Oh well, they are going to break the law anyway, so why take any precautions, right? Go ahead, leave your house unlocked while you are at work, leave the windows open too, and leave all your valuable stuff so that its plainly visible from any window. While you're at it, leave your car unlocked, with the keys in the ignition... and leave your wallet on the dash too. Or, leave your work vehcile unlocked with all your expensive tools in it.
Lets see how well that goes for you.
Since you requested feedback, I happen to already have results handy.
I haven't locked my home's doors but maybe half a dozen times in the last decade, even when leaving the continent for over a week. Never at all on a routine day or night. Anyone attempting entry will have a canine to deal with who, like our last dog, really really doesn't like strangers.
My work truck's back door lock doesn't work, so, with literally thousands in easily hockable tools and goods in reach, it goes unlocked for all but a few times per year. And during the work day, my keys and wallet are in fact on the console (in fairness, not on the dashboard).
But to your somewhat vacuous point: locking a door is an actual positive stop, preventing all but determined thieves with tools. A sign on a restroom is literally nothing to stop anyone from doing anything. Rules about who goes in are not physically preventative to a violent criminal in the way a lock is; they do zero.
Sure there is a risk that a real violent criminal might ignore the signs, but there is ZERO doubt that others WILL exploit any SelfID law that gets legislated. Please explain to me, or more importantly, explain to the women on this forum, why they should just shut the **** up and accept any additional risk?
Since you snipped the part of the post that addressed that directly, I'll repeat it for you: the threat of the less violent voyeur/exhibitionist is still very real, and they probably would be encouraged or discouraged by the rules or a sign (unlike a violent attacker), so that needs to be dealt with, like I said, unlike your foolish assertion that I tell the women to STFU.
As for rest of your post I have not addressed any of it because its stupid, inane bollocks that is not worth my time!
Yes, you say that every time things get thorny for you.