There is an outbreak of monkeypox in the UK.
Monkeypox is closely related to smallpox, and has a 10% CFR. Despite its name it is probably acquired by contact with rodents. It has been thought of as a zoonosis acquired in West Africa, and occasionally imported into Europe or the US. The recent cases differ from this. Current monkey pox cases differ from classic monkeypox in that they lack a prodrome of a febrile illness before the pox appears. So it is much harder to identify a case. Currently some of the cases are sexually transmitted within the GBMSM community, and cases have also been identified elsewhere in Europe.
It is clear that monkeypox has been circulating in Europe for sometime unrecognised because this strain is atypical, hopefully it may be less virulent also. However there is also concerns about its transmission, if it is just transmitted by sexual contact then it should be easy to control as the successful eradication of HIV has demonstrated (sarcasm). However smallpox was transmissible by fomites, skin particles from infected persons carrying the virus, and there is uncertainty whether monkeypox may be transmissible by this route. The UK is urgently sourcing monkeypox vaccine, and resurrecting smallpox vaccine stocks (partly effective against monkeypox).
Monkeypox is closely related to smallpox, and has a 10% CFR. Despite its name it is probably acquired by contact with rodents. It has been thought of as a zoonosis acquired in West Africa, and occasionally imported into Europe or the US. The recent cases differ from this. Current monkey pox cases differ from classic monkeypox in that they lack a prodrome of a febrile illness before the pox appears. So it is much harder to identify a case. Currently some of the cases are sexually transmitted within the GBMSM community, and cases have also been identified elsewhere in Europe.
It is clear that monkeypox has been circulating in Europe for sometime unrecognised because this strain is atypical, hopefully it may be less virulent also. However there is also concerns about its transmission, if it is just transmitted by sexual contact then it should be easy to control as the successful eradication of HIV has demonstrated (sarcasm). However smallpox was transmissible by fomites, skin particles from infected persons carrying the virus, and there is uncertainty whether monkeypox may be transmissible by this route. The UK is urgently sourcing monkeypox vaccine, and resurrecting smallpox vaccine stocks (partly effective against monkeypox).
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