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Was this forum the only thing propping up the JREF website?

I wouldn't be surprised if the visits to randi.org fall off dramatically once the link to the new forum is dropped from their site.

Not sure what is going on now. Maybe they are upgrading to the new site, which they've been talking about for a very long while.

Personally, I'm glad this forum is moving on in another direction (and we're on a new server which is still up!). The JREF seems not to know quite what it is doing anymore.
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There's pretty much nothing of interest there to read.

Randi: I also want to reassure you that, never fear, the Million Dollar Challenge lives on!

Really? Sounds like meaningless hype at this point.

It always seemed to me that the first step for some potential applicants in approaching the MDC was through the forum. Certain members seemed to take it upon themselves to patiently vet those who thought they wanted to develop a protocol for an attempt at the Million Dollar Challenge. Now the JREF still has the funds, but do they have anyone who can work with applicants, a thankless task? If very many applicants' requests are met with frustration, it could be the death knell of the challenge with possibly unsavory repercussions for the foundation. I'm thinking they may just drop the MDC at some point and use the funds for something else.
Personally I think cutting the forums loose will be the final chapter for JREF. James has lost the plot, and was never very good at working with others as his history clearly shows. :(
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