit who just goes "bawk bawk bawk" every time the camera turns to him.

Edit: meant to say a few weeks back. Total brainfart there.
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Biden can’t put two words together. ��

Except on the many, many occasions when he speaks fluently and coherently.

President Trump OTOH delivers stream of consciousness nonsense once he strays from the teleprompter.
Except on the many, many occasions when he speaks fluently and coherently.

President Trump OTOH delivers stream of consciousness nonsense once he strays from the teleprompter.

Bravo! So true! Are zorro and his ilk simply delusional, or does it go deeper? Like insanity?
I voted Trump wins, mainly because I think Biden's more likely to have a severe senior moment, but literally anything could happen, including one of them dropping dead. :jaw-dropp

There's also the fact that, historically, incumbents have tended to lose the first debate, although against Trump, that's undoubtedly less likely than it would be if Haley or DeSantis were the GOP nominee.
Trump has won - why do we even need do the debate? Everyone knows Trump wins, most of the press on the right filed their stories of his immense success, his huge success, his historic success from the airport as they jetted off on their holidays. The left posted their stories about how disappointing Biden was and how he failed to land a knock-out as they packed their cars for the family camping holiday.
Former White House Doctor Demands Biden Gets Tested for ‘Performance-Enhancing Drugs’ Before and After Debate

During an appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Jackson told host Maria Bartiromo he was planning to send a letter to the current White House physician and Biden’s Cabinet, saying, “It’s embarrassing that I have to do this, and it’s really embarrassing as a former White House physician to have to do something like this, but we don’t have any choice based on what’s going on.”

“But I’m gonna be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs,” he added.

Jackson insisted the president’s performance at the State of the Union was “not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three and a half years. And there’s surely no way to explain that other than he was on something, that they’d given him medication.”

Do I do the ED joke here? Or in another thread?
I voted Trump wins, mainly because I think Biden's more likely to have a severe senior moment, but literally anything could happen, including one of them dropping dead. :jaw-dropp

that's why I want them both on amphetamines. whatever happens, it will happen that much faster.

There's also the fact that, historically, incumbents have tended to lose the first debate, although against Trump, that's undoubtedly less likely than it would be if Haley or DeSantis were the GOP nominee.

that's usually for 2 reasons

1) The challenger doesn't have a record to use against them as president. There's no failures of their administration to harp on. Even their record at the current or previous office is miniscule compared to the presidency.

2) The challenger usually just survived a primary that included a bunch of debates, so they have been practicing

Trump already has a record of failure in the Oval Office and skipped the Republican primary debates.
I went for "draw". I expect that Biden will win when viewed objectively since he might actually on occasion give a reasoned response to a question while Trump will just hurl gibberish for the MAGA masses, but every stumble or stammer by Biden will be interpreted as a sign of diminishing mental capability.

I am actually surprised that Trump hasn't come up with an excuse to back out yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he is delaying announcing who his VP candidate will be so that he will have something to divert attention if he has a bad showing.
Karoline Leavitt
You cut off my microphone for bringing up the debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies.

This proved our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly on Thursday.

Yet he is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win.

Kasie Hunt
You come on my show, you respect my

Uh-huh. So, some smooth brained lackey cries about not being allowed to disparage CNN personnel during an interview on CNN is proof of something?
My own lists are somewhat different.

"Here's the deal."

"Biden crime family."
"Fake news."
"Witch hunt."
"Not going to have a country anymore." (or variations thereof)
Do your liver a favor, make them small sips.
1) The challenger doesn't have a record to use against them as president. There's no failures of their administration to harp on. Even their record at the current or previous office is miniscule compared to the presidency.

2) The challenger usually just survived a primary that included a bunch of debates, so they have been practicing

Trump already has a record of failure in the Oval Office and skipped the Republican primary debates.

3) The incumbent generally hasn't had people challenging him on much of anything for the previous four years.

But Trump probably hasn't either, in this case.
Yeah like all the liberals when McCain ran :rolleyes: Actually, he didn't even sound old, but of course it was just a lame excuse to hate on him.
I must've missed all the McCain-hate-because-he's-old activity!

Really, this debate, like Trump's conviction, mean nothing. People's standards are so low and mindless blind extremism so rampant that Trump could come off like an obnoxious if not outright psychotic loon and Biden could come off like a bumbling, inept, senile oaf and still 99.9% of all conservatives will vote for Trump and 99.9% of all liberals will vote for Biden.

So.....close race.
Yep, they're just exactly the same!
Bravo! So true! Are zorro and his ilk simply delusional, or does it go deeper? Like insanity?

Except on the many, many occasions when he speaks fluently and coherently.

President Trump OTOH delivers stream of consciousness nonsense once he strays from the teleprompter.

Or just gullible. Most Trumpers have never actually listened to Biden speaking, they just believe what they see on the far right media.
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Oh I'm totally going to watch it, with popcorn. I don't expect anything remotely useful to come out of it, but watching a bombastic blowhard with no substance and a confused fossil with dementia try to answer loaded questions is sure to be entertaining in a Twilight Zone sort of way.
I'm confused*. Who else but Biden and Trump will be participating?

*Maybe I'm confused with dementia?
During an appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Jackson told host Maria Bartiromo

Betcha that was fair and balanced. I've been told that once upon a time Bartiromo was a pretty good finance reporter. Never heard anything good about Jackson (Johnson) though. Maybe his rather promiscuous prescription pen?
that's why I want them both on amphetamines. whatever happens, it will happen that much faster.
At least I laughed, so something worthwhile came out of this debate.
that's usually for 2 reasons

1) The challenger doesn't have a record to use against them as president. There's no failures of their administration to harp on. Even their record at the current or previous office is miniscule compared to the presidency.

2) The challenger usually just survived a primary that included a bunch of debates, so they have been practicing

Trump already has a record of failure in the Oval Office and skipped the Republican primary debates.
One of the problems, folks seem to have forgotten how bad Trump really was. I mean it was like, 3.5 years ago. Honestly, that's not nearly as bad has he will be, any republicans that still have any spine won't work for him. Who's gonna be the Bob Barr to say, "no mr president, you lost that election" or the pence do say, "No, I can't overturn the election".
Betcha that was fair and balanced. I've been told that once upon a time Bartiromo was a pretty good finance reporter. Never heard anything good about Jackson (Johnson) though. Maybe his rather promiscuous prescription pen?

No, she just wasn't head over heels in the cult. She was always a Wall Street cheerleader. Her job was to do fluff pieces for CEOs.
I bet Trump tries to steal the headlines by announcing his VP pick at the start.
Except on the many, many occasions when he speaks fluently and coherently.

President Trump OTOH delivers stream of consciousness nonsense once he strays from the teleprompter.

Biden only is cohernent when he's on performance-enhancing speech drugs...

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