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The behaviour of UK police officers.

It is utterly bizarre that police officers can baton someone over 30 times, CS spray her and taser her and the CPS do not prosecute. What was her crime?

From the Guardian article "17-year-old girl, who has learning disabilities, had run away from a group on an escorted walk in Newham after becoming distressed.
The girl was close to a main road and concerned members of the public called the police. The girl also flagged down a passing police car.
After the teenager told officers that she was a vulnerable child with mental health problems, she agreed to get in the police car, but later got out."

The answer is that she annoyed the police, who then decided to inflict a punishment beating. It is not in the Guardian article, but the other officers present, including the one who used taser, got off with minor disciplinaries. They got a telling off.
Up to 34 baton strikes!

XAB’s cousin (Name anonymised to protect identity), speaking on behalf of the family, said: “Having listened to two days of evidence I am shocked at the extent of force that XAB was subjected to by PC Benjamin Kemp.”

“Rather than helping her as he should have done, he violently assaulted her, using up to 34 baton strikes and CS spray. Instead of showing any remorse, PC Kemp has spent the last two days trying to justify his actions.”

“I feel the panel’s decision rightly reaffirms the standards police officers must be held to in dealing w/vulnerable members of the public. It also sends a message of hope to the Black community that accountability can be achieved”.

Sophie Naftalin, solicitor for XAB said: “This is a deeply disturbing case where a Black child with learning disabilities was brutalised and assaulted by a police officer in circumstances where she needed care and protection.”

“There have been too many cases of disproportionate force used by police officers on members of the Black community. Today’s finding of gross misconduct & dismissal by the panel sends a powerful message.We call on the CPS to review its decision not to charge PC Kemp with assault”

Sophie Naftalin spoke about the case on the Friday edition of the BBC R4 Today Programme available on BBC Sounds App.
Why has he not been charged with assault?

here's a girl asking for my help, telling me she has learning difficulties, lets beat the living **** out of her!"

No institutional racism in this country.
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Why has he not been charged with assault?

here's a girl asking for my help, telling me she has learning difficulties, lets beat the living **** out of her!"

No institutional racism in this country.

The UK is like the USA, the prosecutor does not like to prosecute police officers.
The cop who batoned the girl with learning disabilities has been sacked;


"PC Benjamin Kemp attacked the girl on May 8 2019 — but it has taken two years for the London force to investigate the case and sack him for gross misconduct at a disciplinary hearing on Friday."

The police disciplinary process is very slow, just like the rest of the legal system.
A male is arrested at the Man Utd football protests. From the point he is arrested next to the lorry, to the point he is on the ground next to another lorry, he does not have the chance to resist arrest, let alone do anything to resist the arrest. Yet he forced to the ground, punched repeatedly and screamed at to "stop resisting".


The police know they are being filmed, and what we see is them already creating a narrative that the male was violent and resisted arrest.
beating someone while shouting at them to stop resisting is an old trick.
The Sarah Everard case just gets worse and worse for the Met. After an officer sent an inappropriate image whilst guarding the crime scene, this;


"Dozens of officers and staff are being investigated for looking up details of the Sarah Everard case on the police computer system, the Met has said.
The Met's Directorate of Professional Standards is set to question staff who accessed files on the case.
Doing so "without a purpose" could be a criminal offence, the force said."

The Met needs to look long and hard at their recruitment process.
Channel 4 News said:
More than 100 women accuse police officers of domestic abuse, alleging ‘boys club’ culture

At least 129 women have approached the Centre for Women’s Justice (CWJ) since 2019 with claims of being raped, beaten and coerced by their police officer spouses and partners.

One former police commander described officer perpetrated domestic abuse as an “epidemic” within the force.

Update on the Dalian Atkinson murder trial, which is not getting much media attention;


"Bloodstaining found on the boot of a police officer accused of Dalian Atkinson’s murder was consistent with being caused by “forceful” contact, a forensic scientist has told a jury.
The trial of Pc Benjamin Monk, now in its third week, was told blood matching the ex-Aston Villa star was found on the laces and tongue of the officer’s right boot and the instep area of his left boot."

It is odd that George Floyd got tons of attention in the UK and wall to wall coverage. But when UK police officer uses what is clearly excessive force and the person being arrested dies, I have to hunt for updates and get a local county paper.
Update on the Dalian Atkinson murder trial, which is not getting much media attention;


"Bloodstaining found on the boot of a police officer accused of Dalian Atkinson’s murder was consistent with being caused by “forceful” contact, a forensic scientist has told a jury.
The trial of Pc Benjamin Monk, now in its third week, was told blood matching the ex-Aston Villa star was found on the laces and tongue of the officer’s right boot and the instep area of his left boot."

It is odd that George Floyd got tons of attention in the UK and wall to wall coverage. But when UK police officer uses what is clearly excessive force and the person being arrested dies, I have to hunt for updates and get a local county paper.

Exactly. Although there's a lot of worms crawling out of the woodwork at the moment.

But this is one of the most egregious examples
Update on the Dalian Atkinson murder trial, which is not getting much media attention;


"Bloodstaining found on the boot of a police officer accused of Dalian Atkinson’s murder was consistent with being caused by “forceful” contact, a forensic scientist has told a jury.
The trial of Pc Benjamin Monk, now in its third week, was told blood matching the ex-Aston Villa star was found on the laces and tongue of the officer’s right boot and the instep area of his left boot."

It is odd that George Floyd got tons of attention in the UK and wall to wall coverage. But when UK police officer uses what is clearly excessive force and the person being arrested dies, I have to hunt for updates and get a local county paper.

Totaly different.

As we have been told officially Britain the least racist place in the world and our police are the envy of the world, the good old British Bobby is an example to us all.
Update on the Dalian Atkinson murder trial, which is not getting much media attention;


"Bloodstaining found on the boot of a police officer accused of Dalian Atkinson’s murder was consistent with being caused by “forceful” contact, a forensic scientist has told a jury.
The trial of Pc Benjamin Monk, now in its third week, was told blood matching the ex-Aston Villa star was found on the laces and tongue of the officer’s right boot and the instep area of his left boot."

It is odd that George Floyd got tons of attention in the UK and wall to wall coverage. But when UK police officer uses what is clearly excessive force and the person being arrested dies, I have to hunt for updates and get a local county paper.

Seems pretty easy to understand, that sounds like a case highly unlikely to even be prosecuted in the US. No video and a little old fashioned putting the boot in, unremarkable and not like crushing the life from someone slowly in front of witnesses and cameras.
Totaly different.

As we have been told officially Britain the least racist place in the world and our police are the envy of the world, the good old British Bobby is an example to us all.

What I think is very concerning is that compared to many of our “peer”countries - such as say the USA or France our police are better… but of course that doesn’t make them good.
I cannot believe they are trying the scary black man defence.


"Twice PC Monk deployed his Taser unsuccessfully, telling jurors: "My fear was going through roof.
"It was the second time [the] device failed. I thought we were done for."
Asked what he did next, he said: "Ran for my life, we ran away," adding he had never done that before in his 14-year career.
"He [Mr Atkinson] was very, very scary," he said. "And the device which I thought might work for me, hadn't worked and I was terrified."
Totaly different.

As we have been told officially Britain the least racist place in the world and our police are the envy of the world, the good old British Bobby is an example to us all.

I think the phrasing you are looking for is;

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground

and all join in the chorus!
I cannot believe they are trying the scary black man defence.


"Twice PC Monk deployed his Taser unsuccessfully, telling jurors: "My fear was going through roof.
"It was the second time [the] device failed. I thought we were done for."
Asked what he did next, he said: "Ran for my life, we ran away," adding he had never done that before in his 14-year career.
"He [Mr Atkinson] was very, very scary," he said. "And the device which I thought might work for me, hadn't worked and I was terrified."

I've not seen any reference to Atkinson claiming to be "the Messiah" and all the other "oh, look, he's mad he is!" BS, which apparently led to the use of a taser several times and then kicking his sodding head in, aside from the accounts of the police officers, who we know colluded about their evidence, made claims not borne out by other witnesses and generally look as shifty as ****.

That can't be the case, can it? There must be some other evidence, like from all those others who were close to the scene and saw Monk kicking Atkinson repeatedly in the head...Mustn't there?

And that's before we get to what I think about the use of that sort of "defence", blaming a supposedly mentally ill person for their own death. Let alone that Atkinson's previous medical history does not show any hint of MH issues...
I think the phrasing you are looking for is;

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground

and all join in the chorus!

And just the right time of year to sing it, too! *digs out her Tom Robinson records*
There's a reason that the Spitting Image 1987 Election Special version of Tomorrow Belongs to Me included a British copper in a Klan hood slapping his truncheon into his palm.

A few years ago now we had an investigative special on I believe Panorama that went undercover in the Police training college and featured...less than egalitarian attitudes by a disturbing number of coppers in training.

Are all police bad, or even most of them? No, of course not. Does that really matter when the Blue Wall of silence descends to cover for those that are?
It is odd that George Floyd got tons of attention in the UK and wall to wall coverage. But when UK police officer uses what is clearly excessive force and the person being arrested dies, I have to hunt for updates and get a local county paper.

The Floyd murder was captured on horrifying video. Without it, the police would have claimed that he died of a drug overdose or heart attack, and nobody could have proven otherwise. It would have been a police short if it made the media at all, and Chauvin would still have a gun and a badge.
Presumably you are expecting it's gonna be a long hot summer from now on?

Quite possibly, it certainly was here in Seattle last year, what with those darn anarchists and their autonomous zones with free food & healthcare for all. Why, if it weren't for the police constantly attacking them with pepper spray, tear gas and percussion grenades, they might have actually changed something!

I was also referring to it being Pride, which now is celebrated all month around here. At least when the police aren't bashing heads....
Since they know how long PC Monk deployed his taser and how often, plus the other injuries to Atkinson and the blood on Monk's boot, there is strong physical evidence in this case. Being filmed is not as strong an evidence as many think, since perspective plays a huge part. For example, the VAR system in football shows multiple angles of the same tackle, which can appear nothing from one angle and brutal from another.

""I recall that he opened the front door and was there, this huge figure. He appeared very, very angry - probably the angriest person I have ever seen in my life."

According to football stats, Dalian Atkinson was 6 foot (1.83m) tall and weighed just under 14 stone. So, not huge and it is doubtful he really was the angriest person PC Bettley-Smith had ever seen. The police officers in this case are clearly exaggerating the threat he posed, since they need to justify killing him.
^Quite: Dalian Atkinson is shorter than me, but a bit heavier.

They really are trying hard with this whole "angry, mad, big scary black man" schtick, aren't they?

FFS, the scariest bloke I ever met was on a locked ward in Bath, while he was awaiting transfer to one of the secure hospitals: 5ft 6, weighed nowt, perfectly pleasant and affable (especially with me, 'cos as the token Northerner on the ward that day I coped better with his Edinburgh area accaent and dialect than all the softy Southerners), introduced me to Massive Attack's Mezzanine, which had just come out, but had a history of violence of the nastiest sort going back years. We were doing 3 person specialling in the locked bit off the locked bit at the end of the locked ward, which was apprently unusual...

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