Thing about selling short..leaving out the ethical your timing has to be precise and exact; you really do have to know when to fold.
A lot of the Day traders/reddit yahoos are clueless here,which is why they will get soaked.
It works a little like the classic Ponzi/Pyramid scheme; the people who started it and got in early will make money;everybody else will get soaked.
I dislike the big Hedgefunds as much as anybody an if possible I would make selling short illegal (not sure that is feasible) but don't tell me a bunch of yahoos on Reddit are some kind of Heroic Proletarian Resistence to THE MAN when they are bunch of wannabe gamblers
who are not very good at it.
One take away from the sanctification of the day traders I see from many on the left;The left is a prone to fall for the "wisdom of the common man" malarkey as the right is. Populism in any form is poison.
This is one of the most disturbing things about this situation.
I bet you that
NONE of the people who were buying Gamestop stocks, or praising this effort to "get back" at Wall Street, actually did any research into the company itself. The fact is that this company
deserved to be in the state it was before this stock "pump" occurred.
For example, on YouTube (before the deluge of videos praising this stock "stunt,") the majority of videos on the site concerning the company had to do with
all the ways Gamestop had "shafted" their customers & employees. And don't even get me started on their attempts to claim that they were an
"essential business" 
during the worst of the shutdowns that some states had implemented to control the spread of Covid-19.
As well as this, Gamestop's entire business model is in serious danger, as it appears that the major console companies are themselves moving into the same digital distribution model that the Windows, Mac, and Linux gaming communities have largely moved to years ago.
From what I have been hearing these people have also been "pumping" the stocks of companies like the movie chain AMC. Now in that case I
might slightly 
agree with this, as one of the major reason that company is in trouble is due to external forces - mainly the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions that led them to shutting down the vast majority of their multiplexes for months.
But Gamestop -