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Cont: The Trump Presidency: Part 25

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Penultimate Amazing
Jun 2, 2010
This is a continuation from here: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=345613. As usual, you may quote/copypasta from the previous continuation(s) of the thread.
Posted By: Agatha

Today's briefing

REPORTER: Does the president condemn the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, who is accused of shooting protesters?

McENANY: The president is not going to weigh in on that.
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Biden: "Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting... it's lawlessness, plain & simple... violence will not bring change. It will only bring destruction... this POTUS long ago forfeited any moral leadership. He cannot stop the violence b/c for years he has fomented it."
Trump Retweeted

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022
Joe Biden: "Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year, look, here's, the lives, it's just, when you think about it."
Biden: "Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting... it's lawlessness, plain & simple... violence will not bring change. It will only bring destruction... this POTUS long ago forfeited any moral leadership. He cannot stop the violence b/c for years he has fomented it."

I do wish he had used another word, considering 90% of the population probably wouldn't know what this one means if taken out of context.
Trump Tweets

Just watched what Biden had to say. To me, he’s blaming the Police far more than he’s blaming the Rioters, Anarchists, Agitators, and Looters, which he could never blame or he would lose the Radical Left Bernie supports!

Well then 'to you' he's doing two mutually exclusive things "never" blaming them yet blaming but just less than "he's blaming the Police".
Trump Retweeted

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022
Joe Biden: "Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year, look, here's, the lives, it's just, when you think about it."

What? What's that you say, Donnie? Biden flubbed a sentence? Thank goodness you'd never do that.....

"Human trafficking, one of the worst things ever, all at a level that it's never been at -- because of the Internet, you wouldn't think -- you'd think of it as an ancient statement."

“we have pioneered the fatality rate.”
This is so crazy I don't even know what thread to put it in.

There are German QAnon members who held a demonstration in front of the Reichstag flying American flags, holding pro-Trump signs and wearing MAGA hats. One said he thought Trump is an 'angel' who will get rid of covid 19 after the election. Another thinks Merkel is Hitler's daughter. They love Trump. These are Germans for God's sake who should know a nutty authoritarian when they see one. The world is going mad.
I'm looking for the actual quote where The PDJT actually downplays the shooting of Jacob Blake as a "mistake". It was from a live statement made in the last day or so.
One said he thought Trump is an 'angel' who will get rid of covid 19 after the election.
I wish I could ask them why he should wait until after the election. He should've been fighting Covid since day one.

These are Germans for God's sake who should know a nutty authoritarian when they see one.
Oh, they do. It's just that the "vaccine" against Nazism and far-right authoritarianism that Europeans received in 1933-1945 sadly seems to be wearing out. Some Europeans see another wannabe-Trump and like what they see.
Originally Posted by Stacyhs
One said he thought Trump is an 'angel' who will get rid of covid 19 after the election.
I wish I could ask them why he should wait until after the election. He should've been fighting Covid since day one.

He thinks Trump's an angel. You wouldn't get a rational answer from him anyway.

These are Germans for God's sake who should know a nutty authoritarian when they see one.

Oh, they do. It's just that the "vaccine" against Nazism and far-right authoritarianism that Europeans received in 1933-1945 sadly seems to be wearing out. Some Europeans see another wannabe-Trump and like what they see.

They don't need a wannabe-Trump. They have Trump. I'm sure Trump would be more than happy to let them adore and worship him, too. Even if they are furriners cuz they're still white.
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Actually, about 88% of U.S. military personnel are stationed in the U.S. Some of them might still vote by mail, but a lot vote in person right in the areas they live in.


No. Very few military personal legally "live" where they are stationed. You vote, pay taxes, and legally reside in your home state.

About 3 quarters of active duty vote absentee.

So the current activity involves members of the GOP editing videos to distort their implications.

Serious signs of desperation.
So the current activity involves members of the GOP editing videos to distort their implications.

Serious signs of desperation.

Nope. This is a sign of how 40% of Americans think their government should act. They will happily vote for the people who do this. The real desperation in the USA comes from people who think their government should act ethically.
I love how 'LAW AND ORDER Trump' takes credit for sending the National Guard to Kenosha when he had nothing to do with it

TRUMP, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 26: “TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!”

THE FACTS: The statement that he was sending the National Guard is false. The statement that he would send federal law enforcement is true. The federal government sent deputy marshals from the U.S. Marshals Service and agents from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, about 200 in all.
Meantime the governor declared a state of emergency and kept increasing the numbers of deployed Wisconsin National Guard troops while saying he was working with other states to get “additional National Guard and state patrol support.”

The next day, Thursday, Evers announced that National Guard troops from Arizona, Michigan and Alabama were coming and would operate under the control of those states and Wisconsin, “not in a federal status.”

TRUMP, FRIDAY, AUG. 28: “Success: Since the National Guard moved into Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days ago, there has been NO FURTHER VIOLENCE, not even a small problem. When legally asked to help by local authorities, the Federal Government will act and quickly succeed. Are you listening Portland?"

THE FACTS: This statement falsely insinuates that the federal government sent the National Guard and took care of the problem. He also implies that Portland, Oregon, was dragging its feet in having federal authorities do the same there.

TRUMP, SATURDAY, AUG. 29: “Kenosha has been very quiet for the third night in a row or, since the National Guard has shown up. That’s the way it works, it’s all very simple. Portland, with a very ungifted mayor, should request help from the Federal Government. If lives are endangered, we’re going in! ”

THE FACTS: Another boast based on the falsehood that Trump sent in the Guard to Kenosha.That night, in Portland, a skirmish broke out between Trump supporters and counterprotesters, and afterward a right-wing Trump supporter was fatally shot.
TRUMP, AUG. 30, referring to Portland: “The National Guard is Ready, Willing and Able. All the Governor has to do is call!”

THE FACTS: No, calling the White House is not what governors do when they want National Guard help. They call other governors. In earlier protests in Portland, Seattle and Washington, D.C., Trump sent security teams from federal agencies over the objections of local leaders.

TRUMP, MONDAY: “If I didn’t INSIST on having the National Guard activate and go into Kenosha, Wisconsin, there would be no Kenosha right now. Also, there would have been great death and injury. I want to thank Law Enforcement and the National Guard.”

THE FACTS: He insisted on action that the governor had already taken and claims a success he did not earn
Trump Knocks Fauci: 'I Inherited Him' by by Brett Samuleshttps://thehill.com/homenews/administration/514523-trump-knocks-fauci-i-inherited-him

President Trump on Monday questioned the value of Anthony Fauci
to the White House coronavirus task force, saying in an interview with Fox
News that he "inherited" the government's top infectious disease expert.

"I disagree with a lot of what he said," Trump told Laura Ingraham when
asked if he would put Fauci "front and center" in the pandemic response
if he could do it again.

"I get along with him, but every once in a while, he'll come up with one
that I say, 'Where did that come from?'" Trump continued. "I inherited him.
He was here. He was part of this huge piece of machine."

Yeah, inherited an expert on infectious diseases who has helped something like the last 4 Presidents. Poor, poor Donald.

Nope, there are others.

They took Biden saying "this is Biden's America" and cut it off there, when he said, "Trump and Pence are saying 'this is Biden's America'"

And then there is the video where Harry Belafonte feel asleep and the reporter had to wake him up, and they edited it to make it look like they were talking to Biden.

When they get caught doing it, they try to brush it off as "we were obviously joking" but no, they didn't say that until they got caught.

And with the congressman that you refer to, their excuse is "well it is basically what he actually said,' which begs the question of why they had to doctor the video.
Not big enough for its own thread:

Several days after attending Trump's convention speech, the leader of one of Donald's "boat parades" has been arrested for sending a threatening text message to a former member of his country club.

And I believe that might be the whitest sentence I have ever typed.
Nope, there are others.

They took Biden saying "this is Biden's America" and cut it off there, when he said, "Trump and Pence are saying 'this is Biden's America'"

And then there is the video where Harry Belafonte feel asleep and the reporter had to wake him up, and they edited it to make it look like they were talking to Biden.

When they get caught doing it, they try to brush it off as "we were obviously joking" but no, they didn't say that until they got caught.

And with the congressman that you refer to, their excuse is "well it is basically what he actually said,' which begs the question of why they had to doctor the video.

"We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that. They're on a plane."

Trump says this is "under investigation right now."

Video here. It's utterly bizarre. The Fox host is desperate to refocus the discussion.
Trump said:
"We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that. They're on a plane."

When I first heard this I thought, that would be a pretty good description of Trump’s special law enforcement officers.

These folks not only had gear with them, they had this and that. Not just this. We are talking about this and that! On a plane no less.
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Poking time.

Barr’s removal of career national security official, weeks before election, raises concerns

Current and former national security officials are raising concerns over Attorney General William Barr's recent decision to remove the head of a Justice Department office that helps ensure federal counterterrorism and counterintelligence activities are legal – and replace him with a political appointee with relatively limited experience.

That's yet another very bad sign and raises the question - what illegal counterterrorism and counterintelligence activies is Trump trying to do, given the timing and nature of the change?

That, though, isn't the only possibility, of course.

Now the office is being steered by a political appointee with power to potentially influence decisions over national security policy, especially debates over "what we will and won't do overseas and at home," including in terms of secret surveillance, and when "it is and isn't appropriate" for the Justice Department to tell the public about election interference, Mulligan said.

Hiding pro-Trump Russian interference would explain the reason well enough, much as that's plenty bad itself.


Trump campaign accepts donations from neo-Nazi leader and others like him.

No surprise there.

Next, looks like Trump directly defended a murderer on his side right after condemning a murder that was likely not on his side.

Trump first defended a caravan of Trump supporters who drove through Portland firing paintballs and pepper spray at protestors. "That was a peaceful protest, and paint is a defensive mechanism, paint is not bullets. Your supporters, and they are your supporters, shot a young gentleman, and killed him, not with paint but with a bullet, and I think it's disgraceful. These people, they protested peacefully, they went in very peacefully ..."

Trump went on to also defend Kenosha murderer Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot three people, killing two, after answering a far-right call for armed "security" against protesters. Trump suggested Rittenhouse, a devoted Trump fan, was "attacked" and was "trying to get away" when he opened fire on those who attempted to stop him after Rittenhouse had already shot a protester in the head, killing him.

"He was trying to get away from them, I guess, it looks like. And he fell. And then they very violently attacked him."

Looks like Biden got it right. Trump has pretty much no chance of ending the violence.

Moving on... Robert Duncan, USPS Board Chairman, is Director of McConnell's Leadership Fund

Nothing to see here. Move along. All is well.

Moving on... if one happens to be mildly interested in a bit of a semi-quick coverage of the subject - American Workers Have Been Given a Raw Deal Throughout the Trump Era
From the same interview, Trump compares the shooting of Blake to missing a putt in a golf tournament (that's not an exaggeration). The Fox host again, attempts to bring the discussion back to something appearing not-so-horrid.
You gotta wonder what Laura Ingraham was thinking during this interview. So many Fox personalities must have had so many WTF experiences with Trump. She can clearly see that's he's comparing police shootings with missing a putt in a golf tournament, and tries to tell him, "You're not comparing this to golf." But he goes right on. Police officers panic and "choke." How can Ingraham not be flat-out horrified? I don't think she's stupid. Hannity, on the other hand, I fully believe is stupid. Maybe he didn't start out stupid, but he worked hard and has achieved full-blown idiocy.

Police support this guy? He's just thrown the lot of them under the bus. But he doesn't even know he's done it. Sadly, I think he's speaking sincerely and accidentally speaks the truth: Panicky cops make bad decisions.

ETA: He seems to forget that George Floyd's death had nothing to do with a panicked cop making a split-second decision to shoot a guy who might have a gun.

He didn't have to say any of this! He could have just said, of a slain African-American officer, "Yes, Laura, it's a tragic thing. The victims of violence are often African-American themselves." But he's got to fill the air with words, words, words, and she can't get him to shut up.
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Poking time.

I appreciate that not all of these tidbits are from the Daily Kos. Not that I have anything against the Daily Kos, but your citations do tend to rely on the website's Community section, with explicit disclaimers that this copy hasn't been reviewed by staff members. I've mentioned before, I am reluctant to read too much copy that plays into my own confirmation bias. Even though the articles in that section are calm and fairly evenhanded.


I wonder if Ivanka or Jared ever cringe at the anti-Semitism coming from so many white supremacy advocates. Also, though Israel may back Trump, I imagine many American Jews look askance at Trump's acceptance of support from neo-Nazis. And what are Israelis to make of support from End Times evangelicals who see Israel as necessary to biblical prophecy?

I'm having trouble loading the Daily Kos links, but they might not mean that much to me. I like to let the dust settle a bit before I try to make sense of recent events.
Trump Tweets

My son, Donald, just wrote a really important new book, “Liberal Privilege”, talking, with great knowledge, of our world today. Lets make him a number one bestseller, again!
@DonaldJTrumpJr @seanhannity

Biden will also raise your taxes like never before. Sad!
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I appreciate that not all of these tidbits are from the Daily Kos. Not that I have anything against the Daily Kos, but your citations do tend to rely on the website's Community section, with explicit disclaimers that this copy hasn't been reviewed by staff members. I've mentioned before, I am reluctant to read too much copy that plays into my own confirmation bias. Even though the articles in that section are calm and fairly evenhanded.

Mmm. The ones that I see fit to point towards, at least.


I wonder if Ivanka or Jared ever cringe at the anti-Semitism coming from so many white supremacy advocates. Also, though Israel may back Trump, I imagine many American Jews look askance at Trump's acceptance of support from neo-Nazis. And what are Israelis to make of support from End Times evangelicals who see Israel as necessary to biblical prophecy?

FFIW, American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat and have for a long time.

Also, it might be worth remembering that the Republicans haven't actually been particularly friendly to Jews or their values. To the point where there was literally an attempt by Republicans to pull off a pro-Nazi coup back in WW2 time.

Elsewhere from the Daily Kos, incidentally...

Fact Check: President “Law-and-Order” Has Been Attempting to Defund the Police for 4 Budget Cycles

All four of Trump’s annual budget proposals called for cuts in police spending.

And, for decades, he has been vociferous in his criticism of legislation that included increased support for policing.

Trump’s opposition to the House CARES act is primarily predicated on his complaint that money goes to prop up states and municipalities failing under Democratic leadership. The bill’s urgently needed funds are partially earmarked for schools, fire, EMT, and police departments. But, not just in regions governed by Democrats — also, in financially strapped states like deep-red Oklahoma.

Under Trump, the DOJ halted police-abuse investigations, stopped pursuing civil rights lawsuits, and sabotaged federal consent decrees.
Trump Retweeted
Rep. Matt Gaetz
Democrats want to scare the American people about Russia when we know the real threat the United States faces is from China.
We need a President like @realDonaldTrump who is willing to confront China.

Louie Gohmert
Keep it up @TheJusticeDept. We've got a long way to go with these so-called "peaceful protesters"

John Ratcliffe
Aug 13
Today’s agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is a historic step towards a more peaceful Middle East. Congratulations @realDonaldTrump for bringing together two of America’s most reliable regional partners to expand diplomatic and security cooperation.

China's anti-Trump election meddling raises new alarm, as DNI calls country biggest threat | Fox News

Catherine Herridge
#Election2020 @DNI_Ratcliffe on scaling back election security briefings “...within minutes of one of those briefings ending, a number of members of congress went to a number of different publications + leaked classified information again, for political purposes to create a...

...narrative that simply isn't true, that somehow Russia is a greater national security threat than China. So I’m going to continue to keep the promises that I made. I'm going to continue to follow the law + continue to keep congress informed” he told @MariaBartiromo
Trump begins his interview with Laura Ingraham by saying "Portland has been burning for many years, for decades it's been burning,"
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