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The Russian Invasion of the Ukraine.

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The streetlights in Mariupol just went out, reports of landing ships coming off the Sea of Azov.

Big boom near the town of Severodoneskt and there's a big plume of smoke there now.

Reports of booms in Kyiv, one as a BBC reporter was on-air.
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Georgia must be calling up asking for its NATO application to be finalized ASAP.

Taiwan will probably be calling too.
everything I have seen so far on the news makes me think Ukraine is really not going to be able to put up much of a fight. I think he will take over, the UN will rule it illegal and then a year will go by and nothing else will happen. As long as he doesn't attack a Nato member I dont think the west will do much at all.
Well, those who thought that this is just tactics and posturing were wrong, and the US intelligence information completely correct. Not to talk about the few Putin apologists on this site. A powerful state attacks its weaker neighbour in order to get more Lebensraum. I guess we have seen this before.
Russian troops have landed at Odessa.

So much for operations being in eastern Ukraine.

Now where are all the Putin defenders who said the idea of Russia invading Ukraine was laughable?

There is war in Europe.. :(
Russian troops have landed at Odessa.

So much for operations being in eastern Ukraine.

Now where are all the Putin defenders who said the idea of Russia invading Ukraine was laughable?

There is war in Europe.. :(

I'm not sure if they've landed in Odessa. It's being reported here and there, but I'm looking at a live cam and they have street sweepers out.


It's really odd to be able to follow thing like this with livecams and such.

Tons of fake videos out there as well.
I'm not sure if they've landed in Odessa. It's being reported here and there, but I'm looking at a live cam and they have street sweepers out.

I doubt they would land at the city harbour and march through downtown.

But of course, there will always be a fog of war this early in the conflict, even with the availability of cams. Time will tell.
I doubt they would land at the city harbour and march through downtown.

But of course, there will always be a fog of war this early in the conflict, even with the availability of cams. Time will tell.

That's true - but this one has sound. Those explosions really carry. That said, you're right. Russia had invasion fleets in the Black Sea and the sea of Azov. They could totally go for Odessa.
Ukraine Interior Ministry update: The state border of Ukraine was attacked by Russian troops from Russia and Belarus at about 5am. Attacks on border units, border patrols and checkpoints are carried out with the use of artillery, heavy equipment and small arms.
Russian troops have landed at Odessa.

So much for operations being in eastern Ukraine.

Now where are all the Putin defenders who said the idea of Russia invading Ukraine was laughable?
There is war in Europe.. :(

Waiting for further instructions and propaganda talking points from RT and MOA?
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How many Ukrainian "dissidents" will be in concentration camps before "never again" is invoked?
Ukrainian authorities say troops landing in Odessa is fake news.
Experts are saying that Americans will face $8-a-gallon fuel at the pumps as this invasion gets deeper into Ukraine, beyond Donbas.
? Because?

Where are these "experts," who sound like Chicken Little?
This honorary member of the old Lincoln Brigade that fought the fascists in Spain knows that honoring their graves, as I do and have done, is tin soldier posturing if I cannot sign up for the same mission when it's my turn. Turns out I am too old by a decade for the volunteer forces in Ukraine, and more likely a burden on the battlefield. Would've left for Ukraine two weeks ago, as I quite nearly did, but could not join. Damn.

This is the defining war of this generation. If Americans, Brits, French and Germans were genuine supporters of democracy, Ukraine would not have needed NATO membership for the security it was promised. This timid response will guarantee that Taiwan will fall as well. Once the dust settles, the Cowardly New World can enjoy bowing and scraping, starting with the 74 million yeller bellies who voted for Trump and now cheer snuffing out freedom.

Any Whine boy Yank making his silly way round these streets better think twice from now on. One wiff of Trumpster, sad ending for another yeller belly, no heads up.
Waiting for further instructions and propaganda talking points from RT and MOA?

Yeah, it will be interesting to see how a couple of posters will change their tack on this site. But obviously they will do it totally shamelessly and aggressively. Russia has always been in a defensive war against the fasicst junta in Kiev and this is just a long awaited counter attack...
For those of you who are perhaps asking themselves "Why?", I invite you to think about "sanctions" by the West imposed on Russia for many years.

I suppose these sanctions, which prevent economic development and hit ordinary citizens, can generate a lot of anger.

In recent days, the West has, once again, tried to wield its sanctions weapons, and we are possibly seeing the result.

It seems, however, to be a (convenient) lie that Ukrainians have been attacking the two breakaway republics in recent days.

The Russians don't seem to be attacking TV stations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_the_Radio_Television_of_Serbia_headquarters.
Meanwhile in the Russian parallel universe, whose residents sometimes grace us with their presence, Putler says the invasion is about "denazifying" Ukraine from the fascist junta controlled by NATO which has committed genocide for over 8 years.

Given how utterly unbelievable and outright obscene the Russian justification for going to war is, it's obvious why they don't give any importance to propaganda aimed at the West. No one would believe a word of it.

Meanwhile Russians suffer an unending onslaught of lies with no critical questions asked.
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Ukraine claims they have shot down a Russian airplane.

Looks like they're not going to roll over dead as Russia demands.
For those of you who are perhaps asking themselves "Why?", I invite you to think about "sanctions" by the West imposed on Russia for many years.

Well, I invite you to think about the shameless theft and occupation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. Usually such blatant acts of aggression invite sanctions. Or "sanctions" as you maybe quite aptly put it - they probably should have been way more aggressive and then maybe Russia wouldn't have dared this even much more blatant and bloody aggression.
Well, I invite you to think about the shameless theft and occupation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. Usually such blatant acts of aggression invite sanctions. Or "sanctions" as you maybe quite aptly put it - they probably should have been way more aggressive and then maybe Russia wouldn't have dared this even much more blatant and bloody aggression.
Crimea is historically Russian, and voted to join Russia.
Crimea is historically Russian, and voted to join Russia.

Oh, yes, that vote... Historically Russian, so many places are historically Russian and votes can easily be arranged, as the Kremlin has shown. What would be the next place that is "historically Russian"?
Crimea is historically Russian, and voted to join Russia.

Historically Russian? What about the native Crimean Tatars?

Right, after genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced deportations in the 50s, there's not many of them left.

This excuse to invade, occupy and annes ahould have died in 1939. There's so many areas on Earth that is historically someone else's, so if this should become a cause for war, there will be a lot of bloodshed.
Yeah, it will be interesting to see how a couple of posters will change their tack on this site. But obviously they will do it totally shamelessly and aggressively. Russia has always been in a defensive war against the fasicst junta in Kiev and this is just a long awaited counter attack...

Russia, committed to a peaceful co-existence with its neighbours, offers the people of Ukraine the fraternal support of the Russian military in their democratic struggle against the new-fascist junta in Kiev that is imposing martial law in preparation for a coup. To this objective, Russian forces are disabling the military infrastructure of the Ukraine armed forces to prevent it being used to subjugate the people of Ukraine.

Is this the sort of thing you were looking for?
A comment from a Ukrainian politician on the BBC said most of the explosions around Kiev were Ukrainian air defence missile systems responding to 'UFO's, such as Russian drones.
Texas is historically Mexican - if we held a vote there to join Mexico, should that be binding?
Texas speaks (mostly) English, while Mexico speaks Spanish, so I don't see Texas trying to join Mexico.

I think it is always better to try to preserve territorial integrity of the various countries, but, if this is not possible, and there are objective reasons for wanting to leave, then the separation project should be given a chance according to the right of self-determination of peoples.
That didn't take long: russia claimed to be targetting only military installations, yet already now russian missiles are landing in civilian areas, such as Kharkiv.

Alarmingly, it seems to be non-precission guided missiles.

Also, it appears that the TV appearance by putin, in which he announced the invasion, was recorded on monday, reinforcing the notion that putin never really cared for the diplomatic route.
It's weird that the press isn't calling out Putin for his thinly veiled threat of nuclear retaliation against anyone interfering with this invasion.

Apart from calling him on that, and I'm not sure it is a bluff, the best I can see that can be done now is hit the Oligarchs.

Block all their money, confiscate their properties. Hit the ones propping up Putin in their wallet as much as possible. It's clear Putin does not care about what happens to the Russian people at all.

I wonder if he's ill and wants to take the world with him before having to put down power.
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