I think various institutions in the States (Congress, the military, even an increasingly right-wing judiciary and police) are stronger than they were in 1920s Germany. Also, the Weimar Republic suffered a serious hyperinflation between 1920 and 1923.
The Wikipedia article
List of countries by Fragile States Index has the USA at #140 on its list (#1=Yemen ["basket case"], #179=Finland ["Stable as Precambrian granite"].)
Looked at in reverse, as a list of stable states, the USA ranks 40. Which is pretty good, actually, for all its problems. (In this ranking, Finland is 1, New Zealand is 4, Canada is 9, Germany 13, Australia 14, and relatively unstable Greece is 56. At the other end we see China at 82, Russia at 105, India at 111, and Haiti at 169.)
Sadly, for me it's not inconceivable that a future hard-right president, with the support of both Congress and the military, could suppress the constitution, make himself president for longer than he's entitled to, and start actively suppressing the media and rounding up dissidents.
Should that happen, it's extremely difficult to predict how individual states would react. Strongly Democratic states could well resist efforts by federal forces to round up citizens and send them to camps, and could continue making available news that other states wouldn't allow to be broadcast.