Penultimate Amazing
Sure, they would be able to tell at a glance if the note had the correct number of stamps on it (no need to complicate this). If the note was deficient then the proprietor would not accept it (or, if they thought they were savvy, they would offer to place the necessary stamps on the note and charge a premium for doing so).
Eletcronic payments are displacing cash at most establishments. It is just more convenient. Simply wave your card (or mobile phone) at the EFTPOS terminal and the payment is done. I don't know how many notes you think the average person would be carrying at any one time but I doubt that it would be much more than what you could count with one hand.
Various regions in the US replicated the Worgl experiment in the 1930s and those that did it properly also had success (and also ran into trouble with the US treasury).
In fact, it there was a proposal to apply demurrage nationally. As history shows, Roosevelt went down a different path. He took the US off the gold standard and adopted a policy of perpetual inflation.
As I said upthread, this is not a new discussion.
How would they know this unless the time of issuance was made clearly visible on every note? I go to the grocery store and buy 73 bucks worth of groceries, with three twenties, a ten and a five, and get two singles back. If they were issued in different months, presumably they'd have different numbers of stamps on them, and the grocery clerk would have to identify each of them individually, and calculate for each whether the number of stamps was correct, and if not, either refuse them or recalculate their value (or as you prefer it, would have to dig out the stamps and affix them and add their cost to the tally).
Sure, you can so it all electronically these days, but not everyone does and not for everything. The system envisioned, workable as it might be in a cashless society, would be a nightmare without a considerable change in the way we go about many of our daily expenditures.
I suppose people who hate the visibility and annoyance of panhandlers would be happy with it though. Let 'em eat cake.