I believe quoting RT from time to time helps make this thread more balanced.
Balanced between fact and BS?
Their information can frequently be verified by using other sources.
And RT has also been frequently caught lying, disinforming, pushing CTs, etc, which are all huge strikes against them. That's on top of the lack of media freedom available to them because this is Russia that we're talking about.
If it can be verified using other sources that are actually worthy of trust, try using those sources. RT will just get you ridiculed here, with excellent cause.
Russia does actually have an official policy of never targeting civilians, but there seems some be some exceptions ...
That's quite the incredible understatement, to start with.
A bit selective about what counts as targeting, too, after all the Russian and Ukrainian civilians that have been literally seized off the streets and then used as cannon fodder by Russia. Going a bit further, given how many of their major efforts have been pointedly targeted at harming civilians, it's outright absurd to try to use said official policy as if it deserved much other than mockery.
Ukraine and the West have been targeting civilians in Russia through illegitimate and arrogant sanctions (the West does this a lot), and this probably goes a long way to explain Russian anger.
Skipping past the utter inanity of "illegitimate and arrogant" sanctions... No. It doesn't even remotely go a long way to explaining Russian anger. At best, that offers a shallow excuse that allows some people to ignore the larger, more complicated picture at hand. A picture that, in this case, involves a lot more to do with internal Russian politics, propaganda, and forces than external forces.
It's often very tempting to try to understand what's going on in other countries and their politics using the understandings one has formed that are relevant to one's own country. It's very, very easy to make significant mistakes, though, by failing to identify which of one's implicit assumptions are not actually true when it comes to the other country.