The sim for the new phone came with it, they just ported my number to it, so it 'should' have everything possible as of about a year ago when I got the new phone..
Because I live in a (VERY) rural area, we were advised to get a 4GX rather than a 4G phone (different band apparently- 4GX does 4G and a different 'long distance' frequency, not accessible to the 'normal' 4G phones) but the choice of phones was (still is) quite limited, and neither my 4GX or my partners even more basic 4GX seems capable of using wifi calling/SMS- which is stupid as country users like myself often have sat wifi (either Skymuster, or Starlink, which is rapidly taking all of Skymusters clients lol) which would make our lives a LOT better...
Mines a LG X-230 (a smart phone- well telstras idea of one anyway) my partners is a VERY basic Telsra ZTE- more like an old nokia than a smart phone- it 'can' access the internet (sorta) but it has physical buttons, and you use the old 'push once for A, twice for B, three times for C' type writing an sms/email on it- very restricting lol... with no touch screen... (mind you- I still paid over $270 for the LG, and even the ZTE was just under $200!!!)
This beast is the ZTE lol
Hell it's gone up since then!!! That's the same price basically I paid for my 'smart phone' 4GX at the time...
The LG...
Why I'd LOVE wifi calling- my place is where the arrow is (taken from the (dirt) road out the front when I bought my place lol
My driveway is 550m long- I can literally go from a standing start in the 8 tonne tilt-tray at the gate and be exceeding the state road 110kmh speed limit in it before I am anywhere near the end of it....