US government is trying to give ferrets Havana Syndrome
Remember the ferret brain study at Wayne University financed by the DoD? If not, go to post 1,776.
It was the one where "researchers planned to expose the 48 ferrets to radio frequency waves for two hours a day for 60 days. This is expected to result in “an exposure profile that is likely comparable to that which our embassy personnel received.”"
The study was terribly scientific. In fact, it was so scientific that they even had a control group of ferrets that would be exposed to placebo microwaves:
"Twenty-four additional ferrets will receive “sham exposure,” according to the summary."
I'm still wondering how exactly they would do that, and I really want to know. I imagine something like "Confuse-A-Cat, Amaze-A-Vole, Stun-A-Stoat, Puzzle-A-Puma, Startle-A-Thompson's-Gazelle, Bewilderebeest, Distract-A-Bee."
I am not the only one looking forward to hearing about the results or at least seeing the abstract. (I assume that the paragraphs about sham microwave exposure can be found under Method.)
The 'syndrome' sufferers look forward to the study, too!
"“This type of testing will be integral to us finally finding out what happened to the AHI victims as we will be able to compare the imaging that was done on our brains to what will be seen from animals who are subject to radio frequency waves,” said Marc Polymeropoulos."
The study was supposed to have ended in September 2023, and I have been anxiously googling to learn more about it since then - ordinary Google as well as Google Scholar - but so far not a word.
Now, I know that it probably takes some time write a study of this magnitude, but at this point I'm starting to fear that we'll never know, and that it will become a Top Secret document never to be declassified.
I am also starting get a little suspicious: Wouldn't we have heard something by now if they had made any groundbreaking discoveries? I remember how members of the Senate Intelligence Committee told journalists how it was almost certain that the Havana diplomats and spies had been zapped, that the proof was there, that members of the intelligence services had told them so.
Wouldn't it have been leaked to the public by now if the Wayne study has resulted in anything other than fried ferret brains? Wouldn't the sources of journalists like Anderson, Entous and Woolf be insinuating that the irradiated ferrets had retinal bleeding or looked as if they were hearing voices or cricket sounds caused by the Frey effect?
If they had trained the ferrets to respond in a certain way to the sound of crickets before they microwaved them, causing the same reaction by means of microwaves could have been considered proof positive that Putin did it, couldn't it?!
But not a word. It's all crickets.
Remember the ferret brain study at Wayne University financed by the DoD? If not, go to post 1,776.
It was the one where "researchers planned to expose the 48 ferrets to radio frequency waves for two hours a day for 60 days. This is expected to result in “an exposure profile that is likely comparable to that which our embassy personnel received.”"
The study was terribly scientific. In fact, it was so scientific that they even had a control group of ferrets that would be exposed to placebo microwaves:
"Twenty-four additional ferrets will receive “sham exposure,” according to the summary."
I'm still wondering how exactly they would do that, and I really want to know. I imagine something like "Confuse-A-Cat, Amaze-A-Vole, Stun-A-Stoat, Puzzle-A-Puma, Startle-A-Thompson's-Gazelle, Bewilderebeest, Distract-A-Bee."
I am not the only one looking forward to hearing about the results or at least seeing the abstract. (I assume that the paragraphs about sham microwave exposure can be found under Method.)
The 'syndrome' sufferers look forward to the study, too!
"“This type of testing will be integral to us finally finding out what happened to the AHI victims as we will be able to compare the imaging that was done on our brains to what will be seen from animals who are subject to radio frequency waves,” said Marc Polymeropoulos."
The study was supposed to have ended in September 2023, and I have been anxiously googling to learn more about it since then - ordinary Google as well as Google Scholar - but so far not a word.
Now, I know that it probably takes some time write a study of this magnitude, but at this point I'm starting to fear that we'll never know, and that it will become a Top Secret document never to be declassified.
I am also starting get a little suspicious: Wouldn't we have heard something by now if they had made any groundbreaking discoveries? I remember how members of the Senate Intelligence Committee told journalists how it was almost certain that the Havana diplomats and spies had been zapped, that the proof was there, that members of the intelligence services had told them so.
Wouldn't it have been leaked to the public by now if the Wayne study has resulted in anything other than fried ferret brains? Wouldn't the sources of journalists like Anderson, Entous and Woolf be insinuating that the irradiated ferrets had retinal bleeding or looked as if they were hearing voices or cricket sounds caused by the Frey effect?
If they had trained the ferrets to respond in a certain way to the sound of crickets before they microwaved them, causing the same reaction by means of microwaves could have been considered proof positive that Putin did it, couldn't it?!
But not a word. It's all crickets.