Chief Solipsistic, Autosycophant
This is something that has been festering in my craw for quite some time now; I raised this issue previously in other discussions, but so far as I can see never received any real response. It was simply ignored.
I am talking about this whole Pear Cables fiasco. Debates here about it seem to focus primarily on whether James Randi can win it, or how it should be set up, or how dishonest Pear Cables is, etc. The issue I do not see being discussed is why on earth JREF is wasting its time on a completely pointless issue, and one that has nothing that I can see to do with the stated goals and purposes of the JREF!
It was explained to me by a member of the JREF staff, in another thread on this topic, that the decision to go after Pear Cables was a decision made by James Randi alone. It is his own personal cause celebre. And that would be fine, if he was using his own time and resources to pursue it. But he's not. He is using the time -- that is, paid time -- of JREF staff to pursue it. He is, in doing so, taking away from time and energy that could be more effectively focused on other, more important issues.
I run a non-profit organization myself. One of the very core principles of that organization is that my first responsibility is to the people who support my organization. I can't simply take their money then use it for whatever personal project grabs my attention.
Now, is Pear making claims that are exaggerated, or without merit? Quite likely. I'm certainly not defending them. But exactly what "negative impact" is this having on society? Who is it that is being "victimized"? Are there elderly grandmothers spending the last of their savings to buy thousand dollar cables? Or grieving mothers who are being bilked of their money based on false promises?
No. The people who are spending (admittedly ludicrous) amounts of money on such cables are people who are spending equally ludicrous amounts of money on other stereo components. Nobody's going out and buying a $50 stereo, then buying thousand dollar cables to make it sound better.
This is an issue which affects an extremely tiny portion of our population...I doubt it would even reach 0.01%. And of those it does affect, I don't feel a terribly great amount of concern for them, considering how much money they willingly put into all sorts of components, some of which have great value, some of which have little or no value. For many of them, it is more about bragging rights (who has the best or most expensive system) than anything else.
So...what is capturing all the attention right now? And what are JREF staff spending time and energy on? A trivial issue which, even if indisputably resolved in James Randi's favor, will have little or no impact on almost anybody.
Meanwhile, much more serious frauds and scams are going on...issues that the JREF should be spending time, energy, and money on.
Do I want to donate money to fund an organization that, apparently, sets its priorities and agendas at the whim of one man? No. Do I want to donate money that I intend to be used to address serious issues that affect a significant number of people, and instead find that organization's time and money being wasted on frivolous and pointless efforts like this? No.
JREF relies on donations. I'll be very, very willing to bet that, if asked, by far the vast majority of those donors would not have agreed to have their donations used in the manner that James Randi has chosen.
As I said elsewhere -- if James Randi is prepared to pay for all costs incurred by JREF, including staff salaries for time spent on it, as well as compensation for the time lost on other more important issues -- then I withdraw any and all complaints. But as it is, I see an organization that serves not at the pleasure of those who support it, but rather at the whim of one single man, who feels he has the right to engage in any petty vendetta he wishes, regardless of whether that actually fits with the stated goals and principles of that organization, or the desires of the people who have so generously supported that organization.
I set up my organization in such a manner that such abuse, or unilateral control by one individual, would be impossible. I did so because I knew that there would come times when my own ego would push me to do something that wasn't necessarily in line with the wishes of those who supported me.
Apparently, that is not the case with the JREF. Everything that I can see -- from how this forum is run, to how the JREF is run -- indicates that it is run at the whim of one man, and whatever peccadillos he may have. The stated goals and purposes of the organization are ignored (or stretched to their breaking point); the wishes of those who generously support that organization are irrelevant.
Forget all the arguments about if James Randi can win the challenge, of if he'll lose, of if the other side will back down. Forget all the debates about how best to set up the test, or what the criteria should be, or who should be involved. The core question, in my mind, is whether this is something that the JREF should ever have wasted time on to begin with.
Of course, if someone can show me how the sale of Pear Cables is actually having a significant detrimental impact on a sizable portion of our society -- like Sylvia Browne, or homeopathic medicine -- please feel free to educate me, and demonstrate how an issue that seems so incredibly tangential and insignificant to me actually deserves to have all this time and energy spent on it.
I am talking about this whole Pear Cables fiasco. Debates here about it seem to focus primarily on whether James Randi can win it, or how it should be set up, or how dishonest Pear Cables is, etc. The issue I do not see being discussed is why on earth JREF is wasting its time on a completely pointless issue, and one that has nothing that I can see to do with the stated goals and purposes of the JREF!
It was explained to me by a member of the JREF staff, in another thread on this topic, that the decision to go after Pear Cables was a decision made by James Randi alone. It is his own personal cause celebre. And that would be fine, if he was using his own time and resources to pursue it. But he's not. He is using the time -- that is, paid time -- of JREF staff to pursue it. He is, in doing so, taking away from time and energy that could be more effectively focused on other, more important issues.
I run a non-profit organization myself. One of the very core principles of that organization is that my first responsibility is to the people who support my organization. I can't simply take their money then use it for whatever personal project grabs my attention.
Now, is Pear making claims that are exaggerated, or without merit? Quite likely. I'm certainly not defending them. But exactly what "negative impact" is this having on society? Who is it that is being "victimized"? Are there elderly grandmothers spending the last of their savings to buy thousand dollar cables? Or grieving mothers who are being bilked of their money based on false promises?
No. The people who are spending (admittedly ludicrous) amounts of money on such cables are people who are spending equally ludicrous amounts of money on other stereo components. Nobody's going out and buying a $50 stereo, then buying thousand dollar cables to make it sound better.
This is an issue which affects an extremely tiny portion of our population...I doubt it would even reach 0.01%. And of those it does affect, I don't feel a terribly great amount of concern for them, considering how much money they willingly put into all sorts of components, some of which have great value, some of which have little or no value. For many of them, it is more about bragging rights (who has the best or most expensive system) than anything else.
So...what is capturing all the attention right now? And what are JREF staff spending time and energy on? A trivial issue which, even if indisputably resolved in James Randi's favor, will have little or no impact on almost anybody.
Meanwhile, much more serious frauds and scams are going on...issues that the JREF should be spending time, energy, and money on.
Do I want to donate money to fund an organization that, apparently, sets its priorities and agendas at the whim of one man? No. Do I want to donate money that I intend to be used to address serious issues that affect a significant number of people, and instead find that organization's time and money being wasted on frivolous and pointless efforts like this? No.
JREF relies on donations. I'll be very, very willing to bet that, if asked, by far the vast majority of those donors would not have agreed to have their donations used in the manner that James Randi has chosen.
As I said elsewhere -- if James Randi is prepared to pay for all costs incurred by JREF, including staff salaries for time spent on it, as well as compensation for the time lost on other more important issues -- then I withdraw any and all complaints. But as it is, I see an organization that serves not at the pleasure of those who support it, but rather at the whim of one single man, who feels he has the right to engage in any petty vendetta he wishes, regardless of whether that actually fits with the stated goals and principles of that organization, or the desires of the people who have so generously supported that organization.
I set up my organization in such a manner that such abuse, or unilateral control by one individual, would be impossible. I did so because I knew that there would come times when my own ego would push me to do something that wasn't necessarily in line with the wishes of those who supported me.
Apparently, that is not the case with the JREF. Everything that I can see -- from how this forum is run, to how the JREF is run -- indicates that it is run at the whim of one man, and whatever peccadillos he may have. The stated goals and purposes of the organization are ignored (or stretched to their breaking point); the wishes of those who generously support that organization are irrelevant.
Forget all the arguments about if James Randi can win the challenge, of if he'll lose, of if the other side will back down. Forget all the debates about how best to set up the test, or what the criteria should be, or who should be involved. The core question, in my mind, is whether this is something that the JREF should ever have wasted time on to begin with.
Of course, if someone can show me how the sale of Pear Cables is actually having a significant detrimental impact on a sizable portion of our society -- like Sylvia Browne, or homeopathic medicine -- please feel free to educate me, and demonstrate how an issue that seems so incredibly tangential and insignificant to me actually deserves to have all this time and energy spent on it.
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