You someone way to the left would have done better in FLorida?
I think Crist should be seen as a poster boy for centrist politics, seeing as he can't even make up his own mind whose side he's on, and his failure speaks for itself.
It's a fine strategy in theory, I get it: so long as you're ever-so-slightly left of whatever Klan rally the GOP is raiding for candidates these days you should be able to grab all the left votes, all the center votes, and a fair number of non-deplorable right votes too. Against a fascist thug like DeSantis it should have been a landslide, if it worked that way. But it don't. Enough Democrats are never going to vote for a Republican, even one pretending to be a Democrat,
even when the alternative is DeSantis, and enough Republicans are never going to vote for a Democrat, even one secretly Republican,
even when the alternative is DeSantis, that the numbers falter. Hell I'd put money on there being more voters turned off just by Crist's cowardly fecklessness than turned on by DeSantis's arrogant authoritarianism. Running nearly-Republicans against actual-Republicans is a failing strategy no matter how many times it fails and the best you can think of is "oh so you think you could have done better?!"
What exactly that means for the party in terms of where its ideological preferences for candidates
should be, I don't think we have enough data to say. Obviously I'd argue it'd be better for America in the long run if it was pushed as far left as possible to try and rebuild the social safety nets the GOP seems so eager to tear down, but all we have here is evidence that where we are right now is NOT where we need to be.