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The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Ex-gays, death panels, and deadly cartoons on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

The unholy union of God parents and Bar Mitzvahs. The epic failure of Christian ex-gay ministries. The responsibility of Bill Clinton for all Republican congressmen's extramarital affairs. The wisdom of mythical Obamacare death panels. The ballessness of Yale University Press. All this and much more on this week's landmark show.

Listen here.
Homophobes in Wisconsin want to burn books for turning kids gay. Bob is convinced organic food tastes better than the normal stuff. Blue M&Ms may cure paralysis (sort of). And the federal government wants to blackmail your state into outlawing texting behind the wheel.

Listen here.

GUYS! It's a Lik-m-Aid.

Personally, I've always preferred the organic food compared to that durned silicone stuff....
The Amateur Scientist Podcast LIVE from Dragon*Con

We're live (on tape) from Dragon*Con, pantsless and in front of an audience of thousands. Maybe a little less. Filling in for Bob is our own Christian Walters, who discusses the various superpowers one looks for in a god. Plus, a special guest appearance by Jeff Wagg of the James Randi Educational Foundation, who discusses his adventures at Denny's. And I'm not even mentioning the memorable cameos from Skepchicks Rebecca Watson and Maria Walters. Nor will I talk about the erotic Mad Libs or human sacrifices. You'll just have to discover that stuff yourself, lazypants.

Thanks once again to Derek Colanduno for running the Skeptrack all weekend. And thanks to everyone who came out for the show. I owe you all a reach around.

Listen here.
Bioidenticals, viruses, and banana cults on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Suzanne Somers believes chemotherapy killed actor/horseman/zen bouncer/ghost Patrick Swayze. A deadly, near-unpronounceable virus is flying across the sea in the belly of a mosquito. A local cult leader has mixed success forcing people into public sex for a better banana harvest. And religious people may have failed at preventing premarital sex, but they've succeeded in preventing teens from preventing pregnancy.

Listen here.
Ghost murder, Bluehenge, & global warming on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Was David Carradine murdered by a jealous ghost? Is it okay to mess with archaeologists traipsing about the dreary English countryside? Just how insane is Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe? Does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Jewish ancestry ruin his street cred? And if placebos are becoming more effective, is Obecalp's stock going to rise? We answer these questions and pose a few of our own on this week's show.

Listen here.
New Amateur Scientist Podcast

Hrvatska književna senzacija i part-time mliječni radnik Akaky Akakievich ispunjava za Brian i Bob na ovog tjedna show. Neka vas počastiti s pričama o borbi i voli smrtonosnog sperme kit, uživajući okovan klincima osjećaj piercinga jezika, putujući s vanzemaljcima da planet Venera gledati mačke se muzu, i izvodi iz iranskih čast čuvara u potrazi za gledati Mickey Mouse.

Listen here.
Jesse Thorn on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Public radio's Jesse Thorn talks about his new web series "Put This On", a show for men who want to dress like grown ups. In the course of this freewheeling, semi-erotic conversation, Jesse busts myths about men's style, including myths about when it's appropriate to wear spats over your Air Jordans, when to slap on a tie (both bow and unbow), why you have time to dress well if you have time to make yourself not smell like poop, and just how amazing the graphics are on your 3DO.

Listen here.
The Amateur Scientist Halloween Spooktacular!

Come, come, ye fans of spooky specters and devilish demons! It's Halloween, and we're regaling you with tales of horror and histrionics. Harden your ears, for they are about to be haunted by a story of childhood haunting, a legend of ghostly race relations, an interview with a professional ghost buster buster, a nightmare involving a severed hand, and a guide to raising the dead as provided by the experts at Yahoo Answers. Plus more! Is this trick or treat? Only a listen will tell you for sure!

Listen here.
Human Combustion, Freemasons, & Mormons on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

With Bob on assignment, Brian is left alone to ponder the mysteries of spontaneous human combustion among our most elderly trailer park residents, the medical anomaly of semen allergies, the Mormon church's attitude toward homosexuals who might like to rule over their own afterlife planets, the religious implications of extraterrestrial life, the dark motives of the Freemasons, and much more.

Listen here.
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