Of course, it didn't help matters that Walz was caught lying about his military record, his trips to Hong Kong, and his football coaching experience. In 2018, he referred to weapons that "I carried in war," when in fact he never carried a weapon in a war zone during his National Guard service--he was never in a war zone at all, not once. In 2005, he implied that he had been deployed to Afghanistan in 2003 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, when in fact his deployment was to
Italy--he never set foot in Afghanistan.
Walz told journalist Joshua Green, a liberal journalist who admires Walz, that in 2004 he confronted George W. Bush campaign staffers and asked “if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism” (
LINK). Walz never did any fighting and was never deployed to a war zone.
In 2004, Walz was photographed holding a sign that read, "Enduring Freedom Veterans for Kerry," which plainly implied, and which most people inferred, that Walz was saying he was a veteran of the war in Afghanistan. He was not. Again, Walz never got anywhere near a war zone, never carried a weapon in combat, and never saw any combat.
In 2009, Walz claimed he was in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and that he witnessed the killing of protestors by the Chinese army. He said he could "never forget" what he saw. Uh, only one problem: he was not in Hong Kong at that time (
LINK). When he was confronted with the fact that he was not in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989, he said he "misspoke." Uh-huh. Yeah, you bet.
I should add that when Walz got wind that his National Guard unit might get deployed to Iraq, he quickly retired (
I should also add that Walz claimed he coached a high school football team to a state championship. He clearly and repeatedly gave the impression that he was the head coach, and leading Dems, including Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar, described Walz as the coach who turned a losing high school football team into a champion. Walz himself talked about having "some great coaches with me." He referred to himself as "Coach Walz." Etc., etc., etc. But, in point of fact, he was
an unpaid assistant coach.