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Cont: The Trump Presidency: Part 25

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Come on, USA. You have a big, beautiful, powerful constitution, and the 25th Amendment in that big, beautiful, powerful constitution deals with removing a president who can no longer president properly.

Just bite the big, beautiful, powerful bullet and ditch the raving moron. It's getting to the stage that he can't even dress or toilet himself. Because this **** just keeps on dribbling out of him in public. It's embarrassing for everyone, and bad for your country.

Fix it.

Not gonna happen. [emoji20]
Its the Senate chamber of our Congress that would say yea or nay... and he has that one in his pocket. We just have to ride it out.
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Not gonna happen. [emoji20]
Its the Senate chamber of our Congress that would say yea or nay... and he has that one in his pocket.
Understood. But I suspect even they are seeing that being the only rats staying on this rapidly sinking ship captained by a cross-eyed lunatic criminal is perhaps not the best career-advancing option after all.
Bags of soup are sometimes used in fast-service restaurants. They come frozen so you can easily thaw and reheat in the double boiler. I doubt Donald knew anything about that, though. They're definitely not easy to come by. You can't buy them at the super market. Maybe the restaurant is in on it.
Bags of soup are sometimes used in fast-service restaurants. They come frozen so you can easily thaw and reheat in the double boiler. I doubt Donald knew anything about that, though. They're definitely not easy to come by. You can't buy them at the super market. Maybe the restaurant is in on it.
In the US?
Never heard of such a thing myself.
(We don't have bagged milk either. Thankfully IMO.)
Bags of soup are sometimes used in fast-service restaurants. They come frozen so you can easily thaw and reheat in the double boiler. I doubt Donald knew anything about that, though. They're definitely not easy to come by. You can't buy them at the super market. Maybe the restaurant is in on it.
It seems to have originated as cans of soup in a sock or pillowcase. Anti-antifa influencers online (baselessly) accused BLM of using these as a weapon.

Trump, not knowing one food item from another if it hit him upside the head because he has never seen the inside of a kitchen except for walking through one to find the nearest media conference, confuselled "cans" for "bags" in his tiny muddled brainspace.
Well hell... another half-measure cockup from the Donald.
An eviction moratorium for renters through year's end.
What about property owners? Who's going to be the next Mnuchin jackhole to snap up apartment buildings in foreclosure come January?
And will renters be protected then from a six or seven month back rent bill?
Come on, USA. You have a big, beautiful, powerful constitution, and the 25th Amendment in that big, beautiful, powerful constitution deals with removing a president who can no longer president properly.

Just bite the big, beautiful, powerful bullet and ditch the raving moron. It's getting to the stage that he can't even dress or toilet himself. Because this **** just keeps on dribbling out of him in public. It's embarrassing for everyone, and bad for your country.

Fix it.

This requires Pence plus half the cabinet, which at this point consists of the most servile of cultists. Not a chance.
This requires Pence plus half the cabinet, which at this point consists of the most servile of cultists. Not a chance.

I left halway through the Obama years. I should have stayed until he left so that a liveable US is somewhat recent in my memory. But alas, I'm glad I got out when I did. Sad to watch from abroad.
This is the first I'm seeing this, missed it completely back whenever.
It starts as "cans" of soup. Sounds nasty, and effective (I'd go with the little single serving veg though... you could carry a lot more of those. [emoji1] ) but he goes immediately to "bags" of soup.
Really... what the actual? Bags? Where did that thought even come from?

TIAs baby. Walter Reed and TIAs, it's gonna come out. [emoji21]

My guess is that he meant that one or more people bring bags containing multiple cans of soup to distribute to other protesters.
Bags of soup are sometimes used in fast-service restaurants. They come frozen so you can easily thaw and reheat in the double boiler. I doubt Donald knew anything about that, though. They're definitely not easy to come by. You can't buy them at the super market. Maybe the restaurant is in on it.

Double boiler?! Got to use a microwave to get them up to boiling lava hot! Otherwise Hot Pockets™ are much more throwable.
Bags of soup are sometimes used in fast-service restaurants. They come frozen so you can easily thaw and reheat in the double boiler. I doubt Donald knew anything about that, though. They're definitely not easy to come by. You can't buy them at the super market. Maybe the restaurant is in on it.

I think he means bags containing tins of soup

So this is now an AR-15? (Asparagus & Rice)
My guess is that he meant that one or more people bring bags containing multiple cans of soup to distribute to other protesters.
That at least.makes sense. What a bizarre way to discuss it though. What am I saying... it's Trump.
Trump Tweets

Mike Pence was never put on standby, & there were no mini-strokes. This is just more Fake News by @CNN, a phony story. The reason for the visit to Walter Reed, together with the full press pool, was to complete my yearly physical. Short visit, then returned (with press) to W.H...
This requires Pence plus half the cabinet, which at this point consists of the most servile of cultists. Not a chance.
Speaking of brain farts. I must have had impeachment on my mind saying removal would be a Senate decision.
Same result though... VP and his own cabinet oust Trump? Not gonna happen.
Trump Retweeted

The National Pulse
@Nigel_Farage: President @realDonaldTrump's base is still very highly motivated. I think he will win in November, but the early mail-in voting is potentially a dark cloud on the horizon
Trump Tweets

Mike Pence was never put on standby, & there were no mini-strokes. This is just more Fake News by @CNN, a phony story. The reason for the visit to Walter Reed, together with the full press pool, was to complete my yearly physical. Short visit, then returned (with press) to W.H...
I thought he said at the time it was the FIRST portion of a check-up (not a thing) and not the completion of same.
I may be mistaken, not that the story holds up either way.
Trump Tweets

Mike Pence was never put on standby, & there were no mini-strokes. This is just more Fake News by @CNN, a phony story. The reason for the visit to Walter Reed, together with the full press pool, was to complete my yearly physical. Short visit, then returned (with press) to W.H...
You don't remember that, Donny, because (a) you never listen to anything anyone tells you anyway, (b) because of that and your powerful ability to blurt out all the secret squirrel stuff in public like a broken fountain, your peeps are being quite selective about what they do tell you, and (c) you were having a bunch of brain-fades at the time requiring you to go to hospital.
There's a scene in "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" in which a disguised Arthur tries to talk to some farmers about agriculture and his ignorance causes him to sound like a deranged imbecile. That's what the soup rant reminds me of.
Trump Retweeted

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS
Extremely important study from Revolver News showing lockdowns more deadly than COVID itself.

No wonder people are fleeing drudge for Revolver, as @TuckerCarlson said on his show.
Trump Retweeted

Kurt Schlichter
You will hear a non-stop barrage of lies from the mainstream media today in the wake of Biden's disastrous appearance and plunging polls...
- Trump is "sick"
- Trump's polling is terrible
- Trump makes Antifa/BLM riot
- Trump causes liberal & the Bulwank staff's impotence
Trump Tweets
Great honor, but think we are much higher than 46%. Hidden vote!
Quote Tweet

Political Polls

Among Black Voters:
Biden 66% (-23 vs 2016 results)
Trump 28% (+20)

Among Hispanic Voters:
Biden 56% (-10)
Trump 41% (+13) twitter.com/PpollingNumber…
Trump Tweets
Great honor, but think we are much higher than 46%. Hidden vote!
Quote Tweet

Political Polls

Among Black Voters:
Biden 66% (-23 vs 2016 results)
Trump 28% (+20)

Among Hispanic Voters:
Biden 56% (-10)
Trump 41% (+13) twitter.com/PpollingNumber…
I reject your reality and substitute my wacko, swivel-eyed, pulled-from-my-powerful-ass own.
Well hell... another half-measure cockup from the Donald.
An eviction moratorium for renters through year's end.
What about property owners? Who's going to be the next Mnuchin jackhole to snap up apartment buildings in foreclosure come January?
And will renters be protected then from a six or seven month back rent bill?

Damn, that's right. See sig.
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Trump Tweets
Great honor, but think we are much higher than 46%. Hidden vote!
Quote Tweet

Political Polls

Among Black Voters:
Biden 66% (-23 vs 2016 results)
Trump 28% (+20)

Among Hispanic Voters:
Biden 56% (-10)
Trump 41% (+13) twitter.com/PpollingNumber…
"And don't forget!!! 96% Approval Rating In The Republican Party!!!"
Trump Tweets

Mike Pence was never put on standby, & there were no mini-strokes. This is just more Fake News by @CNN, a phony story. The reason for the visit to Walter Reed, together with the full press pool, was to complete my yearly physical. Short visit, then returned (with press) to W.H...

Sure, Donnie, Sure. Wink, wink.
Speaking of brain farts. I must have had impeachment on my mind saying removal would be a Senate decision.
Same result though... VP and his own cabinet oust Trump? Not gonna happen.

It starts with at least half the cabinet writing a letter to Congress describing why the president needs to be removed. The vice president must sign it. The president is given a certain amount of time to respond in writing. Both houses have to have a 2/3 vote to remove him.

While it is safe to simply say his cabinet is not going to do that, there are not words strong enough to describe Pence’s commitment to never, ever, never signing that letter.
Are they SERIOUSLY trying to claim Biden's excellent speech was a sign of dementia? I feel like I'm in an episode of


We have always been at war with Eurasia. Duh.


So I saw the Ingram interview. Um...what the **** just happened?

But Trump apparently HAS heard of them. Shady underworld characters are the very type of people he mixes with, and has done for decades.

Honestly, to me, it sounds more like he's hinting at the Illuminati for his many, many conspiracy theorist followers.

To poke elsewhere,

Oath Keepers to Trump: Send out the militias to stop antifascists' 'Marxist takeover' of America

The Oath Keepers—those paranoid “Patriot” militiamen who recruit from the law ranks of military veterans and law enforcement—have a plan for responding to the death of a far-right protester Saturday in Portland at the hands of a self-described antifascist: Donald Trump needs to declare a national emergency and an insurrection in the city, send in troops, and arrest anyone they identify as “Antifa.” And if he fails to do that, they will organize “constitutional” militias to go there and do it themselves.

The organization’s Twitter account, which is overseen by founder Stewart Rhodes, has been in full war-declaration mode since the Portland shooting. “The first shot has been fired brother,” he tweeted Sunday. “Civil war is here, right now. We'll give Trump one last chance to declare this a Marxist insurrection & suppress it as his duty demands. If he fails to do HIS duty, we will do OURS.”

And may those radicalized, attempting to instigate violence **** go to jail immediately before they go on murder sprees. Seriously, overwhelmingly, it's been the right-wingers murdering people and cops, but when one of their own dies while causing trouble, it's time for a revolution! Yeah, I'm calling that what it is. A convenient excuse.
Trump Retweeted

Kurt Schlichter
You will hear a non-stop barrage of lies from the mainstream media today in the wake of Biden's disastrous appearance and plunging polls...
- Trump is "sick"
- Trump's polling is terrible
- Trump makes Antifa/BLM riot
- Trump causes liberal & the Bulwank staff's impotence
More on Kurt Schlichter:
Schlichter has been curdling and festering into a base sludge of aggrievement at forgotten right-wing websites for years. After a brief stint at Breitbart, in 2012 he began writing thrice-weekly columns at TownHall, a site that parades endless op-eds by conservative also-rans that are on par with your average cranky letter-to-the-editor. His columns have titles like “Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence,” “It Is the Sacred Duty of All Conservatives to Own the Libs,” and “Buy Ammo.” Schlicter’s pieces are incoherent, barely topical screeds about pronoun-obsessed pinko commie elites who sip “Chardonnay and Zimas” and have a visceral hatred for real Americans like him, whom he calls “Normal Americans.”
Looks like Biden got it right. Trump has pretty much no chance of ending the violence.

He doesn't want to end the violence. It plays to his base, and makes him more likely to be re-elected.

And here is Kellyanne Conway saying the quiet part out loud: https://www.businessinsider.com/kel...s-good-for-trumps-reelection-2020-8?r=US&IR=T

"The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order,"
He doesn't want to end the violence. It plays to his base, and makes him more likely to be re-elected.

And here is Kellyanne Conway saying the quiet part out loud: https://www.businessinsider.com/kel...s-good-for-trumps-reelection-2020-8?r=US&IR=T

Exactly, and at the moment President Trump is attempting to portray Joe Biden as the incumbent who has dragged the US into this state of lawlessness and himself as the force for change who can resolve the situation.

It's ballsy and brazen IMO - and in today's low information, post factual age it might very well win him a second (or possibly even a third ;)) term :mad:
Trump Tweets

Mike Pence was never put on standby, & there were no mini-strokes. This is just more Fake News by @CNN, a phony story. The reason for the visit to Walter Reed, together with the full press pool, was to complete my yearly physical. Short visit, then returned (with press) to W.H...

The central Democrats should not stoop too low, but some people should exploit this weakness if his: Troll him with various allegations. He will deny them loudly and repeatedly, but you know how it is when you adamantly deny something: People will start to think there is truth in it.

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