August Member
Re: the thread title. Blue Dogs read it and sigh despondently
War on Christmas is something that clearly needs solving, given the panic we hear about it Every... Single... Year.
Also,drag shows and books about LGBTQ topics are clearly existential Problems, given the attention some people are paying it.
Clearly more important than Climate Change.
There is a difference: people on the Left generally have grievances about REAL things like poor pay or blatant racism.
On the Right, we have the Glenn Beck generation, who cry fake tears about important things like "the War on Christmas" or "Wokism" - or any Right for any Group that isn't Christian White.
Or you you deny that the ENTIRE Trump campaign is based on nothing but being the victim of the (((Deep State / NWO / Democrats / Immigrants))) ?
then yes, today's Republicans are extremely conservative. It brings things into pretty clear focus.Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
And we need Real Christmas. With White Santa. And White Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Not woke Christmas with a bunch of dark-skinned people.
I noticed in this year’s astoundingly boring Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Mrs. Claus was black (as far as I’m aware, a first). If the store were ever to go full non-white for the fictitious toy-making family, I can’t conceive of the decibel level of the resultant right-wing screeching. The shock waves would no doubt knock sleighs and reindeer from the skies.
You haven't seen the latest outrage regarding Target, I'll take it.
Gaines responded:
Back in 2005, Target banned the word “Christmas,” the phrase “Merry Christmas.” Employees weren’t allowed to say it,"
no merchandise was allowed to have the word ‘Christmas’ on it because it implied that, you know, the idea of Christ exists.
Now, I believe that’s still in effect, yet they’re allowed to have Black, disabled Santa and gay nutcracker? It doesn’t make sense.
I noticed in this year’s astoundingly boring Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Mrs. Claus was black (as far as I’m aware, a first). If the store were ever to go full non-white for the fictitious toy-making family, I can’t conceive of the decibel level of the resultant right-wing screeching. The shock waves would no doubt knock sleighs and reindeer from the skies.
I'd like all Republican voters to vote on this question, just for the record.
If you could make Trump KING for life instead of going ahead with this election, could get rid of CNN, get rid of human rights to speed up deportations and imprisonment/executions, would you? Or would you rather keep things as they are and let things happen as they will under the current system?
First and foremost I'd like all those MAGATs that still go to his rallies to answer that. Even those people can differ widely in why they still back Trump. I'm curious what they'd choose.
At this point we're trying to find out who actually believes in liberal democracy and basic open society stuff and who thinks the Founding Fathers were WOKE.
Tyr_13 is not wrong. Go back to 2014 and poll republicans on what they believe, and you'd get very different answers from now. The most obvious thing is Russia. The graph of polling over a 4 year period around 2016 showed Republicans going from strongly suspicious of Russia to having positive feelings towards Russia. Same is true of a ton of issues that Trump wasn't aligned with the mainstream republicans on.
It is pretty clearly a trumpist party now.
I just ckecked, attitudes towards Russian have trended negative since 2016, still a pretty funny chart.
Starting in about 2015, Dems started getting more negative towards Russia and Reps got more postive.
Since when did "identifying problems that need to be solved" equal "being a victim"/"victimhood"/*screeching rage noises*
I always am boggled by that.
Can you imagine what the GOP response would have been in 2016 if it was reported that the people of Russia overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton? They would have been howling from the rafters about how this showed how awful she was. They would use it to claim that she is nothing but a Russian tool.
Heck, Russia overwhelmingly did NOT support Clinton, and they still called her a Russian tool. That's why Russians don't like her so much, obviously.
But Russia loves Trump, and that is ignored.
This is not Ronald Reagan's GOP, that's for sure.
Like there has been serious, legit arguments that what really broke the "American Right" is the fall of USSR and the end of the Cold War and the constant threat of Communism.
Much like how the only reason "The Religious Right" is a thing is abortion. Take away that as a central boogeyman for them all to focus on and those groups would never get along well enough to be a core, central demographic in the way they are.
Regarding the change in attitudes toward Russia in 2016, the reverse happend among Dems. Around 2015 they started getting more and more negative attitudes towards russia. That's part of the reason the trend line is so funny. Dems mostly positive and Reps mostly negative right up until 2016. then it switches and the trend lines cross.
That's entirely consistent with the growth of Putin's authoritarianism in Russia. Today's so-called Republicans are all-in for authoritarianism.
The thing not right about that is its not at all in line with Putins authoritarian behavior, he was no more authoritarian in 2016 than he was in 2010, 2005, etc. It also doesn't explain why there's actually not much difference between dems and reps today, most all americans think he's a bad guy now.
The switch is much less pronounced with the Dems and Putin is definitely a bad guy, but there switch in both groups is clearly related to Trump more than it is to Putin.
This thread turned out just as amazingly as I thought it would given the nuanced and well thought out OP.
See? No argument, no counter argument, no defense of position, no explanation of position, no request for information from the other side just a snarky quip about how funny he thinks everything is. Nothing that says what he wants, what he thinks, what goals he's actually trying accomplish.
Just a snarky, drive by quip.
I know there is nothing I can say that will make sense to progressive but....
Its clear progressives hate conservatives, I don't know why progressives would think a conservative would ever vote for the candidate that progressive prefer when it clear progressives hate them.
You can't for second imagine that some Voters voted for Trump despite is ********** for some reason other than his **********, like maybe he at the very least doesn't obviously hate them.
Perhaps these conservatives might find being less hateful to be an effective counter to their perception of being hated?
It's the only way they've found to get the attention they crave. Like a toddler who has discovered that throwing tantrums gets Mommy to watch them.
It's been tried, the whole "Compassionate Conservative" bit. The left didn't believe it and the right wanted more cruelty. So of course it didn't play well.