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  • You may need to edit your signatures.

    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

Welcome new Members! Introduce yourselves here!

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If I recall correctly the editing window, for any post, is two hours.

ETA: Within that window the edit button will appear first on the lower right.
And again, that window is for historical reasons. When this forum was owned by the James Randi Educational Foundation and used for challenges where there was literally a million dollars at stake, they didn't want people to be able to claim that they did or didn't say something earlier in the thread and justify themselves by going back and editing older posts.
And again, that window is for historical reasons. When this forum was owned by the James Randi Educational Foundation and used for challenges where there was literally a million dollars at stake, they didn't want people to be able to claim that they did or didn't say something earlier in the thread and justify themselves by going back and editing older posts.
I think it still is helpful, since many posts elicit specific responses, and changing the thing responded to can be dishonest, and even when honest it can be confusing. In fast moving threads, its a good idea, I think, to make even quick edits obvious with an "edit to add" notation, unless one is just cleaning up typos or polishing language.
Hello all from mexico city.

Hello all from mexico city.

This forum do have very very interesting information in all their posts.

Possiblyment my future posts could have too a some words of interest for the members of this forum.

My native idiom is not the english idiom, but i will do all the possible for to communicate well.

Thanks, and regards.
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Hello fellow humans.

I promise I'm not an alien (unless you're from somewhere other than Earth, in which case I am. Also Hi!).

I haven't even eavesdropped for a while before this so this should be fun! I prefer to jump in headfirst and ask questions later - unless I've already ratonalised everything and don't bother asking questions because I've assumed the answers already.

Be prepared!
I promise I'm not an alien (unless you're from somewhere other than Earth, in which case I am. Also Hi!).

I haven't even eavesdropped for a while before this so this should be fun! I prefer to jump in headfirst and ask questions later - unless I've already ratonalised everything and don't bother asking questions because I've assumed the answers already.

Be prepared!

Welcome, nezumi. As far as I know my paternal grandfather was an anchor alien. Born here on Earth (as well as the USA) while his parents had to go back from whence they came. Also I don't recall any kind of bot test when signing up.

So human or not, wellcome everyone.

To quote Caesar from "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes"

"And we, who are not human, can afford to be humane."
As far as I know I was born on earth or a facsimile of it (some might make a case that New Haven is,like the mouth of a Klein bottle, not exactly in or out and its somewhere is not quite anywhere) but have been told often enough to return to earth that it's a little ambiguous where I have been since, so welcome, fellow traveler.
That didn't take long, did it? Eager for a new learning experience, Caroline, eager as always to get the terminology just right, tests for the difference between a suspension and a ban. In this cruel world of plots and deceivers and shills and malevolent medicine and virtue signaling libwoke cabals it's hard to be certain what the enemy really means. Now you know for sure. Well done.
Hello, I am a new member.
Sorry about my English in advance: it's not my native language.
And remember you can always check out all the past introductions and welcome messages in the original "Welcome new posters! Introduce yourselves here!" thread.

I tried, because clicking on links few others probably bother with floats my boat, but it came back with
"No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator". You are hereby served notice, kind admin.

Some intriguing stuff not far upthread about plots and deceivers and shills and malevolent medicine. Sounds like I'd better steer clear.

I've been on forums like forever, it feels weird to have a New Blood currently right above where some day I'll be allowed an avatar. But New Blood I am. Is there an initiation rite I should be made aware of, or will it happen when I'm least expecting it?
I tried, because clicking on links few others probably bother with floats my boat, but it came back with
"No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator". You are hereby served notice, kind admin.

Some intriguing stuff not far upthread about plots and deceivers and shills and malevolent medicine. Sounds like I'd better steer clear.

I've been on forums like forever, it feels weird to have a New Blood currently right above where some day I'll be allowed an avatar. But New Blood I am. Is there an initiation rite I should be made aware of, or will it happen when I'm least expecting it?

Hiya and Welcome Aboard!

If you are asking about when you change from New Blood and can have an avatar, it is based on your post count. Rack up like 50 posts I think, and you can upload or choose one.
I've been on forums like forever, it feels weird to have a New Blood currently right above where some day I'll be allowed an avatar. But New Blood I am. Is there an initiation rite I should be made aware of, or will it happen when I'm least expecting it?
As Thermal said, that title will change automatically the more posts you have. Also, you can request that title be customized. There is some thread in the Forum Management area for that but I can't recall it's exact name.
As Thermal said, that title will change automatically the more posts you have. Also, you can request that title be customized. There is some thread in the Forum Management area for that but I can't recall it's exact name.

I think it is Custom Title, please? or something like that.
Yep! And I also live a few miles away from Roger Daltrey, though alas we've never met.

Very good. If I'd thought of that, I might have used it instead of dasmiller.

Several years ago, I was on a business trip to Florida and I was having a beer in the hotel bar. I was the only customer, and the bartender (a very young woman) said, "Hey, do you know a band called Who?"
"You mean 'The Who?' Sure, why?"
"They were here last night."
"In Orlando?"
"No, here at the bar." And she fooled around with her phone for a minute and pulled up a picture of herself with Pete Townshend (if I remember correctly). I think she had no idea who he was, and had only a vague idea who The Who were, but one of the other customers that night had recognized them.

Of course, for the next couple of days, I hung out there whenever I had the chance, but they never reappeared.
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Yep! And I also live a few miles away from Roger Daltrey, though alas we've never met.

When I saw "905", I thought ah ha, a Fellow Ontarian! 905 is an area code for the chunk of of Canada I live in. :(

But welcome anyway. :D

About 1970 a friend of mine had her apartment robbed and her Bob Dylan record stolen along with her record player. She had to spell Dylan for the PC she reported the incident to. He asked is that spelt "D i l l o n"?

Plus ça change.
I chose 905 because one of the verses wore a groove into my head way back when:

Everything I do's been done before
Ev'ry sentence in my head
Someone else has said

It comes to mind whenever I'm working on something. Can't say it helps with writer's block.
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Yep! And I also live a few miles away from Roger Daltrey, though alas we've never met.
I was fortunate enough to shake hands with The Who's second drummer a couple of weeks ago. :)
Is "dasmiller" a Who reference?
Very tenuous connection, I know someone who was, until recently, a very good Keith Moon style drummer in a Who tribute band, who is a freelance millwright. :D
Very tenuous connection, I know someone who was, until recently, a very good Keith Moon style drummer in a Who tribute band, who is a freelance millwright. :D

I was thinking something like that might be behind "dasmiller" specifically him being a guitarist that imitated Townshend's windmill guitar strums. Perhaps dasmiller can retcon what his handle means.
I was thinking something like that might be behind "dasmiller" specifically him being a guitarist that imitated Townshend's windmill guitar strums. Perhaps dasmiller can retcon what his handle means.

Let's see, the 'da' could be for Daltrey, I like the 'mill' for windmill, but I kinda need the m for Moon. Hmmm . . .
When I saw "905", I thought ah ha, a Fellow Ontarian! 905 is an area code for the chunk of of Canada I live in. :(

But welcome anyway. :D

About 1970 a friend of mine had her apartment robbed and her Bob Dylan record stolen along with her record player. She had to spell Dylan for the PC she reported the incident to. He asked is that spelt "D i l l o n"?

Plus ça change.

First thing that came to my mind was a St. Louis area Liquor stores from the 70's...

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I'm not really new... I joined a long time ago but haven't been here in a while, apart from a brief visit during the US election last year.

I've been going through a trip down memory lane today, remembering the good old days of the JREF forum and 9/11 conspiracies (Click the link in my sig! I dare you!). I wish I hadn't visited "In memoriam...". So many names I remember... even the foes like Rob Balsamo!

I ended up falling down the rabbit hole of trying to figure out how this became the ISF forum. I found out years ago, but never tried untangling the web until now. Bloody hell is that a long story. I'm glad Darat stayed in the end; he deserved better than to be treated like that.

Anyway, I didn't contribute much (official "popcorn gallery" member from the 9/11 forum), so likely noone remembers me. It still brings back many memories though of fun times before the great chisms. It's really hard to process when you learn one of your idols had a very backwards attitude on acceptable behaiviour at skeptics conferences, but I digress.

So... I guess this is a post to say hello! I remember you!

Especially (and in no particular order): Darat, Lisa S, Orphia Nay, boloboffin, Gravy, kookbreaker, Oliver, Sabrina, LibraryLady, Arkan_Wolfshade, some of who are long gone from the forum, a few others I haven't mentioned who are long gone from life (RIP), and probably 1,000 others who's usernames I can't recall.

It's good to see some of you are still active.

EDIT: Wow, 1994 posts... what the heck did I say with them?

EDIT AGAIN: And Scrut! How could I forget Scrut?! Good to see you still think you're the smartest person in the room!
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