Yeah, no.
That's a truncated quote which removed critical context. "They" as in "They didn’t want to arrest him" isn't referring to the federal marshals, it's referring to the state police. He wasn't saying the marshals wanted to kill him instead of arrest him. Trump was saying that the state police didn't want to arrest this guy for days, so he sent in the federal marshals and they got him right away.
You can see the whole speech here:
He talks at length about civil unrest that he says could be solved quickly with law enforcement intervention. The part specifically about Reinoehl starts at about 17:25. Here's a fuller transcript:
"And the man that shot another innocent man, this was an innocent man shot, killed, instantly killed. I said, "what happened?" "Well we haven't arrested him". Two days, three days went by. We sent in the US Marshalls. Took 15 minutes, it was over. 15 minutes it was over, we got him.
They knew who he was, they didn't want to arrest him. 15 minutes that ended."
It doesn't actually make sense that Trump would brag about a hit, and not surprisingly,
he didn't. The fact that you believed the lie so easily, though, that's a problem. Will you try to solve it? Stay tuned....