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Merged Transwomen are not Women - Part 15

Judge has scrapped Biden's Title IX expansion to cover trans kids.
News articles here; original opinion here.

Here is the core of the opinion, in the judge's own words:

Put simply, there is nothing in the text or statutory design of Title IX to suggest that discrimination “on the basis of sex” means anything other than it has since Title IX’s inception—that recipients of federal funds under Title IX may not treat a person worse than another similarly-situated individual on the basis of the person’s sex, i.e., male or female.​

A bit more on how Title IX was originally designed:

While Title IX sought to level the playing field between men and women, it is rife with exceptions that allow males and females to be separated based on the enduring physical differences between the sexes... For example, institutions that receive federal funds may permit separation of the sexes for purposes of living facilities, boys and girls conferences, and social sororities and fraternities... And these are just a few examples.​

Basically, Title IX was written to take into account actual sex differences, not intended to abolish or ignore them. The reinterpretation of the Biden-era DOE changes the meaning and effect of those laws so much as to constitute an unlawful "attempt to bypass the legislative process."
Basically, Title IX was written to take into account actual sex differences, not intended to abolish or ignore them. The reinterpretation of the Biden-era DOE changes the meaning and effect of those laws so much as to constitute an unlawful "attempt to bypass the legislative process."
If Liberals (Labour in my county, Democrats in the US) ever want to gain power again, they really need to get themselves out of this transgender self ID hole they have dug themselves into.
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I will ask the same question I asked on that article..... "How the ◊◊◊◊ can a five-year old be trans-identified?"
I'm kind of torn on that story. She shouldn't have been fired but......
Based on my experience, 5 your olds have very fixed ideas about the binary of sex and gender and they are very certain of the binary. My boy tends to grow his hair long. At about 5 he had short hair and his 5 year old cousin saw a picture of him as a 4 year old with long hair, "That's you when you were a girl!" Far more common an attitude among fiver year olds than not from what I've seen. Also, 5 year olds occasionally identify as cats, dogs, dragons......
I'm kind of torn on that story. She shouldn't have been fired but......
Based on my experience, 5 your olds have very fixed ideas about the binary of sex and gender and they are very certain of the binary. My boy tends to grow his hair long. At about 5 he had short hair and his 5 year old cousin saw a picture of him as a 4 year old with long hair, "That's you when you were a girl!" Far more common an attitude among fiver year olds than not from what I've seen. Also, 5 year olds occasionally identify as cats, dogs, dragons......
I'm not torn at all. I hope that teacher takes the school district to the cleaners.

And based on my experience, five-year olds barely know that gender is even a thing and have NO idea what pronouns are (they haven't even started to learn grammar yet). I would almost guarantee this is being entirely driven by the parents.
I'm not torn at all. I hope that teacher takes the school district to the cleaners.

And based on my experience, five-year olds barely know that gender is even a thing and have NO idea what pronouns are (they haven't even started to learn grammar yet).
I would almost guarantee this is being entirely driven by the parents.
Near certainty.

ETA: seriously, when is this even an issue? During the parent teacher conference? When would the teacher actually being addressing the childe by a pronoun?
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That doesn't seem particularly likely, given the partisan polarization of these issues in the U.S.
Note in particular the essentially party-line vote (two Democrats voted in favor, no Republicans voted against) yesterday on banning trans athletes from women's and girl's sports at federally funded schools.
Near certainty.
It's spelled out as such in the complaint.
ETA: seriously, when is this even an issue? During the parent teacher conference? When would the teacher actually being addressing the childe by a pronoun?
A kindergarten teacher will refer to other students in the room while teaching, using each other as examples and posing questions, like "what color is her hair?" and if a student says the "wrong" pronoun when referring to another student, the teacher is expected to "correct" it.
It's spelled out as such in the complaint.

A kindergarten teacher will refer to other students in the room while teaching, using each other as examples and posing questions, like "what color is her hair?" and if a student says the "wrong" pronoun when referring to another student, the teacher is expected to "correct" it.
Good point.
Note in particular the essentially party-line vote (two Democrats voted in favor, no Republicans voted against) yesterday on banning trans athletes from women's and girl's sports at federally funded schools.
Yes, and that is literally the easiest case! Non-partisans can easily see the unfairness of Lia Thomas bumping young women from podiums and record books; you have to be steeped in critical social justice ideology to miss it.
Looks like that is not the case in the UK where, although I could be wrong on this, I don't think there is any enthusiasm for, say, transgender athletes competing in women's sports. Maybe it is different in Scotland, though.

Nobody minds a trans-identified woman competing in women's sports so long as she isn't emulating the 1970s East German swimming team by doping on testosterone.
If Liberals (Labour in my county, Democrats in the US) ever want to gain power again, they really need to get themselves out of this transgender self ID hole they have dug themselves into.
Seeing odd bits of video from congress this past week or so... I'm inclined to think their strategy is to just keep on digging in hopes that they'll come out the other side of the planet and can then redefine the antipode as "On Top" even though it will be underwater somewhere in the Indian Ocean.
I'm kind of torn on that story. She shouldn't have been fired but......
Based on my experience, 5 your olds have very fixed ideas about the binary of sex and gender and they are very certain of the binary. My boy tends to grow his hair long. At about 5 he had short hair and his 5 year old cousin saw a picture of him as a 4 year old with long hair, "That's you when you were a girl!" Far more common an attitude among fiver year olds than not from what I've seen. Also, 5 year olds occasionally identify as cats, dogs, dragons......

Identifying sex indicators is pattern-recognition, and they develop in children alongside pretty much all other pattern-recognition skills. Toddlers tend to view "man" and "woman" largely in terms of cultural norms around clothing, hair, make-up. A bit less so if their parents don't fit that mold - if their mother has short hair and doesn't wear make-up, they may not incorporate long hair or lipstick as characteristics of "woman". But yeah, under a certain age, it's largely based on external visual cues. As they get older, and are exposed to more and more adults, their pattern profile will change. Generally, by around age 7 most children can very accurately determine male from female without any reliance on clothing or hair or other adornments.

They can still be fooled - just as adults can be fooled by a skilled mimic. But generally, they learn from exposure what the differences between males and females are.
This is a fairly long article discussing how control of language leads to control of the agenda, which is something we've been over a few times.

I remember objecting to being obliged to refer to a man as "she" right at the beginning of this thread, complaining that by enforcing this edict, the forum was pre-judging the debate in favour of one side. It's a bigger point than I probably realised at the time. Not only is this compelled speech colouring the debate ("trans girl forced to use the boys' toilets" suggests a very different situation from "boy dressed as a girl forced to use the boys' toilets" for example), but it's clouding public perceptions of the debate. It appears that it's still the case that a chunk of people faced with a public opinion poll question asking about whether a "trans woman" should be allowed to do something, think that a "trans woman" is a woman who wants to be a man.

It's hard-wired in our understanding of language. Words aren't just neutral place-holders, they carry connotations with them. In my opinon we need to take back clear language and name things for what they are.
Nobody else going to mention that even a stopped clock is right twice a day?


Trump is disgusting in so many ways, but women's rights are under so much attack these days, I'll take this wherever it comes from. On the day when an Australian court ruled that lesbians have no legal right to exclude men from their events.
I wonder what Jenner Sr. think about this. I understand Jenner Sr. is a regular guest of trump's.
Nobody else going to mention that even a stopped clock is right twice a day?

View attachment 58532

Trump is disgusting in so many ways, but women's rights are under so much attack these days, I'll take this wherever it comes from. On the day when an Australian court ruled that lesbians have no legal right to exclude men from their events.
Strange bedfellows indeed.
We'll see. You sex-deniers seemed to win a hell of a lot of battles over the past few years, but reality has a habit of reasserting itself.
"Anyone celebrating this news should probably be aware that they're only so keen to create a firm legal definition of a woman for when they start passing other laws down the line to take women's rights away", according to a TRA on the other forum I belong to.
At least the GOP knows exactly whom they intend to force into motherhood—against their will—in all fifty states.
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What's new is that they get to be factually correct and plain spoken while their opposition unnecessarily ties itself in linguistic knots.
At least the GOP knows exactly whom they intend to force into motherhood—against their will—in all fifty states.
"Anyone celebrating this news should probably be aware that they're only so keen to create a firm legal definition of a woman for when they start passing other laws down the line to take women's rights away", according to a TRA on the other forum I belong to.

If anyone considers this was done to protect women's rights they are very mistaken.
If anyone considers this was done to protect women's rights they are very mistaken.
Precisely this.

Democrats want to protect "women's rights" but cannot clearly define the phrase.

Republicans, by contrast, want to strip women of rights once held and know exactly whom they are targeting.
Nah. Only those who have bought into gender ideology have any problem telling the difference between men and women. If Trump et al want to remove women's rights, they didn't need to do this first. Or at all. Women were successfully discriminated against for centuries without the need for strict definitions.
You have to admire a President that makes his first order of business when taking office to announce that we ain't taking any more ◊◊◊◊ from them tranny freaks.
This is just fantastic. I don't know who wrote it but it sure as hell wasn't Trump. It's incisive, clear and comprehensive.

Well, it was written by "May Mailman", former Director of Independent Women's Law Center, now Deputy Assistant to the President.

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