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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

The razor of Hitchens and the Spirits!

So far you have only anecdotes that attribute various happenings to the purported activities of spirits, and various pseudoscientific attempts to dress that up. That's not any kind of evidence, even anecdotal. It's just circular reasoning and question begging—in your case followed by name-calling when people don't fall for it.

For the same reason we gave you every other time you've asked this question.

If you cannot provide testable evidence for your claims, you must accept that you will never be able to convince people who justifiably want that kind of evidence for things they're asked to believe in.
That, to me, is the key word. "The spirits!" has no more existence than as an empty attribution to them of effects that are not immediately or completely understood by people who need to believe that they do understand. "Why is that volcano erupting? The spirits must be angry with us!" "Why did that plane with my husband on it crash? God must be angry with me!" Millenia apart, but still ignorance masquerading as knowledge, with the only real difference being that the ignorance today must be more willful.

ETA: William Crookes? Seriously? "Experiments" were (possibly) not the only thing he was "conducting" with Florence Cook.
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The soul weighs 21 grams? This is actually interesting! What is that 21 grams made of? How is it organized? Does it have the ability to think, sense, emote, remember? Can I just get rid of the rest of my brain? Why have a 3lb brain if you only need 21 grams? (Or in my case a 5lb brain, cause I'm smart!)
Don't recall exactly as it was a laughable footnote in science done by not quite notable researchers.
I do recall it was a tiny quantity however. It may have been done more than once.

It was like reading the Shroud of Turin researchers stuff after they declared it totally legít and irrefutable. Praise god, he has given us a definte answer stuff.
I only remember the number because of an intense thread back in the days of Usenet.

Also, I’m a fan of the Hilltop Hoods.
anecdotal evidence in certain cases can be considered?
Why do you keep repeating the same questions, which have already been answered?

Also, when people have already given you answers to a question, why do you later ask that same question again?

While we're on the subject, had you noticed that this is a question you already asked before?
Why do you keep repeating the same questions, which have already been answered?

Also, when people have already given you answers to a question, why do you later ask that same question again?

While we're on the subject, had you noticed that this is a question you already asked before?
It's like we are talking to an AI-generated troll poster! :sarcasm:
We dig repetition, repetition in the drums and we're never going to lose it. This is the 3 Rs, the 3 Rs: repetition; rpetition; repetition...

The Philosopher King of Salford had this one nailed.
Sam Parnia's contributionsSam Parnia is a central figure in NDE and resuscitation research, seeking to better understand what happens to consciousness during clinical death. His work challenges traditional perceptions of death and raises important questions about the nature of human consciousness.
Sam Parnia's AWARE studies were so devoid of any evidence of his claims that he had to change protocols and variables being tested on multiple occasions during his study and in the end the only "evidence" he presented for NDEs was the single anecdotal recollection of a participant from over a year after his surgery which read more like an episode of Casualty or Holby City than any actual medical procedure in a real hospital.
Crookes began his investigations with the aim of exposing fraud among mediums, but ended up becoming convinced of the authenticity of some of the experiences. He conducted experiments with famous mediums, such as Florence Cook, and documented his experiences with the materialization of the spirit of Katie King, which caused a great impact on the scientific community at the time.
It's well established that a) Crookes was never sceptical of mediums and 2) because of his bad eyesight, and refusal to wear glasses, he was duped by a number of well known scam artists.

You really shouldn't be pointing to people of whom a quick duck duck go search will show that your arguments are false.
Any time he posts something that is clearly not his own, I picture it being read in Morgan Freeman's voice. I don't know why.
Breach of rule 4, specifically posting unattributed text generated by AI.
Let us suppose that, by some circumstance, an entire people were to acquire the certainty that in eight days, in a month, in a year if you will, they would be annihilated, and that no individual would survive, that there would be no trace of themselves after death; what would they do during this time? Would they work for their betterment, for their education? Would they devote themselves to work in order to live? Would they respect the rights, the goods, the lives of their fellow men? Would they submit to the laws, to any authority, even the most legitimate: paternal authority? Would they have any duty whatsoever? Certainly not. Well then! What cannot be achieved en masse, the doctrine of nihilism achieves, each day, individually. If the consequences of this are not as disastrous as they might be, it is firstly because among the majority of unbelievers there is more bravado than true incredulity, more doubt than conviction, and because they are more afraid of nothingness than they try to appear: the title of strong-mindedness flatters their self-esteem; secondly, because absolute unbelievers are a tiny minority; despite themselves, they feel the ascendancy of the contrary opinion and are maintained by a material force; but if absolute incredulity were one day to become the opinion of the majority, society would be in dissolution. This is what the propagation of the doctrine of nihilism tends to do.
I want to start the debate from scratch! Is it possible?
No, because everyone remembers what you have already posted, and the rebuttals of it, even if you can't.

If you want to start again, all you need to do is go back to the start of the thread and read it.
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