Given, as amply demonstrated, that the MV Estonia EPIRB's were standard free-float automatic buoys with standard cages including hydrostatic units, as mandated by IMO CHAPTER III, and they failed to emit a signal when the ship sank, of course the experts are going to speculate as to the reasons why. Kalle Peder, the Estonian chief of maritime affairs conjectured that the buoys must have got trapped within the wreckage, thus preventing them from arising to the surface of the water to emit the signal, others that perhaps the signal emitted was not quite the right wavelength for the satellite to have picked it up, as there could be no other reason, other than that they had been switched off. As the JAIC glosses over this, we can be sure they were not manualy-activation-only or it would have just said so. It would have said, 'Some idiot placed manually-activated-only buoys into an automatic free-float only cage with an HRU, and claimed to have tested they were ready to function, and nobody switched them on as the ship was sinking. No mystery here. Nothing to test. Move along.'