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Cont: The Trump Presidency: Part 27

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Penultimate Amazing
Feb 22, 2007
That's an interesting thought. If Trump flies anywhere near the end of his term, how will the codes be brought back to DC on the 20th?

It's not that interesting. Any staff, including military officers (like the one carrying the "football"), who would not remain with an ex-president would either go home on the former Air Force One or other military aircraft as soon as Biden is sworn in. If Trump decides to be such a pissy loser as to be out of DC on inauguration day and they still want to give Trump the traditional last ride on a presidential aircraft (assuming he's not already at his home), they'd probably send a backup aircraft for that specific purpose.
Assuming they gave trump valid codes and a working "nuclear football".

Maybe they were smart 4 years ago and realized how unstable and a security risk trump was and gave him fakes

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Why am I reminded of giving a small child a disconnected controller to mollify them?
Taking a cue from Trump...

GOP seizes control of Pa. Senate floor, blocks Brewster from being seated

The Pennsylvania Senate devolved into chaos Tuesday as Republicans refused to seat Democrat Jim Brewster of McKeesport to his third term in office.

The state certified Brewster as the winner of the Nov. 3 election in the 45th District, which includes parts of Allegheny and Westmoreland counties. His victory was set aside by Republican senators who claimed a pending federal lawsuit by his GOP challenger Nicole Ziccarelli was reason to delay his seating.
Knowing Trump, as Commander-in-Chief, he’ll order the pilot of Air Force One to fly to Scotland, then land even without a clearance to do so. The confrontation on the tarmac could be worthy of pay-per-view.

That's an interesting thought. If Trump flies anywhere near the end of his term, how will the codes be brought back to DC on the 20th?

On this question, there's an important issue to consider: it's well established that on a plane in flight, the pilot is the ultimate authority, regardless of the rank of anyone else who might be on that plane. Trump could very well order the pilot of AF1 to do something really stupid like land without authorization, or fly to Russia, but the pilot is under no obligation to actually follow that order.

The pilot might face a court martial afterwards, but while in flight, Trump would be powerless. And I suspect a court martial would likely find that any such order was actually illegal, so the pilot would be off the hook.
Assuming they gave trump valid codes and a working "nuclear football".

Maybe they were smart 4 years ago and realized how unstable and a security risk trump was and gave him fakes

Sent from my LM-X320 using Tapatalk

There’s no reason to give him fake codes.
The code card consists of two columns of numbers. When the president is given the daily card, he is told something like, “the first half of today’s code will be the third entry from the first column and the second half will be the fourth entry from the second column.” These’s no way President Chucklehead could remember something like that.
trump Tweets

I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern. BIG CROWDS!
trump Tweets

I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern. BIG CROWDS!
Just what America needs...

Despite the fact that the election result is decided and it won't help Trump or the republicans (and its too late to help with any run-off elections), Trump is going to have another covid super-spreader event.
There’s no reason to give him fake codes.
The code card consists of two columns of numbers. When the president is given the daily card, he is told something like, “the first half of today’s code will be the third entry from the first column and the second half will be the fourth entry from the second column.” These’s no way President Chucklehead could remember something like that.

He’d at best circle the code with his sharpie. At worse post it on Twitter.
Don't be ridiculous. He'd give it to the Russian ambassador.

I’ve just had a worrying thought.

We laugh at his misspelling of common words - such as the infamous “covfefe” and his eccentric use of CapiTALisation but what if these are messages to his handlers in Russia.

I recall in the Second World War broadcasters would broadcast apparently innocuous phrases and sentences which would be known to resistance fighters so they would know when to expect shipments and the like.

Perhaps Trump has been communicating state secrets under our noses all this time....

It’s certainly not as crazy as thinking an axed reality TV “star” could be elected to POTUS!

(For the humour imPaired - the above is called a joke.
I’ve just had a worrying thought.

We laugh at his misspelling of common words - such as the infamous “covfefe” and his eccentric use of CapiTALisation but what if these are messages to his handlers in Russia.

I recall in the Second World War broadcasters would broadcast apparently innocuous phrases and sentences which would be known to resistance fighters so they would know when to expect shipments and the like.

Perhaps Trump has been communicating state secrets under our noses all this time....

It’s certainly not as crazy as thinking an axed reality TV “star” could be elected to POTUS!

(For the humour imPaired - the above is called a joke.

I vaguely remember recently reading a story (or possibly seeing a TV episode/movie) about a Rip Van Winkle-ish character from the 1950's or 60's waking up in (or being transported to) the 1980's, and being told that Ronald Reagan was now the US President- he refused to believe it, thinking that he was being pranked- "what?! The actor!?!?!" Can you imagine someone from the 50's/60's being told that a reality-TV star had been elected President? First you'd have to explain "reality TV," then "trolling," before you could get to the 2016 election; by then, I would guess our time traveler would be saying "yeah, you know what? Cell phones are kind of neat, GPS in your car seems really handy, and the Internet is like magic- but I think I'd like to go back home now."

(Hell, I'm sort of a time traveler from the 60's, and even without the benefit of skipping the years, I feel that way sometimes)
I vaguely remember recently reading a story (or possibly seeing a TV episode/movie) about a Rip Van Winkle-ish character from the 1950's or 60's waking up in (or being transported to) the 1980's, and being told that Ronald Reagan was now the US President- he refused to believe it, thinking that he was being pranked- "what?! The actor!?!?!" Can you imagine someone from the 50's/60's being told that a reality-TV star had been elected President? First you'd have to explain "reality TV," then "trolling," before you could get to the 2016 election; by then, I would guess our time traveler would be saying "yeah, you know what? Cell phones are kind of neat, GPS in your car seems really handy, and the Internet is like magic- but I think I'd like to go back home now."

(Hell, I'm sort of a time traveler from the 60's, and even without the benefit of skipping the years, I feel that way sometimes)

I love the internet, but I think Twitter is one of the worst inventions ever created. That along with robocalls, rap, and open enrollment Medicare commercials.
trump Tweets

I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern. BIG CROWDS!
Since the Ellipse is a public park with no doors, could he be referring to the doors on the cage where they keep him in the White House?

Also, small point: why mention that it is Eastern time? If you are not in Washington, the timezone is irrelevant. If you are and plan to attend...it's irrelevant!
Since the Ellipse is a public park with no doors, could he be referring to the doors on the cage where they keep him in the White House?

Also, small point: why mention that it is Eastern time? If you are not in Washington, the timezone is irrelevant. If you are and plan to attend...it's irrelevant!

Cuz he's nuts.
I vaguely remember recently reading a story (or possibly seeing a TV episode/movie) about a Rip Van Winkle-ish character from the 1950's or 60's waking up in (or being transported to) the 1980's, and being told that Ronald Reagan was now the US President- he refused to believe it, thinking that he was being pranked- "what?! The actor!?!?!"

Sounds like Doc Brown in Back to the Future
I’ve just had a worrying thought.

We laugh at his misspelling of common words - such as the infamous “covfefe” and his eccentric use of CapiTALisation but what if these are messages to his handlers in Russia.

Then he's probably vastly misspelling even the secret messages, to the point that Russia isn't even reading anymore.
I vaguely remember recently reading a story (or possibly seeing a TV episode/movie) about a Rip Van Winkle-ish character from the 1950's or 60's waking up in (or being transported to) the 1980's, and being told that Ronald Reagan was now the US President- he refused to believe it, thinking that he was being pranked- "what?! The actor!?!?!" Can you imagine someone from the 50's/60's being told that a reality-TV star had been elected President? First you'd have to explain "reality TV," then "trolling," before you could get to the 2016 election; by then, I would guess our time traveler would be saying "yeah, you know what? Cell phones are kind of neat, GPS in your car seems really handy, and the Internet is like magic- but I think I'd like to go back home now."

Reagan was a former actor, but he was also a two-term governor of California before getting elected. Unlike Trump, he didn't turn a career in the entertainment industry into a presidency.
Since the Ellipse is a public park with no doors, could he be referring to the doors on the cage where they keep him in the White House?

Also, small point: why mention that it is Eastern time? If you are not in Washington, the timezone is irrelevant. If you are and plan to attend...it's irrelevant!

People in other time zones may want to livestream it or watch to see if FoxNews is covering it.
I’ve just had a worrying thought.

We laugh at his misspelling of common words - such as the infamous “covfefe” and his eccentric use of CapiTALisation but what if these are messages to his handlers in Russia.

I recall in the Second World War broadcasters would broadcast apparently innocuous phrases and sentences which would be known to resistance fighters so they would know when to expect shipments and the like.

Perhaps Trump has been communicating state secrets under our noses all this time....

It’s certainly not as crazy as thinking an axed reality TV “star” could be elected to POTUS!

(For the humour imPaired - the above is called a joke.

That plays a big role in the classic WW2 film "The Longest Day"

"John has a long mutache...John has a long mustache".
Pence has told Trump he cannot block the election of Biden tommorow.
Watch the MAGARATS turn on Pence now....
Pence has told Trump he cannot block the election of Biden tommorow.
Watch the MAGARATS turn on Pence now....
Hopefully that's true, as a reminder to all the other Trump bootlickers that getting involved with Trump is not a guarantee of long-lasting success; eventually everything Trump touches dies.
Trump's term ends with him losing the election and the Republicans losing the senate. I wish both defeats would have been more decisive, but there you have it.
I do too.

But look at it this way... Normally the pattern is for an incumbent president to get re-elected.... Obama did, the Shrub did, Clinton did, Reagan did. (Granted Bush Sr. didn't, but he was a follow-up to Reagan.)

After 8 years of Obama, you would have expected at least 8 years of a republican president. The fact that Trump lost certainly breaks that pattern.

So, maybe doesn't make up for the 4 years of Trump corruption (and the previous decade of Moscow Mitch, and the tea-partiers). But, it is at least a bit of a silver lining.
This is what Trump has brought us to:
"In regards to the protests planned for January 6th, the violent rhetoric we're seeing online is at a new level," said Daniel J. Jones, president of Advance Democracy Inc., a global research organization that studies disinformation and extremism. "There are endorsements of violence across all of the platforms."

A new report from Advance Democracy chronicled a wide variety of posts about the protests, including many that anticipated violence from other groups and called for people to arm themselves.

On Twitter, QAnon-related accounts posted conspiracy theories alleging that Black Lives Matter and antifa activists were going to kill supporters of President Donald Trump at the protest and suggested that protesters arm themselves Wednesday, calling it "Independence Day."

On TikTok, several videos with hundreds of thousands of views promoted violence at the rally. A user with a militia-related avatar told viewers to carry guns even though firearms are prohibited in the areas of the city where the demonstrations are taking place.

"Take your ************* guns. That's the whole point of going," the person said.

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It's probably worth noting something again, in response to that.

Trump is a symptom. He is also a cause, but he wouldn't even be able to do that if it weren't for the long-lasting assault on the US by the Republicans.

This is on the Republican Party as a whole, not just Trump.

Agreed. But it is Trump who brought it all together and set it afire.
I vaguely remember recently reading a story (or possibly seeing a TV episode/movie) about a Rip Van Winkle-ish character from the 1950's or 60's waking up in (or being transported to) the 1980's, and being told that Ronald Reagan was now the US President- he refused to believe it, thinking that he was being pranked- "what?! The actor!?!?!" Can you imagine someone from the 50's/60's being told that a reality-TV star had been elected President? First you'd have to explain "reality TV," then "trolling," before you could get to the 2016 election; by then, I would guess our time traveler would be saying "yeah, you know what? Cell phones are kind of neat, GPS in your car seems really handy, and the Internet is like magic- but I think I'd like to go back home now."

(Hell, I'm sort of a time traveler from the 60's, and even without the benefit of skipping the years, I feel that way sometimes)

That is kind of the plot of one of Spider Robinsons Callahan's stories. A missionary missed the entire 70's by being locked up in a central American prison.
That is kind of the plot of one of Spider Robinsons Callahan's stories. A missionary missed the entire 70's by being locked up in a central American prison.

Back to the Future (Marty McFly has returned to an early version of Dr. Brown):

Dr Emmett Brown: “Then tell me, future boy, who’s President of the United States in 1985?”
Marty McFly (Michael J Fox): “Ronald Reagan.”
Dr Emmett Brown: “Ronald Reagan? The actor? Then who’s vice-president? Jerry Lewis?”
A few more days and the GOP will be like: "Trump who?"

The great forgetting will happen soon.
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