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The Truth about RFK Jr

In 2021,
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. earned more than $500,000 as the chairman and top lawyer at Children’s Health Defense, the nonprofit organization that he has helped build into a leading spreader of anti-vaccine falsehoods and a platform for launching his independent bid for the White House.

The compensation was almost three times as high as the amount paid to the organization’s president, but it was not Mr. Kennedy’s biggest source of income. Neither was his family’s fabled wealth. Instead,
most of his earnings around the same time came from law firms — a total of $7 million for lending them his name, connections and expertise to sue major companies.


How disappointing, Mike Griffith has still not backed up his claim that RFK is not an anti-vaxxer by pointing out which vaccines RFK supports.

I’m almost worried that people might think Mike Griffith is mindlessly parroting RFK’s own talking points without having the intellectual honesty to examine the talking point himself or just thinks that there is anyone in the world dumb enough to believe RFK other than gullible morons.

Surely that can’t be it, right?
It'd be hard for lil' Mikey G to tell us what vaccines wormbrain supports as he himself refuses to disclose what vaccines he supports, despite being directly asked multiple times.
Nikki Glaser's punchline at the Golden Globes last night:

'The Bear,' 'The Penguin, 'Baby Reindeer.' These are not just things found in RFK (Jr.'s) freezer. These are TV shows nominated tonight."

On another thread entirely I was reminded of an old friend from fable, who lures children to their death with empty promises and a fatal cold touch.

And who shall wear the golden crown?

Der Erlkönig für morgen.jpg
IMHO if he is confirmed, RFK won't last long. Hr will implode, embarass Trump, and out he goes.
IMHO if he is confirmed, RFK won't last long. Hr will implode, embarass Trump, and out he goes.
"Embarass Trump"... that's a novel concept. We're thinking about the same guy, right? The one with the crazy hair, who does the weird dance to the YMCA in front of thousands of people, who started babbling weird nonsense about getting UV light into people to kill Covid, and who wrote long public love letters to Kim Jong-un, and hung out with Roger Stone and even pardoned him for his crimes, and went on Alex Jones's show, etc... He's going to be embarassed at some point in the future by open anti-vaxxer, HIV-AIDS denialist, anti-GMO weirdo Robert Kennedy Jr? I mean, I'm sure it COULD happen, but I'm struggling to come up with a likely scenario.
"Embarass Trump"... that's a novel concept. We're thinking about the same guy, right? The one with the crazy hair, who does the weird dance to the YMCA in front of thousands of people, who started babbling weird nonsense about getting UV light into people to kill Covid, and who wrote long public love letters to Kim Jong-un, and hung out with Roger Stone and even pardoned him for his crimes, and went on Alex Jones's show, etc... He's going to be embarassed at some point in the future by open anti-vaxxer, HIV-AIDS denialist, anti-GMO weirdo Robert Kennedy Jr? I mean, I'm sure it COULD happen, but I'm struggling to come up with a likely scenario.
Maybe makes Trump look bad would be better term.
Trump has forced out people in the past who made him look bad. And he has no personal loyalty to RFK whatsover.
You really do not understand Trump" he is driven completly by ego and image.
Come on, guys...

Finally, you should be aware that RFK Jr. has gotten all the standard vaccines except the COVID vaccine, and that his children have done so as well. He is not against vaccines per se; his main point is that vaccines should have to undergo the same safety trials that prescription drugs have to undergo.

Which vaccines is he in favour of?


Any acknowledgment that he profits from an anti-vaccine group and from lawsuits?
In May 2021 RFK formally petitioned the FDA to revoke the authorization of all Covid vaccines. This came at a time, six months after the vaccine's had been rolled out, when the vaccines were in high demand and considered life saving. Even donald trump called them miraculous.

The New York Times reports:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President-elect Donald J. Trump’s choice to lead the nation’s health agencies, formally asked the Food and Drug Administration to revoke the authorization of all Covid vaccines during a deadly phase of the pandemic when thousands of Americans were still dying every week...[Kennedy] claimed that the risks of the vaccines outweighed the benefits and that the vaccines weren’t necessary because good treatments were available, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which had already been deemed ineffective against the virus. New York Times article link

Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, said that having Mr. Kennedy in charge of federal health agencies was like “putting a flat earther in charge of NASA.”

Lots of antivaxxers are vaccinated themselves. It's one of the things that pisses me off about them, they got all the shots themselves when they were younger (or, heck, maybe even some in recent times, if they are hypocritical enough), but they seek to deny the same protection to the people kids growing up now.
Truth about RFK jr is simple: He is a crackpot.
THe only thing he talks abou tthat makes sense is when it comes to a healty diet, but even there I doubt that trying to...excuse the expression...force it down people's throats is not a good idea. Educate, or try too,,,but don't mandate.
I wonder what "credentials" RFK believes he has that gives him expertise on the subject.
Paul Offit has a list of questions for uber-quack RFK that the Senate should ask him in his confirmation hearing.

Those questions only matter if you're concerned about having a competent individual in charge - the GOP seem to be more interested in "sticking it to the liberals" and actively don't want a working department:

1. Does HIV cause AIDS
Doesn't matter, AIDS only affects homosexuals and drug addicts so who cares

2. Do you agree with Germ Theory
Like evolution, it's only a theory so why not embrace the controversy
Those questions only matter if you're concerned about having a competent individual in charge - the GOP seem to be more interested in "sticking it to the liberals" and actively don't want a working department:

1. Does HIV cause AIDS
Doesn't matter, AIDS only affects homosexuals and drug addicts so who cares

2. Do you agree with Germ Theory
Like evolution, it's only a theory so why not embrace the controversy
Somehow I think even he would not answer the questions like that. But if he did then all the better. Get that out there in the public domain where people can see it.
Paul Offit has a list of questions for uber-quack RFK that the Senate should ask him in his confirmation hearing.

I did not realize that he did not believe in germ theory. This explains why he wanted to pause research on infectious disease. Fungal infections kill more than a million people worldwide every year, according to an article I read in Lancet. Mycobacterium tuberculosis kills a comparable number.
Țară Smith wrote, "Here, I examine the history and present situation of HIV denial, with a focus on Kennedy’s claims and how they have encouraged others to revisit old conspiracy theories, and discuss what may be used to counter this misinformation...The merger of vaccine and pandemic denial was bolstered with the 2021 publication of Kennedy’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” [4], which is rife with tactics and tropes common in science denial [3, 41,42,43] (see Table 1)...Kennedy even flirts with outright germ theory denial, discussing “terrain theory,” the idea that if one’s body is health enough, it cannot be damaged by microbes (referring to it as “miasma theory”)...Finally, lessons can be drawn from studies examining corrective responses to conspiracy theories more broadly [81], including different types of “pre-bunking,” where individuals are taught misinformation techniques in order to inoculate them against such messaging in the future [82, 83].

Toward the end of the essay, she discusses response to HIV/AIDS denial, as the last sentence I quoted above indicates. The whole article is worth reading.
I did not realize that he did not believe in germ theory. This explains why he wanted to pause research on infectious disease. Fungal infections kill more than a million people worldwide every year, according to an article I read in Lancet. Mycobacterium tuberculosis kills a comparable number.
MAGA and RFK want to vastly improve on that number. They want to make it TWO million! Starting with the USA, of course.
Politico reported, "“The people he [RFK, Jr] really trusts are people that obviously are trying to execute a plan to totally take away vaccines,” said one of the people with knowledge of the discussions. “The risk of overreach, I don’t think is zero.”" I am not sure what to expect.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, which has been reliably pro-Trump, comes out against Junior's nomination:
The risk is high that Mr. Kennedy will use his power and pulpit at HHS to enrich his trial-lawyer friends at the expense of public health and medical innovation. It’s telling that Mr. Kennedy hasn’t agreed to stop taking payments from these allies in the Gardasil lawsuit. Senators would be wise to believe RFK Jr.’s career of spreading falsehoods rather than his confirmation conversions.
Nice to see the WSJ take the bold stance of being opposed to people dying.
I get the temptation to sarcasm, but one would think pushback like this from normally pro-Trump sources should be applauded, especially since Kennedy really needs to be stopped.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, which has been reliably pro-Trump, comes out against Junior's nomination:
Thanks for that.

Do you see this Mike Griffiths and Roger Ramjets?

Most troubling is his long record of anti-vaccine advocacy. In the past he has claimed that the measles vaccine causes autism despite reams of studies that have found no causative link, and that the polio vaccine might have killed many more than the actual virus. Deadly infectious diseases disappeared because of better hygiene, not vaccines, he asserts.

Mr. Kennedy’s nomination disclosures show he’s received millions of dollars from referring clients to Wisner Baum and Morgan & Morgan, law firms that have sued vaccine and drug makers. Wisner Baum spearheaded litigation against Merck over its Gardasil vaccine, which protects against the human papillomavirus—one of the biggest risk factors for cervical cancer.
[A]s HHS Secretary, Mr. Kennedy could take action to assist his trial-lawyer pals.

When RFK Jr was running as an independent, my thought about him was that he was worse than Trump. Trump, however, has probably proved me wrong by nominating RFK Jr for the the worst possible role for him in his cabinet.

So, yes, it is good to see that the Wall Street Journal, ostensibly a Trump ally, is now warning against him. It may be possible for them to persuade some Republicans. Surely some Republicans don't want to roll the dice on whether or not RFK Jr is going to either pull life-saving vaccines or sue the manufacturers into oblivion or until they stop making them any more.

Still other Republicans may be persuaded, from a libertarian point of view (I'll take anything right now), of trying to stop RFK Jr from enacting anything that smacks of nanny-statism. The rallying cry could be "He will take my cheeseburgers from my cold, dead, chubby, cholesterol-leaking hands!"
I get the temptation to sarcasm, but one would think pushback like this from normally pro-Trump sources should be applauded, especially since Kennedy really needs to be stopped.

Here are some other pieces the WSJ ran on RFK Jr:

We Battled Big Food. Can RFK, Jr. Succeed Where We Failed?

‘Social Prescriptions’: A Good RFK Jr. Idea

Food-as-Medicine Startups Could Get a New Champion in Washington: RFK Jr.

But yeah sure, let's break out the champagne because the WSJ has now decided to take a principled stance against letting kids die from preventable diseases. I'm sure they'll clean up at this year's Too Little, Too Late awards.
Caroline Kennedy sent a letter to four US Senators today imploring them NOT to vote for RFK, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services,

Overseeing the FDA, the NIH, the CDC, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - agencies that are charged with protecting the most vulnerable among us - is an enormous responsibility, and one that Bobby is unqualified to fill. He lacks any relevant government, financial, management, or medical experience. His views on vaccines are dangerous and willfully misinformed. These facts alone should be disqualifying. But he has personal qualities related to this position which, for me, pose even greater concern.

Bobby preys on the desperation of parents of sick children - vaccinating his own children while building a following by hypocritically discouraging other parents from vaccinating theirs. Copy of Caroline Kennedy's letter provided by New York Times

We are living in the most bizarre period ever in American life. What happened? :eye-poppi
Caroline Kennedy sent a letter to four US Senators today imploring them NOT to vote for RFK, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services,

We are living in the most bizarre period ever in American life. What happened? :eye-poppi

Fox News and 20+ years of right wing propaganda.
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