Great minds think...
I wonder if Greene knows...
No. She doesn't. You could have ended that sentence with literally anything and the answer would still be an emphatic "no!"
I wonder if Greene knows...
I believe this was done as a test to single out the very dumbest of all the Trump supporters and target them for even more fundraising. If a fool and their money are soon parted, best to target the most foolish, right?
Marjorie is just thinking ahead. If they don't stop now we could end up with electric submarines!
I'll stick with good old coal-fired boilers to power my submarine, thank you.
Not yet.This isn't the Bad Ideas in War thread,
I grew up among evangelical Christians during the late '70s and '80s, so I was witness to the Republican outreach to religious fundamentalism at that time, even if I didn't really understand what was going on then. One thing that's certain is that televangelists had been curating lists of donors and selling them amongst themselves for years before evangelical leaders started re-branding Christianity as a Republican identity. Mailing lists of the most easily manipulated donors are a license to print money. (I learned about it for the first time from James Randi's The Faith Healers.) I see no reason not to assume that there are similarly exploitive groups using the same tactics to milk the MAGA rabble, especially seeing as they are essentially the same people.
That's why we're so ****** right now. Over forty years ago the Republican Party started exploiting superstitious religious fundamentalists who were thoroughly indoctrinated in the ways of rejecting critical thought. Now those people have become the Republican Party. There are a few of the original ******** left, like Mitch McConnell, pretending that everything is going to plan as they see the monster they thought they could manipulate taking the wheel and steering a course on a closer and closer heading to the day when they announce their intention to start throwing perfectly good virgins into volcanoes. But whether the Republican leaders of the '70s and '80s were too drunk on their own self-perceived cleverness to see it coming, or just didn't give a **** because they planned on not being around when the bill came due, we've arrived at what should have been the obvious end point; where the people who literally believe in invisible monsters are not only running much of the country, but actively attempting to eliminate their rivals and establish a theocracy. MTG is simply the loudest, shrillest stupidest bellwether of a massive flock of loud, shrill, stupid sheep.
This isn't the Bad Ideas in War thread,
Just for the record, not that it makes a difference to your point, mailing list selling is a long-standing practice among all sorts. I don't know what the current setup is but long ago I ran across a catalogue, basically a monthly directory about as fat as the old Computer Shopper, in which just about every organization that had a mailing list advertised its lists and their subsets. You could buy a whole list, or a filtered list, donors above a certain amount, people with kids, people with dogs, people from some area, etc. Lists, punch card files, tapes (this was some years ago obviously) and addressograph plates ready to run. If you donate to some charity or belong to some organization or subscribe to some periodical, expect junk mail originating there. Back in the 60's I subscribed to the New York Review of Books, and for some years got piles of junk mail from left-leaning charities and the like, all using their addressograph plates with the subscription line removed.
That's why we're so ****** right now. Over forty years ago the Republican Party started exploiting superstitious religious fundamentalists who were thoroughly indoctrinated in the ways of rejecting critical thought. Now those people have become the Republican Party.
I think this was illustrated by the recent Alito recording (when he was caught by what he thought was a fellow Conservative). He pretty much said that the war between the Evangelicals was going to come to a head, and religious "freedom" was pretty much "freedom for the Christians to dictate policy from now on."
Their problem is is if their theocracy came about, what flavour of christianity would win? The civil war after they win would be far more vicious and destructive than the one they want to wage on the US.
Their problem is is if their theocracy came about, what flavour of christianity would win? The civil war after they win would be far more vicious and destructive than the one they want to wage on the US.
Alito better be careful - Evangelicals aren't known for loving Catholics.
The most vicious wars are those between religions, including within the same 'religion': Christian vs Islam, Sunni vs Shia, Protestant vs Catholic vs Cathars etc. Nothing makes people more fanatical than fighting for "the true" religion.
The most vicious wars are those between religions, including within the same 'religion': Christian vs Islam, Sunni vs Shia, Protestant vs Catholic vs Cathars etc. Nothing makes people more fanatical than fighting for "the true" religion.
What was the purpose (point) of the puppy photo that MTG held up? Nothing in this comment should be construed as being critical of canines.
I think the point was that puppies like that were being treated cruelly, and the mere thought of it is enough. I remember long ago renting a video of Jurassic Park II, and the woman at the store said she refused to see it because she heard the plot involved killing a dog. That's the audience here.What was the purpose (point) of the puppy photo that MTG held up? Nothing in this comment should be construed as being critical of canines.
Trump's way too svelte there.
I've been watching the occasional Scared Ketchup (YouTube) episode, but, while funny enough, is pretty meanspirited. YMMV.
MTG made a Fourth of July post on Twitter that's been heavily mocked.
"The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger.
Thomas Jefferson, 33
John Hancock, 39
James Madison, 25
Alexander Hamilton, 21
James Monroe, 18
Aaron Burr, 20
Paul Revere, 41
George Washington, 44."
Unfortunately, only two of those people actually signed the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson and Hancock.
MTG made a Fourth of July post on Twitter that's been heavily mocked.
"The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger.
Thomas Jefferson, 33
John Hancock, 39
James Madison, 25
Alexander Hamilton, 21
James Monroe, 18
Aaron Burr, 20
Paul Revere, 41
George Washington, 44."
Unfortunately, only two of those people actually signed the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson and Hancock.
One of the respondents to that MTG post said “stop electing stupid legislators”, but my question is can’t these stupid legislators hire fact checkers to at least screen their personal idiocy from the public?
One of the respondents to that MTG post said “stop electing stupid legislators”, but my question is can’t these stupid legislators hire fact checkers to at least screen their personal idiocy from the public?
She is aggressively stupid, or perhaps passive-aggressively so, because she and her base care nothing for truth but only for drama, and what they will register and remember is the bile and name calling at which she so excels. She says what they wish they could.They have to have some intelligence to know that they can and should fact check before posting. MTG does not meet that basic intelligence level. She barely reaches "moron" level.
One of the respondents to that MTG post said “stop electing stupid legislators”, but my question is can’t these stupid legislators hire fact checkers to at least screen their personal idiocy from the public?
But really, really, REALLY shouldn't.She is aggressively stupid, or perhaps passive-aggressively so, because she and her base care nothing for truth but only for drama, and what they will register and remember is the bile and name calling at which she so excels. She says what they wish they could.
When life is a pissing contest, the one fullest of piss wins.
She is aggressively stupid, or perhaps passive-aggressively so, because she and her base care nothing for truth but only for drama, and what they will register and remember is the bile and name calling at which she so excels. She says what they wish they could.
When life is a pissing contest, the one fullest of piss wins.
Yahoo covered this too...