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The Plandemic-The anti-vaxx agenda

I have not watched it. Looks like it was taken down.

Of course it was taken down. YouTube has been playing whack-a-mole with the #Filmyourhospital and Dr. Erickson videos for weeks. Something called "Plandemic" cannot not violate their terms of service.
It was awful. I spent some time on a different message board debunking some easy stuff. I'd be interested in more knowledgeable people than me doing some work on it, though.
You can download it directly from here, if that were something you felt compelled to do. I don't.

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Recently, as in yesterday this came to my attention.
The anti vaxxers are our in force in the comment section.

A new documentary; The Plandemic, states that it is uncovering a global cabal trying to implement forced vaccinations.The first clip's interview subject, Judy Mikovits, is a known anti-vaxxer. This agenda-based film features contradictory evidence and false claims while being championed as a beacon of truth. In 1990, American attorney Mike Godwin coined "Godwin's Law", which states that as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1. When Nazis are invoked the debate is over. Godwin has made some exceptions, such as the Trump administration's implementation of refugee detention centers being compared to concentration camps. In general, little actually lives up to the horrors of the Holocaust, though anyone without credible evidence trying to win a debate foolishly invokes Hitler.
A clip of this disingenuous interview...
Full vid. https://youtu.be/QZPrUb0AcKw
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Never mind. I attempted to post a link to a relevant item but could not do so correctly.
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I just saw a post on Facebook, the post asked "if they come out with a vaccine for Covid19, will you get the vaccine?"

100's of 'No' replies
I feel so sad for people who harm themselves in order to "stick it to" some imagined enemy cabal.
So does this run in conjunction with the "this disease doesn't exist" and "this is not a virus it's caused by 5G" or is it a replacement?

I'm happy for anti-vaxxers not to vaxx. Darwin and all that.
I'm happy for anti-vaxxers not to vaxx. Darwin and all that.
Except that they then will affect other people, notably immuno-compromised and other groups with weak immune systems. (This is pointed out every time someone says that, by the way.)
I keep wondering what kind of people are these? Putin-trolls trying to weaken the west? Scammers out for donations? Or are they just that stupid? (Which leads to another question I often ask myself: what is it like to be that stupid? A bit like "what's it like to be a bat? Can we even imagine?)
From some of what I've read, she says things like masks cause you to get the virus - from yourself. They also exaggerate her credentials, like any conspiracy, trying to add an element of authority. She's hawking a book, which is published by an anti-vaxxer also.
Does anyone else find it a bit disturbing that YouTube, FB and Vimeo are banning this?

Certainly I do not believe a word of it, and the stakes are also very high in this particular situation. I also understand that this is not government censorship and thus not a first amendment issue.

I frequent a very conservative forum because I do some hunting, and people are absolutely up in arms about censorship on this particular topic, while noting that videos about "Trumps Collusion with Russia" remain up event though he was "found not guilty".

So just using this as an example, which we know is bunk, at what point do you consider that having a couple companies who reach basically everyone in the US control the flow of information as dangerous? I mean do they have doctors on staff to evaluate claims like this?
Does anyone else find it a bit disturbing that YouTube, FB and Vimeo are banning this?

Certainly I do not believe a word of it, and the stakes are also very high in this particular situation. I also understand that this is not government censorship and thus not a first amendment issue.

I frequent a very conservative forum because I do some hunting, and people are absolutely up in arms about censorship on this particular topic, while noting that videos about "Trumps Collusion with Russia" remain up event though he was "found not guilty".

So just using this as an example, which we know is bunk, at what point do you consider that having a couple companies who reach basically everyone in the US control the flow of information as dangerous? I mean do they have doctors on staff to evaluate claims like this?

Bottom line is this is a liability issue. Beginning with the Sandyhook nonsense, and continuing with the Pizza-Gate shooting, platfroms like Youtube and the rest realized they could be sued for allowing stupid people to post lies which then drove other stupid/mentally ill people to commit violence, and harass innocent people.

In the case of this video, it's 100% BS. It was carefully titled to hide from Youtube's algorithms, and was spread via targeted posts on social media using bots. 4 million people had viewed it by the time it was yanked, and the damage was done.

The internet is still wide open. Just plunk down the money for a domain name, and upload whatever the hell you want.
Bottom line is this is a liability issue. Beginning with the Sandyhook nonsense, and continuing with the Pizza-Gate shooting, platfroms like Youtube and the rest realized they could be sued for allowing stupid people to post lies which then drove other stupid/mentally ill people to commit violence, and harass innocent people.

In the case of this video, it's 100% BS. It was carefully titled to hide from Youtube's algorithms, and was spread via targeted posts on social media using bots. 4 million people had viewed it by the time it was yanked, and the damage was done.

The internet is still wide open. Just plunk down the money for a domain name, and upload whatever the hell you want.

This is a great reply as a justification for why Youtube and others would want to remove such material. Liability.

Yet I still wonder about the responsibility of private businesses and their abilities to reach and determine what information is appropriate to share or withhold from most everyone in the country. Probably best for another thread.
Bottom line is this is a liability issue. Beginning with the Sandyhook nonsense, and continuing with the Pizza-Gate shooting, platfroms like Youtube and the rest realized they could be sued for allowing stupid people to post lies which then drove other stupid/mentally ill people to commit violence, and harass innocent people.

In the case of this video, it's 100% BS. It was carefully titled to hide from Youtube's algorithms, and was spread via targeted posts on social media using bots. 4 million people had viewed it by the time it was yanked, and the damage was done.

The internet is still wide open. Just plunk down the money for a domain name, and upload whatever the hell you want.


Youtube has provided free advertising for charlatans and frauds for years. If they want to sell their product, pay for the space.
So they allege this is a weaponized virus that is activated by wearing masks?

Gotta admit that is a new level of stupid.
One of my facebook friends posted the video and asked what people thought. I posted several paragraphs worth of "this is wrong because".

I found her video after it was deleted from youtube and facebook, then started trimming it down to her saying something stupid, and editing in my comments. I'm getting many butt-hurt responces, but little in the way of "Ranb, you're wrong because".

I mean, how stupid do you have to do to claim that ebola would not infect humans until it was modified by Mikovits in a lab in 1999?

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This is an excellent display of what it means to be a critical thinker. He hasn't done what the majority of the gullible fools out there would do, i.e. take the movie at face value and gone "OMG the world's going to end - its a video on the internet so it must be true". Instead, he has systematically, methodically and painstaking analysed, minute-by-minute every claim made, every statement made and every conclusion drawn to find how much truth there is in any of it. He has provided sources, references and links for every debunking of every claim - left no stone unturned. THIS is what critical thinking is all about and what it means to be a skeptic.

NOTE: Sorry for the duplication - I posted this in another thread by accident. I became confused when the original "Plandemic" thread disappeared from my homepage newsfeed and I found some of the posts in another thread. I guess one of the mods must have spilt the original thread and put some of the posts in different threads.

I mean, how stupid do you have to do to claim that ebola would not infect humans until it was modified by Mikovits in a lab in 1999?


How can you call yourself a virologist and make this claim with a straight face. That claim alone proves how incompetent she was in her field.
I see.

Goodonya then, from a fellow supporter of free speech !

So, do you think "free speech" should include the right to show videos telling children that jumping off three-story buildings is fun, or that they should swallow a whole handful of ibuprofen or Tylenol when they get headaches?
So, do you think "free speech" should include the right to show videos telling children that jumping off three-story buildings is fun, or that they should swallow a whole handful of ibuprofen or Tylenol when they get headaches?

No one has the right to yell fire in a crowded theater. This is just the right-wing version of eating Tide Pods.


But I'd not go so far as to get down with y'all, sound ridiculous, and lick boots.

I cannot believe that you listened to Polly, because in this case all she did is what she usually does, very well.

She researched the relevant organizations, the players, their history and connections, and reveal who benefits and how. She plays clips of things they have said that fit together as puzzle pieces.

Following the money.

But the resident brown shirts will gleefully report her to their fuhrer
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