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Cont: The Trump Presidency: Part 25

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Exactly, and at the moment President Trump is attempting to portray Joe Biden as the incumbent who has dragged the US into this state of lawlessness and himself as the force for change who can resolve the situation.

It's ballsy and brazen IMO - and in today's low information, post factual age it might very well win him a second (or possibly even a third ;)) term :mad:

It worked for the Tories, there's no reason why it can't work for the Conservatives.

Although I think that Biden and especially Harris are more credible than Corbyn.

In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were some people who voted for Biden purely out of the hope that he'll step aside at some point and allow Harris to be President.
Yes we do. Restaurants and cafeterias use big bags of milk in a big dispenser.
Sorry, unclear on my part I suppose. I meant retail sales like much (?) of the rest of the world has. Even special pitchers to hold and pour the opened bag. Wild. [emoji4]
I have several bags of beef stew, ready to be cut open and heated. I got them from the food bank.
Frozen? Or freezable? Weaponizable? [emoji1]
Used a major Bay Area food bank a dozen or so years ago... would have liked something like that.
Actually it was EBT/food stamps and we had to be in there working five days a week. I couldn't count how many Aerobie toys (and misc. other crap) I've fitted to printed cardboard retail display hangers.
The county made bank on our labors. [emoji15]
But what the hell... you had to want/need it bad, and we didn't starve.
But we didn't get stew either. [emoji20]

Donald J. Trump Retweeted


Michael Cohen and Chris Cuomo have both spent four years trying to screw President Trump--but only ended up screwing themselves.
You love to see it.

LOL. The unhinged mob wanted to cancel Tucker Carlson, but it's Chris Cuomo who might be done.
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Trump Tweets

This is the NEW and very sick Democrat Party. We will win on November 3rd, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

See, even a Kennedy isn’t safe in the new Radical Left Democrat Party. Taxes up big, no 2A. Biden has completely lost control. Pelosi strongly backed the loser!
Quote Tweet
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We have always been at war with Eurasia. Duh.

Honestly, to me, it sounds more like he's hinting at the Illuminati for his many, many conspiracy theorist followers.

To poke elsewhere,

Oath Keepers to Trump: Send out the militias to stop antifascists' 'Marxist takeover' of America

And may those radicalized, attempting to instigate violence **** go to jail immediately before they go on murder sprees. Seriously, overwhelmingly, it's been the right-wingers murdering people and cops, but when one of their own dies while causing trouble, it's time for a revolution! Yeah, I'm calling that what it is. A convenient excuse.

As I've pointed out once already, I'm getting a really strong late '20s German vibe here.
Donald J. Trump Retweeted


Michael Cohen and Chris Cuomo have both spent four years trying to screw President Trump--but only ended up screwing themselves.
You love to see it.

LOL. The unhinged mob wanted to cancel Tucker Carlson, but it's Chris Cuomo who might be done.

Unless he's referring to the South African cricketer, I thought that, until recently, Michael Cohen was President Trump's fixer - how has he spent four years trying to screw the President ? :confused:

Is this an attempt to portray Michael Cohen paying off a porn star on Donald Trump's behalf (and is request) a unilateral action of someone trying to harm the President ?
Trump Tweets

This is the NEW and very sick Democrat Party. We will win on November 3rd, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

See, even a Kennedy isn’t safe in the new Radical Left Democrat Party. Taxes up big, no 2A. Biden has completely lost control. Pelosi strongly backed the loser!
Quote Tweet

Biden lost control?
Because with the Nomination, he has become undisputed Ruler of all that isn't Republican?

The authoritarian mindset reveals itself again.
Unless he's referring to the South African cricketer, I thought that, until recently, Michael Cohen was President Trump's fixer - how has he spent four years trying to screw the President ? :confused:

Is this an attempt to portray Michael Cohen paying off a porn star on Donald Trump's behalf (and is request) a unilateral action of someone trying to harm the President ?
Sense, logic and reality itself no longer figure in Trump's universe.
Trump Tweets

Joe Biden is a Low Energy Candidate the likes of which we have never seen before. The last thing our country needs is a Low Energy Individulal, especially when surrounded by High Energy Chess Players scattered all over the world. He’s back in his basement now - no schedule!
Trump Tweets

Joe Biden is a Low Energy Candidate the likes of which we have never seen before. The last thing our country needs is a Low Energy Individulal, especially when surrounded by High Energy Chess Players scattered all over the world. He’s back in his basement now - no schedule!
"Damn it, Biden really ripped me a new one. Better try goading him back on twitter again to see if he makes a rhetorical mistake I can attack him for instead."
During the Kenosha roundtable, a reporter made the mistake of directing a question at someone other than Trump, with predictable results.

At a roundtable event in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, President Donald Trump answered for a pair Black pastors in the room when they were asked whether they think police violence is a systemic issue.

The two pastors were James Ward and Sharon Ward, who said they were pastors for Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake. Blake, a Black man, was shot seven times in the back by a Kenosha police officer, sparking demonstrations in the city.

When a reporter asked the Wards whether, like other Black community leaders, they believed police violence was a systemic issue, Trump interjected, "I don't believe that. I think the police do an incredible job and I think you do have some bad apples."

The pastors never got the chance to answer the reporter's question, including when the reporter attempted to clarify that the question was not directed toward the President. It's not clear if Trump understood that the question was meant for the pastors.

Trump himself hasn't had trouble with the police, so there are clearly no problems.

The President also seemed to suggest that his personal interactions with police were enough evidence for him to know that police violence was not a systemic issue.
"No, but I don't believe that at all," he told the reporter. "I've met so many police. I have the endorsement of like, so many, maybe everybody."
The speech that made Trump claim that Biden was on drugs, because he seemed too fresh?

I mean, i you are going to make your own stuff up, at least try to keep your plot straight. :rolleyes:


That claim was earlier, toward the end of the primary debates.

"I don't know how he could have been so incompetent in his debate performances and then all of a sudden be OK against Bernie. It wasn't that he was Winston Churchill because he wasn't, but it was a normal, boring debate. You know, nothing amazing happened. And we are going to call for a drug test because there's no way - you can't do that."
Trump Tweets

Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask - despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!

The Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi. Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal. She probably treats him like she treats everyone else...And she strongly supported a Kennedy who just lost in, of all places, Massachusetts!
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Trump Tweets

Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask - despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!

The Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi. Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal. She probably treats him like she treats everyone else...And she strongly supported a Kennedy who just lost in, of all places, Massachusetts!

Yes, Nancy Pelosi was dumb to have her hair done without a mask and doubly-dumb not to have the owner thoroughly vetted beforehand.

Then again, President Trump doesn't know that the Salon owner is female:

The salon owner, Erica Kious...


The usual level of competence and attention to detail from the Trump Administration. :rolleyes:
Trump Tweets

Joe Biden is a Low Energy Candidate the likes of which we have never seen before. The last thing our country needs is a Low Energy Individulal, especially when surrounded by High Energy Chess Players scattered all over the world. He’s back in his basement now - no schedule!

"Damn it, Biden really ripped me a new one. Better try goading him back on twitter again to see if he makes a rhetorical mistake I can attack him for instead."
And now it's been deleted.
Trump Tweets

We had FAR more people (many millions) watching us at the RNC than did Sleepy Joe and the DNC, and yet an ad just ran saying the opposite. This is what we’re up against. Lies. But we will WIN!
I love how the fact that the President of the United States literally never referring to anyone outside of his sycophantic inner circle without using a childish nickname isn't even shocking us anymore.

We've elected a pure troll. Like I hate how much even regular old bad President would cheer me up at this point.
Trump Tweets

We had FAR more people (many millions) watching us at the RNC than did Sleepy Joe and the DNC, and yet an ad just ran saying the opposite. This is what we’re up against. Lies. But we will WIN!

A repeat of the Inauguration crowd claim ?

The numbers are lower so simply insist that they are higher ?
The numbers are lower so simply insist that they are higher ?

Yeah. I mean, it works. We're in a post-fact world now.

You didn't see any graphite on the ground because there isn't any. An RBMK reactor can't explode. It's only 3.6 Roetgen, equivalent to chest X-ray.
Trump Tweets

Joe Biden is not on the side of Law Enforcement, and that was spectacularly evident on my very successful trip yesterday to Kenosha. We solved the problem quickly, and it was very much appreciated by the people of Wisconsin. Joe Biden wouldn’t know where to begin - a bad record!
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Trump blames racism in policing on 'bad apples' during visit to Kenosha

He obviously doesn’t know that a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.

Here's one of the best explanations I've read about how that actually happens:
So let’s say, just to illustrate a point, that this is everywhere: most cops have zero racism, but 10% are full-on “let’s kill [them] style racists. This could explain all the racial disparities in the data. But then everything those cops do is protected by 100% of the police force. As we saw with George Floyd: one officer committed the murder, while numerous officers did nothing about it; and the department even tried lying about what happened until video came out exposing them. That latter action need not be racist at all, it’s rather simply generic corruption: cops back each other with lies, report-faking, and intensive intra-group peer pressure no matter what crimes they commit against whoever, regardless of race or anything else (see the many links I gave above of exactly this kind of corruption and lying from police departments all across America). The effect, however, is to maintain a racist system: we get that 10% disparity in treatment of citizens by race from the whole system, and nothing is ever done about it. In this scenario, in every case, a whole police department is causing this disparity, even though only 10% of it is cognitively racist.
The speech that made Trump claim that Biden was on drugs, because he seemed too fresh?

I mean, i you are going to make your own stuff up, at least try to keep your plot straight. :rolleyes:

It is not a bug, it is a feature.

(1) Some of the followers saw the speech and understood VP Biden was not low energy. The majority didn’t see the speech and simply believe whatever President Trump says. As Paul Simon poetically said, “Such are promises/ All lies and jest/ Still, a man hears what he wants to hear/ And disregards the rest.”

(2) it has worked perfectly for him for decades.

(3) Because he knows that if any reporter calls him on his BS, he will simply rant loud enough and long enough that the rant becomes the lead story in that news cycle. If everyone is talking whether or not his insults are consistent, then they don’t have time to talk about removing inspector generals, violating the emoluments laws, replacing certain medium level employees who are much more important than anyone thought, etc, etc, etc, etc.

(4) if it does become a story, then the media and the media watchers spend an entire news cycle repeating both of his insults. It’s 2020, the folks who read (or hear) only headlines might outnumber the folks who actively read the story.

(5) in a post-factual world, there is no reason to be consistent

(6) Because being a grand master in 4-D chess requires being inconsistent.

(7) Because it upsets the libruls. He loves pwning the libruls. Haw, haw, haw.
Trump Tweets

Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask - despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!

The Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi. Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal. She probably treats him like she treats everyone else...And she strongly supported a Kennedy who just lost in, of all places, Massachusetts!

Hair salons opened in San Francisco July 29th. This **** is flying all over the right wing echo chamber after a story on Fox, I believe.

CA rules for hair salons and it applies in San Francisco. I checked where in CA it applied.

Like Safe-Keeper said, they are aiming for people that don't fact check.

ETA: Apparently the city Mayor made the whole thing confusing saying they could follow the state guideline for the county, then saying they couldn't and had to work outdoors. The stylists complained that was impossible and on the confusion went, apparently.
Local news 8/28: San Francisco business owners plea for clearer guidelines after getting green light to reopen
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Trump: “And she strongly supported a Kennedy who just lost in, of all places, Massachusetts!”

Yes. Because if you endorse a candidate because you agree with his positions and that candidate loses, then you are a LOSER!!11!

(Unless you are Trump endorsing a failed candidate because then “shut up shut up, fake news, I never endorsed him, you’re lying, you are a horrible person for asking about that, you are the enemy of the people, no president has ever been attacked as much as I have, shut up.”)
It is not a bug, it is a feature.

(1) Some of the followers saw the speech and understood VP Biden was not low energy. The majority didn’t see the speech and simply believe whatever President Trump says. As Paul Simon poetically said, “Such are promises/ All lies and jest/ Still, a man hears what he wants to hear/ And disregards the rest.”

(2) it has worked perfectly for him for decades.

(3) Because he knows that if any reporter calls him on his BS, he will simply rant loud enough and long enough that the rant becomes the lead story in that news cycle. If everyone is talking whether or not his insults are consistent, then they don’t have time to talk about removing inspector generals, violating the emoluments laws, replacing certain medium level employees who are much more important than anyone thought, etc, etc, etc, etc.

(4) if it does become a story, then the media and the media watchers spend an entire news cycle repeating both of his insults. It’s 2020, the folks who read (or hear) only headlines might outnumber the folks who actively read the story.

(5) in a post-factual world, there is no reason to be consistent
(6) Because being a grand master in 4-D chess requires being inconsistent.

(7) Because it upsets the libruls. He loves pwning the libruls. Haw, haw, haw.

The problem is, post-factual age or not, the real world still consists of facts. In the long run, ignoring them is dangerous, even fatal.

Not to Godwin this, but ... we saw it in the 1940ties. It may carry a surprisingly long way, but eventually it leads to disaster. I'm not worried about Trump. He can commit suicide in his bunker for all I care, but the collateral damage is almost unbearable.

Trump Tweets

When a Kennedy loses a Democrat Primary in Massachusetts, by a lot, it just shows how far LEFT that party has gone. Joe Hiden’ will never be able to hold them back. Life, 2nd A, Energy, Religion, Jobs and the Economy, would be totally obliterated!

2016 was AMAZING, but we never had this kind of ENTHUSIASM!
Trump Tweets

When a Kennedy loses a Democrat Primary in Massachusetts, by a lot, it just shows how far LEFT that party has gone. Joe Hiden’ will never be able to hold them back. Life, 2nd A, Energy, Religion, Jobs and the Economy, would be totally obliterated!

2016 was AMAZING, but we never had this kind of ENTHUSIASM!

Kennedy was running as the progressive candidate against the establishment incumbent.

I know, I know, it's Trump.
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