No, you are making the mistake of believing that western Europe has been unfriendly towards Russia, when it could have been friendly and avoided Russia's current delinquent behaviour. Yes, it is true the USA and CIA had an active part in ensuring the Baltic States were teflon-plated against the camel that is Russia getting its nose back in the tent door, so to speak, once it recovered from the exigencies and exiguousness of the USSR downfall. However, the Russians never forgot. Putin, in particular, as been brooding on this humiliation ever since he packed up his suitcase and moved out of East Germany, his job as a stasi agent redundant and back to St Petersberg, where, ironically enough, Putin's mother was found in the street in the Siege of Leningrad in a state of looking dead from starvation but miraculously - or tragically, one might say - recovered to go on and give birth to Damien Putin. Putin has a massive chip on his shoulder and is extremely secretive about his humble roots. Some believe he is actually a Georgian, like his idol, Stalin. In any case, the idea that the west upset Putin when it could have offered to play nicely with its toys is laughable. Russia has always been a hostile country. Narcissistic, envious, revelling in victimhood and a massive inferiority complex over the wealth of the USA.
Unlike Third Reich Germany, USSR/Russia never had its war crimes brought before a war tribunal. It got away with killing 100,000,000 of its own people, including in purge after purge, sacrificing millions of motley crew poorly trained soldiers in pointless wars, displacing millions of people from their homes in the former north German states, raping and murdering millions after the Battle of Berlin: we don't need to compare Russia with Nazi Germany, we can compare Russia with...Russia, itself, for a history of brutality and profligate abuse, corruption and criminality against its own people, never mind its western neighbours, whom it has cheated and swindled for decades, extending a hand of friendship which was really a poisonous cup of polonium as we are no discovering and western politicians, especially in the UK and Italy, have now been caught out, embarrassed by having fallen for the deception hook, line and sinker.
So, was it devious of the Americans to sneak in to former Soviet states with a well-crafted and carefully named North Atlantic Treaty? Probably but when you get a glimpse of the devil that is Russia, then as Churchill said in the House of Commons when he sided with the USSR against Hitler, " If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
The devil being the USSR.
And now we know, it never changed its nature.