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Trump's Second Term

ANyway we will not annex Canada until 2073 as someone pointed out.
And that was in response to China invading Alaska...
War.War never changes.
BTW still a little disspaointed that that bit of future history never made it to the Fallout miniseries.
ANyway we will not annex Canada until 2073 as someone pointed out.
And that was in response to China invading Alaska...
War.War never changes.
BTW still a little disspaointed that that bit of future history never made it to the Fallout miniseries.
No need, we will have it IRL. And the nukes. Gotta say I don't think I have a single bottle cap at my house.
Seems as though Trump policy has canged from American Isolationism to American bringing back 19th Century style Impeeralism.
Who knows what Trump will want in a couple of weeks?
SOme have suggested that Trump did this partly to upstage the funeral for Jimmy Carter. Sad thing is, I think this is true. He really is that petty.
I think it's more to distract from his sentencing that's coming up on Friday. Oh, even though there's been talk of no consequences, I hope that the judge pulls a surprise and hits him with everything.
Easier to simply refuse passage to US shipping. The canal is busy. So ships have to "book a slot" in advance to go through. Refuse to accept US ships on the list. Easy solution, everyone else wins.
They'd better not try a blockade of the shipping routes. That's how we get The Phantom Menace.
I think it's more to distract from his sentencing that's coming up on Friday. Oh, even though there's been talk of no consequences, I hope that the judge pulls a surprise and hits him with everything.

They'd better not try a blockade of the shipping routes. That's how we get The Phantom Menace.
The judge has already stated he isn't going to impose a prison sentence or community service. Mostly, this is to slap him around.
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My stament about sabotaging the Canal was based on the assumption that, from a pure Military view, the US probably could do it, but the Panamian government would then blow up the locks as retaliation. If the US is in possesion of the Canal, Paname could not, boviouly, ban US shipping the way Norman suggested.
When was the last time a terriorty was actully sold to another country?
What make me angry about the suggestio is that it gives no voice to the Greenland inhabitants.
Which is why it will never happen. Trump is not going to buy it, if he wants it he is going to have to take it.
If Panama stop American ships or charge huge rates it will just encourage an invasion.
Plus, they are treaty bound to give priority to US Navy ships.
Sticking to the law again? How charming. Treaties can be ignored, just ask Trumpy. Because I don't think a retaliatory invasion is a condition of any treaty.
What does Trump have to say to convince the Republicans he's batcrap crazy?! Panama, Greenland, Canada. It'll be bloody Russia next.
They know full well this major cuckoo has fallen off his twig, hit every branch of dumb with his head on the way down, and is now upside-down in a trash-can still babbling. But they also know it takes commitment to that kind of performance art to deflect and distract from their own impending disasters. So while the TV cameras follow him, they aren't following them...
Alito calls Trump. Some kind of deal with Alito underling.
Nexr week SC will overturn Trump's NY state cases. Coronation on Jan 20th. Greenland attached Feb 1st. Nato kicked out day before.
I never had a problem with the confirmation. The damage (the Election) has already been done. (and we have a looong way to go.) I'm sure there were a few small group protests but nothing like four years ago. That's a date that lives in infamy.
January 6, 2021 is the date America had a massive heart attack. First responders were inept, not aggressively tending to the victim. The patient has managed to linger on, though in a very weakened state. The current prognosis is not encouraging.
The Biden Justice Dept either should have gone in early and hard on Trump or just forgotten about it. A half arsed prosecution that was too late only enraged his base and missed the wave of disgust from his own party when it was strongest.
2 hours ago
America, we need to have a talk. When did so many of you decide that "leadership" can include lying about the cause of a disaster for political points while that fire is still destroying lives?When did juvenile nicknames just become "part of the package?"If you wouldn't put up with this behavior coming from your supervisor at work, why do you think it's acceptable (or even laudable) coming from the leader of our entire country?I guess what I'm asking is, America... are you okay?
Below that:
about an hour ago

I’m going to be getting out of the US, I’m afraid. I just can’t do four more years of this. Everyday I wake up hoping he went to bed and never woke up. I need to be very far away so I don’t have his toxicity in my space.
about an hour ago

No, we just lost what small forward momentum we had by the lowest margin of votes in I think it was 100 years or more, because the part of the country that would happily shoot themselves in the face as long as they could hate in public want to drag us back to the antebellum ages. We’re not okay and it feels like we’re stuck in a car that drove off a bridge and is rapidly filling with sewer water. Thanks for asking.
It's my psychic prediction that at some time in the next four years he will be removed from office under the 25th Amendment.

A prediction that will go the way all psychic predictions do. Nice thought, though.
I can't even begin to conceive the kind of apocalypse that would need to happen before the GOP found it beneficial to their own fortunes to turn on him.
Send all the Trumps to Nunavut. FAR into Nunavut.
No. I have a trip planned for next summer there. I'm looking forward to being off the grid and away from those ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊.

ETA: Actually, it'll be in the NWT.
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So, it turns out that most of the Nuuk locals that were wined and dined by fredo, and expressing enthutiasm for the US buying Greenland, were vulnerable people who usually hang out in front of the local Brugseni supermarket across the street from the hotel the event took place at.

As one local put it, they can barely afford a daily meal, and now they were being treated to dinner at a restaurant they could never afford in their wildest dreams, and all it took was putting on a red maga cap.
No. I have a trip planned for next summer there. I'm looking forward to being off the grid and away from those ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊.

ETA: Actually, it'll be in the NWT.
I was hoping that, by sending Donny to northern Nunavut, the Inuit would hunt him for his blubber. It would be the only useful purpose for him.
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