1) CIT found their witnesses from the interviews done by the center for military history in the first few months following the 9/11.
2) For this particular video it focuses on William legacy who testified to the same thing he said to CIT less than 3 months after 9/11
3) yes, people definitely do forget things and they also remember the same event differently when of course logically, only one version of that event can be correct.. This happens all the time... Anyone who's married can attest to that.
You know what doesn't happen? Dozens of people who don't know each other all remembering an event in the exact same way, and that event happening in some other way.
4) People also remember with great clarity events of great importance. The first time they kissed their spouse, the birth of their child, the death of a parent.
Whether a Boeing 757 jumbo jet was flying within a couple hundred feet in front of them with a view unobstructed by buildings or trees or anything, over a national landmark where they work and crashing into the Pentagon, or 1100 feet in the complete opposite direction hidden behind a giant building and then disappearing behind another one.
No one would "forget" that.
There was no NoC flight path... The FDR and RADAR define the flight path, as does damage, and the exact course of 77 as it flew into the Pentagon, the same course in the FDR...
Thus, it does not matter if the witnesses say 77 was on the NoC, there is no way they can know how far 77 was from them, they do not have laser guns for distance, eyes are fooled.
An aircraft they saw was big, and thus looks closer...
I have seen many CIT witnesses on CIT Video pointing exactly to the real flight path as defined by damage, FDR, and Radar.
Thus Sgt Lagasse can say anything, does not make his testimony days after, weeks after, even years after correct.
If Sgt Lagasse saw 77, it was on the real flight path, if he says it was on the idiotic delusional NoC, he is wrong...
Please draw your flight path, or stop posting BS from CIT who appear to be the worse investigators in history, and who seem to of made up the NoC while high.
Your dozen of witnesses CIT interviewed, are pointing to the real flight path... are you unable to orientate a map? Do you realize they are pointing to the real flight path, not the NoC?
When will you debunk RADAR from over 5 sites, and the FDR found in the Pentagon on the exact course of damage listed in the FDR... plus how did 77 hit the lampposts on the NoC, your fantasy based on your trust in CIT idiots.
How does Sgt Lagasse explain the lamppost damaged by 77? Did CIT tell him the lampposts were knocked down?
Please draw the flight path which includes the downed lampposts based on your failed belief of his testimony... good luck... BTW, it takes over 7 or 8 gs or more to do that based on your faith in CIT and Sgt L's testimony... which is impossible. You might need some math to figure out you have been fooled by the idiots, CIT.
Did you take advance math?
Thus, you have to debunk the FDR.
and the Radar data from 5 sites.
and debunk the damage on the course 77 was on as confirmed in the FDR.
oops, he is a CIT witness, and he points to the impact point... CIT debunked again, by this guy, and FDR, damage on course, and Radar... not to mention DNA...
You might want to study CIT videos and try to see geographically, why many of the CIT witnesses point south... but then that takes time and effort - something 9/11 truth cult members fail to do after falling into the pit of BS, ignorance and delusions from idiots like CIT.
As for remembering events??? have you studied how the brain and our senses work? You might want to study those issues before putting your trust in testimony gathered by the dumbest 9/11 truth investigators in the known Universe. If you need help see if Dr. Matthew Kabrisky can help you understand how the brain works... sad to say he passed in 2011... thus you are lost in the fantasy world of CIT and trusting all to one witness who is wrong due to real evidence... aka, FDR, Radar, damage, and more.