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Trump's Second Term

By the time he is inaugurated, all the policies he campaigned on will be reversed. He will also insist he never said that he would do the stuff he campaigned on. That would be...what's the phrase...fake news.

His bold new plan to "Make America Great Again" will be to allow foreign workers in specific industries like produce picking, building and cleaning, and not deport them after all (Trump: "Isn't that nice of me?"). New oil production won't start for years, but the oil companies will get billions in government handouts for "exploration". This money will be turned into stock buybacks for exec boardrooms almost instantly.

Fortunately, almost nobody will listen to DOGE because it will be a Trump ego-stroking machine with no actual teeth to enforce any of its stupid "rulings". Musk: "Boeing needs all workers to stand up 18 hours per day and make more nuclear-powered zeppelins!" Everyone else: "And you can ◊◊◊◊ off."

Extra tariffs will "no longer be necessary now Trump's in charge", and any in force now will have been "a failed Biden experiment". Trumpy may not even add new tariffs but take some away. Because that's what he promised on the campaign trail, remember? Remember??

Prices, which will fluctuate anyway, will be "controlled by Democrat criminals" when they go up and "all his own work" when they go down. Of course, he will take all the credit for fuel prices already being lower before he became president. Or not if they go up.

In summary, he will be an absolute lazy slob, sitting around in his filled diaper in Mar-a-Lago, do absolutely nothing whatsoever and make no changes, while taking credit for Biden's work and simultaneously calling Biden a criminal. He won't forgo his WH salary this time round - he has loans interest to pay to overseas creditors!

Typical Trump operation - a lazy ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ liar getting paid to do sweet FA.
He didn't forego it last time. He made a show of pretending the first time around and then gave up.
He'll just take credit for the drop in inflation over the last 18 months.

I'm also not sure how it works in the US, but here in the UK fruit and vegetable prices tend to drop in the summer so he'll likely take credit for that as well.

And of course he'll claim that eggs were $10 a dozen or something ridiculous like that and then say that he's brought it down to $4 a dozen - don't rule out bare-faced lying.

If any high profile item is cheaper than the most expensive it ever was under Biden then Trump will claim that he was responsible for the price drop and a significant proportion of the US electorate, possibly even a majority, will believe him.
He'll also increase the chocolate ration to 20g per week after singlehandedly winning a smashing victory against Eastasia on the Malabar Front.

All hail Big Brother , I mean Donald T****y!
I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't at least one person in federal service, who felt that his job was either pointless or could be automated with ease, but still shows up as long as there's a paycheck and decent healthcare to be had.

With such a vast federal bureaucracy, there's bound to be waste and inflexibility in various places, but of course in some places it's more or less built into the system.
There was a video doing the rounds about a decade ago, in which a general was before a House armed forces commitee hearing, basically pleading them to stop buying more M1 Abrams tanks, because a) they weren't suited the for urban combat that most modern conflicts involve, and b) the army already had enough of them , so any new deliveries were being mothballed right off the delivery line. Naturally they voted to buy more anyway, presumably since the prospect of closing production lines in various voter districts was seen as a worse outcome.
Yes, the Jet Fighter Mafia's lack of expertise is only matched by how widely they are willing to spread it.
No, it will be like his first term where he did his best to follow through on his campaign promises, only better this time because he learned from that not to fill his cabinet with those whose first loyalty is to the deep state, not constituents, all American citizens. There's even some wise Democrats now like Fetterman and Adams who realize that working with Trump to put country over party makes sense.
One attribute of a good manager is that they hire the right people to work for them.
Can't do anything about prices but he will conquer time!

Donald J. Trump
The Republican Party will use its best efforts to eliminate Daylight Saving Time, which has a small but strong constituency, but shouldn’t! Daylight Saving Time is inconvenient, and very costly to our Nation.
Donald wants the mystery drones shot down

Donald J. Trump
Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government's knowledge. I don think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shot them down!!!
Tell DOnald this is what we know so far about the New Jersey drones
They’re cylindrical in shape, have wings, and they follow FAA lighting regulations.

We may never know what these things are.
I’m not certain, but I would place a significant wager on there not being enough “go ◊◊◊◊ yourselfs” in the world to direct at Trump.

Okay, actually I am certain. You got me.
Wait a sec, I had it right the first time. Damn comic transmission. Gotta get it looked at.
Donald wants the mystery drones shot down
If they were public-owned drones, they would have been radio-traced instantly and had their controls scrambled. Since they reappear regularly over sensitive sites, it is much more likely they are military, and they know ALL about them in great detail but are not going to tell you about them, Donald. But yeah. Shoot one down and see what happens. ;)
Wonder if these drones look something like this...

Fact is that the government administration has been doing much better than the private sector when it comes to not causing massive economic crises that cost many hundreds of billions and widespread unemployment.
And for that it needs to be punished.
Important announcement to the People of the USA

Donald J. Trump

Christmas is coming! The hottest gift is my new book, “SAVE AMERICA.” No other book captures our Movement, our Campaign, and our FUTURE. Get your copy today!
He sounds like someone you wouldn't want to share a lift with...
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) got a little too specific when he attempted to describe Donald Trump’s body odor while speaking to Jimmy Kimmel this week.

“What did it smell like specifically?” Kimmel asked.

“So, if you take, like, armpits, ketchup, makeup and a little butt, it’s probably like that, all mixed up,” he said.
From here.
I'd feel bad for him if he weren't such a horrible person. And I use 'person' generously.
full diaper at Notre Dame.
Vance will be taking over by a year from now
I've been trying to confirm the authenticity of this video, and am having little success. Of course there is a good chance the lily livered press is refraining from the obvious as so often happens these days, but for the moment, the video you've cited seems like the only one, and though, again, one can't be sure, it looks a little as if the difference in depth of field between Trump and his neighbors is suspicious. While I am inclined to believe the report and would gladly find it true, I must confess I'm a bit dubious.
I wish the media covered this ◊◊◊◊ (literally) the way they covered Biden's gaffes and alleged cognitive decline. Also too, every, and I mean every one of Trump's gaffes, slips of the tongue and confused blatherings.
I wish the media covered this ◊◊◊◊ (literally) the way they covered Biden's gaffes and alleged cognitive decline. Also too, every, and I mean every one of Trump's gaffes, slips of the tongue and confused blatherings.
That's what he wants - all the cameras. Trump is so uninhibited that he would reach into his diaper and fling it about in Notre Dame if it got him more TV coverage.
Trump's cabinet is a clear sign the USA has fully matured into crony capitalism, in this case a mix of Oligarchic and Big Firm capitalism. The intent is to sweep away all legal and regulatory restraints on this cabal, free them of all obligation, and thereby transfer more wealth to them, encouraging the naked pursuit of self interest without regard to social or environmental consequence, or even long term economic health.

Americans, by and large, have been trained since 1980 to love and admire this rising form of feudalism while learning to distrust the fair rule of law that might restrain it. This certainly dovetails nicely with the Calvinism baked into the nation's culture, now spiced with the haughty taunts of "winners" over their exploited, but nonetheless willing, admiring subjects.

By February, just what Americans tossed into the rubbish bin and burnt will become nastily apparent. They prefer security over freedom, and shall have neither. Bottom line: Propaganda-driven fear and loathing of others is the ideal nose ring to tug Americans into the abyss, as Goebbels before them well knew. Sig heil!!

An aside: One poster in particular likes to complain I do not like Americans. By what standard should they be judged, if not by their own words and deeds? By the international law they so duplicitously have promoted when it suited them? The USA has ceased to be what it was; it is now something entirely different, as the incoming military and security apparatus will show, to the beat of falling bombs on ever more civilians. A nation and people wholly dedicated to violence for the last quarter century, now actively and eagerly engaged in genocide, and immune to all accountability deserves nothing but disdain. Well, and schadenfreude. ;)
David Leonhart in NYT (it's an email for me, the morning letter). The Chaos Cabinet

Jonathan Swan: I think economic policy will be influenced less by Bessent and more by how the markets respond to tariffs and mass deportations. The stock market is one of the few guardrails that might hold back Trump.

In his first term, Trump viewed the stock market almost like a poll, and he was anxious to avoid doing anything that would cause the S&P 500 to fall. Trump’s corporate-friendly advisers used this knowledge to manipulate him, telling him that if he went with maximalist tariffs, then markets would tank. C.E.O.s would use the same tactics to steer him away from some hard-line immigration policies.

Not too much has changed. Bessent is someone who has bought into much of the MAGA nationalist vision but who is also reassuring to Wall Street.
Trump's cabinet is a clear sign the USA has fully matured into crony capitalism, in this case a mix of Oligarchic and Big Firm capitalism. The intent is to sweep away all legal and regulatory restraints on this cabal, free them of all obligation, and thereby transfer more wealth to them, encouraging the naked pursuit of self interest without regard to social or environmental consequence, or even long term economic health.

Americans, by and large, have been trained since 1980 to love and admire this rising form of feudalism while learning to distrust the fair rule of law that might restrain it. This certainly dovetails nicely with the Calvinism baked into the nation's culture, now spiced with the haughty taunts of "winners" over their exploited, but nonetheless willing, admiring subjects.

By February, just what Americans tossed into the rubbish bin and burnt will become nastily apparent. They prefer security over freedom, and shall have neither. Bottom line: Propaganda-driven fear and loathing of others is the ideal nose ring to tug Americans into the abyss, as Goebbels before them well knew. Sig heil!!

An aside: One poster in particular likes to complain I do not like Americans. By what standard should they be judged, if not by their own words and deeds? By the international law they so duplicitously have promoted when it suited them? The USA has ceased to be what it was; it is now something entirely different, as the incoming military and security apparatus will show, to the beat of falling bombs on ever more civilians. A nation and people wholly dedicated to violence for the last quarter century, now actively and eagerly engaged in genocide, and immune to all accountability deserves nothing but disdain. Well, and schadenfreude. ;)
Sounds like South Korea, a country de-facto run by 'Chaebols', large companies with enormous influence. Only with fascism thrown into the mix.
We saw when the Sewol sank how well such governments seem to operate. Fascism would make it even more dysfunctional, of course.

I wish the media covered this ◊◊◊◊ (literally) the way they covered Biden's gaffes and alleged cognitive decline. Also too, every, and I mean every one of Trump's gaffes, slips of the tongue and confused blatherings.
I literally cancelled my newspaper subscriptions during the US election campaign. The way both American and Norwegian media made such a massive deal out of Biden's health, while almost completely ignoring Dump's episodes as well as both Project 2025 and the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity, was just infuriating. ◊◊◊◊ them. They don't deserve my money.

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