Trump's cabinet is a clear sign the USA has fully matured into crony capitalism, in this case a mix of Oligarchic and Big Firm capitalism. The intent is to sweep away all legal and regulatory restraints on this cabal, free them of all obligation, and thereby transfer more wealth to them, encouraging the naked pursuit of self interest without regard to social or environmental consequence, or even long term economic health.
Americans, by and large, have been trained since 1980 to love and admire this rising form of feudalism while learning to distrust the fair rule of law that might restrain it. This certainly dovetails nicely with the Calvinism baked into the nation's culture, now spiced with the haughty taunts of "winners" over their exploited, but nonetheless willing, admiring subjects.
By February, just what Americans tossed into the rubbish bin and burnt will become nastily apparent. They prefer security over freedom, and shall have neither. Bottom line: Propaganda-driven fear and loathing of others is the ideal nose ring to tug Americans into the abyss, as Goebbels before them well knew. Sig heil!!
An aside: One poster in particular likes to complain I do not like Americans. By what standard should they be judged, if not by their own words and deeds? By the international law they so duplicitously have promoted when it suited them? The USA has ceased to be what it was; it is now something entirely different, as the incoming military and security apparatus will show, to the beat of falling bombs on ever more civilians. A nation and people wholly dedicated to violence for the last quarter century, now actively and eagerly engaged in genocide, and immune to all accountability deserves nothing but disdain. Well, and schadenfreude.