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Cont: Today's Mass Shooting (part 3)

I give it roughly a zero percent chance of standing up on appeal to the present Court.

I'd give such regulatory adjustment (and that's all it would be) no better chances than you do, at the present time.

But the current Court is a weed; yes, a weed planted in long-prepared soil by genuinely evil men, but nothing rooted deeper than we can dig out. Time will do much for us.

As for the 2A: shux, regulation isn't infringement. Old stuff. Only a fascist would blather otherwise, and the Boy Blackshirts never even try to argue in good faith.
You'd be safer putting a gun into the hands of a chimpanzee than into the hands of the average human gun-sucker. The chimpanzee wouldn't find any use for it, and would quickly lose interest.

Mr. GunSucker has no use for it either, but that doesn't deter or discourage him, nossir. In his hands, a firearm of the preferred type, specifically a large-mag centerfire pistol or an assault rifle, is simply a destructive device.

And that's my cue to re-introduce a proposal I've made before: Broaden the existing class of Destructive Devices to include ARs (and most autoloading handguns if I had my druthers). These are subject to strict rules, and are almost never found in civilian hands. (Goodness, the right to own mortars and anti-tank rifles is actually being infringed!)

At the same time the BATF regs are changed, a buyback period will start, during which the newly restricted shootin' irons can be turned in for reasonable compensation, no questions asked or names taken.

And after that, proscription, with criminal penalties for anybody who doesn't surrender his destructive device.

The Second Amendment will sit there untouched.

Just to be sure the, "gun sucker", you're talking about has a defined nationality don't they?
This one must have been preventable, depending on how far he traveled, since he was electronically monitored to occupy a discrete location. This ain't looking good.

Woops update:

He had approval to travel from the property he was serving home detention at in South Auckland to the building site.

His home detention sentence was monitored via an ankle bracelet monitor.

Reid had appeared for sentencing in the Auckland District Court earlier this year after admitting charges of impeding breathing, injuring with intent to injure, wilful damage, and male assaults female.

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This one must have been preventable, depending on how far he traveled, since he was electronically monitored to occupy a discrete location. This ain't looking good.
The detail that was reported that he was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet has not been confirmed by police.

ETA: Whoops, looks like it has. I was responding to an earlier report.
The detail that was reported that he was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet has not been confirmed by police.

ETA: Whoops, looks like it has. I was responding to an earlier report.
Edited my post after yours.
How does he come by the weapon on home D?
This is looking bleak for government, who correctly have been trying to empty the prisons.
This one must have been preventable, depending on how far he traveled, since he was electronically monitored to occupy a discrete location. This ain't looking good.

You'd think it was preventable, but his Mrs - who the prior assault was against - didn't want him to go to jail. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/cr...-cbd-shooter-you-dont-know-what-im-capable-of

I don't see any way another judge would have reached a different sentencing.

Edited my post after yours.
How does he come by the weapon on home D?
This is looking bleak for government, who correctly have been trying to empty the prisons.

FFS, if you're going to complain about the government, at least get them on something within their control. Your boy Luxon will do no better at finding the 1000 guards Corrections are short, and the exact same problems will occur no matter who's in power.

He came by the weapon illegally. I imagine he bought it through gang connections.

As I understand it, guns are not particularly difficult to get in NZ.

Matter of fact, they are reasonably difficult to obtain, and pump action shotties are very difficult to get hold of. They have the gun, and I'd say it will have been stolen, then sold, and I'm sure the cops would very much like to find who sold it to him.

There just aren't that many illegal guns in NZ, as evinced by every time the cops bust someone for drugs and guns, the guns are mostly pieces of crap. Here's a big drug bust where they found two guns, neither of which looks in good shape.
Matter of fact, they are reasonably difficult to obtain, and pump action shotties are very difficult to get hold of. They have the gun, and I'd say it will have been stolen, then sold, and I'm sure the cops would very much like to find who sold it to him.
I stand corrected!
As I understand it, guns are not particularly difficult to get in NZ.

Legally? Nope. Buying a legal gun here is quite difficult, and it is LOT harder than the USA.

1. You must pass a background check that considers criminal, medical, mental health and domestic violence records. Fail this and no gun.

2. Then you must provide three character references. The same criteria apply to the people you name - they must pass the same background check.

3. The authorities interview or advise, in person, your partner or next of kin. Your partner or next of kin can veto your application. If they do no gun.

4. You have to pass a home security inspection in which your proper firearm storage facilities are checked. Fail this and no gun.

5. You must take a gun safety course. Fail this and no gun.

6. You must now wait for approval for a firearms license, which usually takes four to six weeks.

7. Now, you can go out and buy a gun

- Semi-automatics are banned unless you can show a proper purpose for owning one, such as pest control. You require a special class endorsement on your firearms license

- All handguns are banned.
Sure, but as long as you can jump through these hoops, it's not particularly difficult, is it? :D

Similar to here in Australia, actually. The process of becoming eligible to buy a gun is pretty arduous, but once you have gone through that, actually getting one isn't hard.
Legally? Nope. Buying a legal gun here is quite difficult, and it is LOT harder than the USA.

1. You must pass a background check that considers criminal, medical, mental health and domestic violence records. Fail this and no gun.

2. Then you must provide three character references. The same criteria apply to the people you name - they must pass the same background check.

3. The authorities interview or advise, in person, your partner or next of kin. Your partner or next of kin can veto your application. If they do no gun.

4. You have to pass a home security inspection in which your proper firearm storage facilities are checked. Fail this and no gun.

5. You must take a gun safety course. Fail this and no gun.

6. You must now wait for approval for a firearms license, which usually takes four to six weeks.

7. Now, you can go out and buy a gun

- Semi-automatics are banned unless you can show a proper purpose for owning one, such as pest control. You require a special class endorsement on your firearms license

- All handguns are banned.
Which is all why we really depend on American movies.
Well, here's some shocking news.

The shooter had been fired the day before. I'd bet any money you like that the two victims - both in their 40s - were the site leaders who ditched him.

Lesson learned: don't employ violent filth, because when you fire them they'll come back and kill you.
Well here's something that has never happened in America.

Auckland shooting revives debate over gun control in New Zealand

Police identify two men killed as construction workers in their 40s amid renewed debate over access to firearms in New Zealand

A fatal shooting in New Zealand has revived debate about the country’s gun laws, after two men were killed and 10 others injured in an attack in Auckland.


The incident has brought fresh attention to an ongoing debate among political parties and the public about gun legislation.

Speaking to Radio New Zealand, police commissioner Andrew Coster said police had known “for some time that New Zealand’s firearm environment was not where we need it to be.”
I've been off the grid for over 2 weeks, how many mass shootings committed by white supremacists have I missed?

According to GVA, there have been 23 mass shootings since I last posted. 75%? 50%? 25%? Just kidding, everybody knows it's been 0. Business as usual.
I may have found one!

Seattle, Washington where 5 people were injured in a mass shooting during a "community outreach event."

Dozens of bullets were fired at a community outreach event late Friday in Seattle’s Rainier Beach neighborhood, injuring five people, two of whom were critically wounded, according to police.

A pop-up event to provide food and services in the South Seattle neighborhood was underway when the shots were fired, Police Chief Adrian Diaz said at a news conference at about 10:30 p.m.

At least 2 shooters:
No suspects have been identified as of Saturday morning.

You don't say? These RMVE-WS must be superb at concealing their identity.
20 victims in a Muncie, Indiana block party mass shooting. 1 killed, 19 wounded.

Maybe the president can stop dragging around Emmett Till's body long enough to mention this mass shooting?


This is the 18th mass shooting with double-digit victim counts so far this year. Anyone want to guess how many of these involve white male shooters? Anyone?
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This week's honorable mention: 1 killed, 9 wounded in a "drive-up" shooting in Chicago.

This shooting stands out because all 9 victims were women – more commonly referred to as "gang bangers" here at the ol' ISF.

Chicago police say a group of women was gathered in the North Lawndale neighborhood in the 1500 block of South Keeler Avenue around just before 1 a.m. when people got out of a black Jeep and began shooting.

The color of the Jeep matters.

A couple of man-bites-dog reports from GVA.

From Minneapolis, where one was killed and 6 were wounded during a concert. There have been many, many mass shootings at concerts but this is the first one I recall having not occurred during a rap concert but instead this occurred at a punk concert.

And from Rockford, Illinois a drive-by shooting with 7 victims, 6 of which were females(gang bangers, presumably). Just 2 weeks ago there was a drive-by shooting with all 8 victims being female. What's up with all of these female gang bangers?
A couple of man-bites-dog reports from GVA.

From Minneapolis, where one was killed and 6 were wounded during a concert. There have been many, many mass shootings at concerts but this is the first one I recall having not occurred during a rap concert but instead this occurred at a punk concert.

I'm guessing you're not reading these very carefully because this may well be an example of the type of hate-crime shooting you're trying to deflect from:

McClurg said many at the show were LGBTQ+ and there’s concern they may have been targeted.

Mostly speculative now, but there's some thought that this was a targeted hate crime rather than your more ordinary random act of street violence.
I'm guessing you're not reading these very carefully because this may well be an example of the type of hate-crime shooting you're trying to deflect from:

4 days and still no suspect description. Hmmmm, something smells fishy. I'm guessing it must not have been a MAGAr type on the trigger.
4 days and still no suspect description. Hmmmm, something smells fishy. I'm guessing it must not have been a MAGAr type on the trigger.

It was a shoot and scoot at a house show, it's not exactly the most high secure, well surveilled environment. Decent chance that nobody really saw much of anything

If this is a hate crime against LGBTQ as Turkey suggests, the lack of description of the shooters is fishy. Meaning the trigger puller/s' demographic makeup will go against the narrative.
If this is a hate crime against LGBTQ as Turkey suggests, the lack of description of the shooters is fishy. Meaning the trigger puller/s' demographic makeup will go against the narrative.

Have you considered that perhaps the shooter's appearance is not known, even to the victims?
If this is a hate crime against LGBTQ as Turkey suggests, the lack of description of the shooters is fishy. Meaning the trigger puller/s' demographic makeup will go against the narrative.

That just repeats what you originally said - why is it "fishy"?
Have you considered that perhaps the shooter's appearance is not known, even to the victims?
One of the news reports said that they were looking for two males. If witnesses are able to determine sex of the shooters, they know other details as well.
That just repeats what you originally said - why is it "fishy"?

An alleged hate crime that was a mass shooting with two as of yet arrested suspects still roaming the streets and no police or media description.

They're hiding something. My guess is the shooters are of a "victim class."
An alleged hate crime that was a mass shooting with two as of yet arrested suspects still roaming the streets and no police or media description.

They're hiding something. My guess is the shooters are of a "victim class."
Who is this "they" that are hiding something?
I think that is clear from the context of the post. " ... no police or media description. They're hiding something".

I'm not sure how it could be more obvious, but yes, the police and media's lack of suspect description is what is fishy.
Fishier and fishier.

Police have announced no arrests in connection with the shooting at the pop-up punk venue Nudieland, a place where members of the LGBTQ community often gathered to share their love of music and for each other.

Two young men, who didn't appear to be associated with the local punk rock scene, came into the yard and had a few drinks before pulling handguns, according to relatives and neighbors briefed by witnesses.

Every article I've read about this mass shooting mentions that it happened at a venue that is friendly to a specific victim class. What they're(the media) doing is, not so subtly, pushing a narrative that these victims are victims yet again. But why no description of who is doing the victimizing?

More from the article:
In a command staff meeting Monday morning, O'Hara reportedly told his supervisors that victims of the Nudieland shooting have not been cooperative with investigators.

The relative of one attendee at the show acknowledged that there is a deep distrust between many members of the punk rock scene and police, particularly in the wake of recent high-profile police killings.

Lawyers from the Legal Rights Center circulated an online flyer soliciting information from potential witnesses who wanted to make a statement or provide information about the shooting without contacting law enforcement.

Yeah, definitely not MAGArs pulling the trigger/s. If it were, this mass shooting would have nationwide and worldwide headlines by now.

Or, as Turkey put it earlier, this is not "the type of hate-crime shooting you're trying to deflect from." This is most likely the type of hate crime the left desperately tries to ignore.
Your claim then is that the police and the "media" are hiding something? Are they colluding?

Doubtful. It doesn't matter to me, both groups are hiding something. IMO.
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