Did you take that photo?
So everyone just abandonded you and slammed a door in your face? You're not cool enough to be part of their club?
No one seems to be tweeting about it.
I know. Why aren't you on the inside? Was it all a super secret surprise?
And I can read the "do not enter" sign. What's the other one say?
Richard Saunders and DJ Grothe stepped out of a workshop session early due to something "exciting" related to the MDC, but that's all that was announced, AFAIK.
ETA: To be clear, no one in the TAM audience was let into the room before it was sealed. There is still an MDC event scheduled for Sunday, but we don't know how whatever is sealed in the room is related.
It could just be that the signs are up in preparation for the "$1M challenge demonstration ...on Sunday".
Speaking of which, who/what are they testing?
And did you try opening the door?
So, at this point, we are assuming that there are things sealed in that room and not people, right? So will the challenge be to guess what's behind the sealed door? Is there really a room at TAM that's used for nothing other than to conceal----I don't know----a model airplane?
Since it's not a green door, I have no interest in what is behind it.
And so... What happened?
A gentleman from Algeria was attempting to remote view 3 numbered items (out of a known list of 20 items) in the sealed room. Part of the protocol was that the room be sealed for three days -- this was per the applicant. I don't have the full list of items that they worked from.
He stayed in Algeria. During the live challenge, he was contacted by phone by his representative who was present here in Las Vegas. Translation was required.
He guessed number 5 - Paper Towels, 13 - Coat Hanger and 22 - Chips. The door was then unsealed to reveal that the items were a 11 - Necktie, 10 - Stuffed Elephant and (someone correct me) a 23 - Coaster?
He accepted the failure with the caveat that this is the holy month of Ramadan which may have affected his "vision" -- also, he usually works from a list of items that he prepares. But he and his representative were gracious and noted the professionalism of the JREF team.
Because of the Ramadan issue, the JREF announced that they were prepared to wave the 12 month wait for a retest and would be willing to test him after Ramadan and it appears this was accepted and they will work together to set a date.
He usually prepares the list or he usually prepares the actual items? And under what circumstances has he prepared such a list before? I know you are only reporting what you know. You might not have the answers to these questions.
They explained this. He would provide only the list (examples: chair, ball), not the items. The tester would then procure the items.
There was no mention of when he has provided a list before. His representative stated "that's what he usually does", translating the applicant's post-test response.
Nevertheless, prior to the test he was specifically asked about his confidence level with the JREF protocol and he replied (again, through translation) that he was very confident.
5 sealed items out of 25 possible known items
3 numbered items (out of a known list of 20 items)...
A gentleman from Algeria was attempting to remote view 3 numbered items (out of a known list of 20 items) in the sealed room. Part of the protocol was that the room be sealed for three days -- this was per the applicant. I don't have the full list of items that they worked from.
He stayed in Algeria. During the live challenge, he was contacted by phone by his representative who was present here in Las Vegas. Translation was required.
He guessed number 5 - Paper Towels, 13 - Coat Hanger and 22 - Chips. The door was then unsealed to reveal that the items were a 11 - Necktie, 10 - Stuffed Elephant and (someone correct me) a 23 - Coaster?
He accepted the failure with the caveat that this is the holy month of Ramadan which may have affected his "vision" -- also, he usually works from a list of items that he prepares. But he and his representative were gracious and noted the professionalism of the JREF team.
Because of the Ramadan issue, the JREF announced that they were prepared to wave the 12 month wait for a retest and would be willing to test him after Ramadan and it appears this was accepted and they will work together to set a date.
So to clarify, he had to identify 3 items out of 25 possible ones?
Was his representative someone who lives in Vegas? If they re-do the test will it have to be in Vegas again for that reason?
And was there an explanation of why JREF did not allow him to make his own list this time?