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Cont: The Marjorie Taylor Greene thread - Part II

You're thinking like a non-MAGA. Try thinking like a MAGA (just for a very short period, like under 10 seconds, because any longer puts you at risk for permanent brain damage).

Ok. Done? Now, do you still have doubts or have the clouds parted?

Also, the MAGA crowd will get a few carefully curated clips on the subject when they watch Fox News or NewsMax that will be highly deceptive.
I mean, you gotta admit, the puppy photo was a slick move...when Fauci corrected her by asking 'what does this have to do with dogs?" you could just hear the MAGA crowd screaming "Puppy Killer!" One of many ironies is that DJT hates dogs and the feeling is probably mutual...
Also, the MAGA crowd will get a few carefully curated clips on the subject when they watch Fox News or NewsMax that will be highly deceptive.

I just turned to Newsmax and saw one of their pundits, Rob Schmitt, claim that Newsmax is different: "We're real news. No spin. Just the facts."

Yeah...riiiiiiiiiiiiight...... :jaw-dropp
The only way she is removed is if she gets primaried by another Republican. Remember these clowns think she is “tough” for all her Troglodyte antics.
The she neanderthal got her brain cell handed to her over Fauci today. Made an absolute fool of herself and was damned proud to do it.

I have doubts about her chance of re-election after ignorant displays like this.

*holding up an article of the Daily Mail* "Are you saying this is fake news?"

My thought process is that true wallowing in gump's last week diaper MAGAts are a less than 50% of republican leaning folks. Most still have enough brain function to see that this is as stupid and ridiculous as it seems.
Keep chipping away at the edges of that crowd with utter stupidity like today and more will question just wtf they have been supporting.

The Magats core isn't going to be swayed by anything at this point but slowly the ones still capable of thought will question it all.
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*holding up an article of the Daily Mail* "Are you saying this is fake news?"

From Snopes regarding the photo MTG held up:

The woman on Fauci's left is his wife, Christine Grady,and the man on Fauci's right is a "close friend" of the NIAID director. This man was also described in a photograph from USA Today as one of Fauci's "guests" at the event. In other words, the two other people in this photograph appear to be part of Fauci's inner circle, which may reduce the need for social distancing in this instance.

It should also be noted that a water bottle can be seen directly in front of Fauci, and that the NIAID director and his guests are sitting outside. In many cities where restaurants and other businesses have reopened, people are allowed to remove their masks when they are eating or drinking. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also notes that outdoor activities, such as attending a baseball game in an open-air stadium, is safer than indoor activities.

The more MTG opens her mouth, the more she reveals what a moron she truly is.
The she neanderthal got her brain cell handed to her over Fauci today. Made an absolute fool of herself and was damned proud to do it.

This thread deserves a more detailed account. Quoting from The Hill...

During Greene’s turn to question him, the Georgia Republican refused to call Fauci “doctor” and instead referred to him as “Mr. Fauci.”

“Do you think that’s appropriate? Do the American people deserve to be abused like that, Mr. Fauci, because you’re not ‘Dr.,’ you’re ‘Mr. Fauci’ in my few minutes,” she said, before adding, “No, I don’t need your answer.”

....Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) quickly objected, asking, “Just in terms of the rules of decorum, are we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor just because we don’t want him to be a doctor?”

“Yes, because in my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked, and he belongs in jail,” Greene responded.

Subcommittee chair Brad Wenstrup, a Republican, then reprimanded Greene and insisted she recognize Dr Fauci's title. Another subcommittee member remarked that Dr Fauci is "a respected member of the medical community".

This prompted Greene to say that Fauci was “not respected” and to double down on not addressing Fauci as doctor. Wenstrup then urged all members of the committee to adhere to the rules of decorum and to be “mindful of their remarks.”

Greene concluded her questioning by calling for a criminal referral against Fauci for “crimes against humanity.”

“You know what this committee should be doing? We should be recommending you to be prosecuted. We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison, Dr. Fauci,” Greene said, without allowing time for Fauci to respond.
Grandstanding. There wasn't a question involved at any point. I think she allowed Fauci to say less than a few dozen words during her poisonous diatribe. He may as well not have been there.
The is the Republican Party. The ones who aren’t ignorant rubes cater to the ignorant rubes.
In response, all the Dems should refuse to call MTG "Representative or Congressmember Greene" and only "Ms. Greene" during their time. The stupid cow.
In response, all the Dems should refuse to call MTG "Representative or Congressmember Greene" and only "Ms. Greene" during their time. The stupid cow.

Well the idiots in charge of the committee decided that respect was only reserved for other members of Congress and did not extend to the people they were interviewing.
Commenting on Bannon she writes

"Steve Bannon is being sent to prison July 1st for a bogus contempt of congress charge from Nancy Pelosi’s FAKE Jan 6th committee that was set up against House rules.

I have been begging, pleading, and practically yelling at my Republican House colleagues and our Speaker to DO SOMETHING to stop the weaponized government!!!

I swear Democrats would gun down patriotic Americans in the streets and Republicans would just write a strongly worded letter condemning it. It makes me sick.

Democrats have turned our federal government into everything our founding fathers warned us about and our constitutional conservatives just keep powdering their wigs."
What the **** is a "fake" committee? It was approved through the House and was bipartisan. She's a slave to saying stupid **** I swear.
Commenting on Bannon she writes

"Steve Bannon is being sent to prison July 1st for a bogus contempt of congress charge from Nancy Pelosi’s FAKE Jan 6th committee that was set up against House rules.

I have been begging, pleading, and practically yelling at my Republican House colleagues and our Speaker to DO SOMETHING to stop the weaponized government!!!

I swear Democrats would gun down patriotic Americans in the streets and Republicans would just write a strongly worded letter condemning it. It makes me sick.

Democrats have turned our federal government into everything our founding fathers warned us about and our constitutional conservatives just keep powdering their wigs."

She just hates everybody who doesn't agree with her. Spoiled thick-headed brat.
I have been begging, pleading, and practically yelling at my Republican House colleagues and our Speaker to DO SOMETHING to stop the weaponized government!!!

Says the woman who wants to cancel New York's federal funding as punishment for the hush money verdict.
MTG at June 9 Vegas Trump rally: "If you think gas prices are high now, just wait until you are forced to drive an electric vehicle. America is sick of it."
In fairness, it could mean she’s trying to say that unit price is lower when production costs are distributed across a larger set.

If Honda calls up their steering wheel supplier and says they need one million this year, the supplier will quote a price - based on design, engineering, raw materials, labor, shipping, etc. - of, let’s say $50. They then bill Honda for 50 million bucks. For the purposes of example, if much of the manufacturing pricing is fixed, or can’t fluctuate all that much, and Honda says: “Oops, we only actually need 10 wheels, sorry,” each one is going to be exorbitant. It’s the basic economy of scale.

Simplified then, for every vehicles on the road that doesn’t need gas, the ones that do may very well see the unit price of a gallon creep up. Or leap up.
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Simplified then, for every vehicles on the road that doesn’t need gas, the ones that do may very well see the unit price of a gallon creep up. Or leap up.

Yes, I though of the economy-of-scale argument too. I don't think Greene did. If you are forced to drive an electric car, then my gasoline car might be more expensive to operate. But why in her scenario are some forced to go electric and others get to stay with gasoline?
In fairness, it could mean she’s trying to say that unit price is lower when production costs are distributed across a larger set.

If Honda calls up their steering wheel supplier and says they need one million this year, the supplier will quote a price - based on design, engineering, raw materials, labor, shipping, etc. - of, let’s say $50. They then bill Honda for 50 million bucks. For the purposes of example, if much of the manufacturing pricing is fixed, or can’t fluctuate all that much, and Honda says: “Oops, we only actually need 10 wheels, sorry,” each one is going to be exorbitant. It’s the basic economy of scale.

Simplified then, for every vehicles on the road that doesn’t need gas, the ones that do may very well see the unit price of a gallon creep up. Or leap up.
That would of course make sense up until the "you are forced to drive" part. If you are forced to do B, the cost of doing A is not relevant.

MTG is so incompetent she drops a ball with handles on it.
The "forced to drive" bit strikes me as hair-on-fire hyperbole, 100% characteristic of her rhetorical style.

"Encouraged to drive," by regulators, lawmakers, manufacturers, lenders, etc. is maybe more what she was getting at, but that wouldn't serve her need to fearmong* the same as apocalyptic, zero-sum statements.

*Dis a werd?
Marjie apparently had a screeching fit in congress saying that if our army bases were attacked we’d have to wait to charge up the tank batteries before we could do anything.

Someone did point out her psychotic hysterics by noting that we can charge batteries in advance. But she will screech again.
Marjie apparently had a screeching fit in congress saying that if our army bases were attacked we’d have to wait to charge up the tank batteries before we could do anything.

Someone did point out her psychotic hysterics by noting that we can charge batteries in advance. But she will screech again.

She probably thinks tanks will have to charge up at the charging stations in the parking lots of grocery stores.

What makes her think tanks will be electric? We've certainly got enough of our own oil to make gas/diesel for them and I doubt they contribute much to global warming.
The "forced to drive" bit strikes me as hair-on-fire hyperbole, 100% characteristic of her rhetorical style.

"Encouraged to drive," by regulators, lawmakers, manufacturers, lenders, etc. is maybe more what she was getting at, but that wouldn't serve her need to fearmong* the same as apocalyptic, zero-sum statements.

It's like the recent law New York State passed prohibiting the use of natural gas stoves and furnaces in new buildings constructed starting in 2026 or 2029, depending on their height. It's being regularly portrayed by opponents (particularly the gas industry) as people being forced to get rid of their gas appliances and buy new electric ones, when it has absolutely no effect on existing buildings.
She probably thinks tanks will have to charge up at the charging stations in the parking lots of grocery stores.

What makes her think tanks will be electric? We've certainly got enough of our own oil to make gas/diesel for them and I doubt they contribute much to global warming.

Why does she think the US Army will give a good goddam about global warming when procuring main battle tanks? Does she also think they will buy noiseless rounds for their guns, to make the kiddies less scared?

Oh wait...!

This is the same person who...Jewish space lasers, etc. Not a single, solitary, ******* clue.

She probably thinks tanks will have to charge up at the charging stations in the parking lots of grocery stores.

What makes her think tanks will be electric? We've certainly got enough of our own oil to make gas/diesel for them and I doubt they contribute much to global warming.

There are plans to work many vehicles into hyrbid designs, starting with the smaller vehicles and moving up eventually to tanks. Long term is to have an electric powered fleet but that won't be until 2050 or so.


Unless clowns like Marjie get their way. But I get the feeling that the Army isn't going to change their plans even if Trump wins and demands they not change over.
I don't know. The Navy went back to its new aircraft carriers, ripped out the fully installed magnetic catapults, and replaced them with old steam catapults because Trump didn't like them.
Wait, they didn't?
Being able to power your vehicles from a variety of sources is a tactical advantage. The M1A1 Abrams can run on practically any flammable liquid. One tank crew I knew joked that you could run it on Chanel No. 5. Hybrid vehicles make sense here. I wonder if Greene knows just how dependent the U.S. military is now on batteries that need periodic recharges.
Being able to power your vehicles from a variety of sources is a tactical advantage. The M1A1 Abrams can run on practically any flammable liquid. One tank crew I knew joked that you could run it on Chanel No. 5. Hybrid vehicles make sense here. I wonder if Greene knows just how dependent the U.S. military is now on batteries that need periodic recharges.

Well, certainly all their spacecraft ;)
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