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The Amateur Scientist Podcast


Apr 7, 2008
From now on, I'll be posting all new episodes of The Amateur Scientist Podcast in this thread.

This week:

Should Bob and I run off to Connecticut to marry each other purely for political reasons? Is it acceptable to torture mice while finding out what makes people happy? Should you protect yourself from your cell phone's deadly rays? Is $1 million enough to shoot porn in space? Are scientific conferences just an excuse for smart people to get out of the house? The answers to all these questions and not many more on this week's show.

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God, Google, and Doctor Who on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Sarah Palin has Jehovah Six-pack on speed dial, and He's telling her to drill, baby, drill. Google may be our overlords, but they seem pretty benevolent so far. Please stop questioning them. God is sued, but does he have a home address? And Doctor Who addresses the important issue of British people's filthy, filthy hands. All that and (slightly) more on this week's show.

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Kindle, E-Noses, Disco, and Prostates on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

In our own version of Oprah's Big Give, we talk up the wonders of the Amazon Kindle, only we don't receive any product placement money. And we're not giving you one. Plus, science has discovered how to sniff out disease in plants. Disco may save your life. And we learn how prostate research in mice might one day lead to a violent takeover of the United States Congress.

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Anniversary Episode of The Amateur Scientist Podcast

This week's 50th episode marks our one year anniversary, and we're celebrating by doing the same crap we do all the time. Bees are on the decline, but they're also on the attack. Does the fact that they can do simple math threaten the existence of humanity? Plus, ancient Hebrew texts prove that no one could ever catch a break in Hollywood. And we pose the question: How important is it that a Catholic priest believes in Jesus? Finally, we look up naked pictures of you on Facebook. Come celebrate with us.

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Obama, psychics, and pizza on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

It's our post-election wrap-up special, and we're six minutes more excited than normal. Barack Obama has finally beaten back the vicious two-headed hell beast known as McCain/Palin, but is his change really change in which we can believe? Also, why is it that so many first ladies turn out to be insane? Plus, we put the election predictions of psychic Elizabeth Joyce to the test. Is she a terrible psychic, or is there something about Joe Biden he's not telling us? All that and more on this super-sized episode.

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Gay Thanksgiving episode of The Amateur Scientist Podcast

We celebrate Thanksgiving by tackling the subject of gay marriage, pinning it to the ground, and gyrating upon it. Our own Christian Walters joins us live from a Proposition 8 protest in Atlanta, Georgia and lets us know why supporting equal rights for all is totally hetero. But first, we discuss a recent semi-scientific survey that suggests hairspray may lead to funkiness in your swimsuit area. Forget some crappy parade. We have all the infotainment you need right here. (Minus the giant balloons.)

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Vagrants, Hannukah, asteroids, and cell phones on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Is it vagrancy to partake of a stranger's Thanksgiving dinner when you weren't invited inside? Is it insensitive for a sitting president to lure Jewish people to the White House with promises of Christmas trees? Is Bruce Willis too irrelevant to save us from an asteroid disaster? Does talking on your cell phone while driving make you inattentive, a jerk, or an inattentive jerk? The answer to these questions and more on this week's action-packed show.

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Racists, happiness, gnomes, and the Dutch on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Does George W. Bush hate black people? Probably not, but his future neighborhood sure does. Why does your neighbor's happiness matter more than your spouse's? Are gnomes the only mythical creatures plaguing England's cemeteries? And even if what happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam, there might not be as much happening these days. All these topics and more on this week's show.

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Ring in the new year with The Amateur Scientist Podcast

A Midwestern church creates a UFO scare after simulating the Star of Bethlehem. Which begs the question: Was Jesus an alien? Plus, the deadliest places in the U.S. have been conveniently mapped, children learn better when they don't stuff themselves silly, sharks are pretty much pansies, and smelliness can help with high blood pressure. Ring in the new year with The Amateur Scientist Podcast.

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Paltrow, fur, monkeys, Flatley, and Scientology on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Your intrepid co-hosts both brave the viscous depths of their own personal illnesses to bring you word of Gwyneth Paltrow's bowel movements, a rumination on whether wearing fur is the same as wearing a suit of human skin, a constitutional discussion about the rights of those who ingest endangered monkey meat for Jesus, an examination of the Lord of the Dance's bio-energetic healing, and a congratulatory message to Tom Cruise for overcoming his illiteracy with Scientology. No need for a flu shot, germs can't be transferred via podcast.

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Awesome show!

(I submitted it to the godbar toolbar for heathens of the internet, and so they stream it.)
I thought this might have had something to do with the Amateur Scientist
that used to be in Scientific American. Boy did I get that wrong! :mad:
Thanks for the kind words. Sorry about the S.A. deception, though. I was going to call it the Penthouse Forum Podcast, but I thought that might be crossing a line.
Global warming, Thailand, and booties on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Copping feels at Obama's inauguration, taking shots at geologists, teaching ourselves a thing or two about sacrifice, calling out plants for hording methane, insulting the king of Thailand, wondering about the eating habits of women--all this and more is going down on this week's episode of The Amateur Scientist Podcast. Can you afford to miss it? Can your children? The answer to both is no.

Listen here.
Missionaries, Phelps, Darwin, and didgeridoos on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Missionaries in South America need your two dollars, God tries to trick us into thinking the oldest human hair was found in a fossilized pile of hyena poo, Michael Phelps tarnishes the reputation of a company named after a fan of female genital mutilation, Charles Darwin and Walt Whitman were the same man, and the Japanese are very interested in your blood. It's a supersized Valentine's Day edition of America's semi-favorite podcast.

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Another awesome show, guys!

(*visualizing am-sci swinging through trees with evolved appendage encased carbon nano- fibers*)
Another awesome show, guys!

(*visualizing am-sci swinging through trees with evolved appendage encased carbon nano- fibers*)

You wouldn't have to visualize if our staff artist ever put down his bong and got to work.

You hear me, Steve?
Ice cream, action figures, Amway, and ShamWOW! on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Binge eating, gay rights, Barack Obama, Amway, pyramid schemes, action figures, gladiatorial combat, advertising, ShamWow!, and existential dilemmas. Are all of these topics covered on this week's show? Of course they are. You shouldn't expect anything less.

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Kool-Aid, Dobson, Cryonics, and Phelps on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

President Obama may have been the victim of the most hilarious assassination attempt of all time. James Dobson is stepping down from everything other than being a douchebag. One of our most annoying celebrities may live forever thanks to cryonics. Bishop Richard Williamson says sorry for upsetting people with his idiocy. Pastor Fred Phelps can't go to England. And the state of Main tries to steal a copy of the Declaration of Independence that was rightfully stolen by our former British overlords. Join us as we discuss these topics and more on this week's historic show.

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Australia, LEGO, Ubuntu, Jesus, and AIDS on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Do Australians play fast and loose with their vulgar euphemisms? Is it acceptable to exact revenge on someone for not selling you a LEGO castle? Can the Christian version of Ubuntu compete with the Satanic version? Why isn't kosher salt more Jesus-y? Can household cosmetics block AIDS in monkey vaginae? Do Russian intellectuals possess powers of political precognition? The answers to these and many more questions on this week's show.

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Twitter, Prince Charles, and Phish on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

We're Twittering... Tweeting? Twatting? Whatever. We're doing that this week. Also, we trash one of our corporate sponsors, lampoon the genetic time bomb that is Prince Charles, discuss the pharmaceutical habits of Phish phans, and analyze the current state of religiosity in America. Plus, Mormons may be immortal highlanders. If you don't listen, you're a damned fool.

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Netbooks, Twilight, Komodo dragons, and crabs on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Back and well rested from our time off, we're here with breaking news about ShamWOW! Vince's hooker problems, Bob's computer problems, Boston high schools' vampire problems, Indonesian apple pickers' Komodo dragon problems, and crabs' problems with feeling pain while being boiled alive. Hey, and we even have some solutions. Some.

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A long lost episode of The Amateur Scientist Podcast

This week, we bring you a long lost episode of The Amateur Scientist Podcast from way back in the early months of this year. No, not this month. Earlier. Relive those glorious days when octomoms remained anonymous, government science workers watched too much porn on the job, and inhuman opportunists tried to make a buck off of unspeakable tragedy. Sure, all but one of those things is still true today, but in the interest of not contributing to your depression, I won't say which one.

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Inside the Amateur Scientist Studio: Astrophysicist Adam Frank

My guest this week is University of Rochester astrophysicist Adam Frank. We talk about the award-winning scientist and writer's new book, The Constant Fire: Beyond the Science vs. Religion Debate, which seeks to highlight the common feelings of awe between so-called religious experiences and observations of the natural world through science. We also talk about Star Formation: The Game, a browser-based game Frank helped create for Discover magazine's website (for which he also writes), that puts you in charge of creating stars from celestial gasses. Plus, we lampoon the borderline-autistic basement shut-ins who've mastered the game to absurd degrees.

NOTE: A text version of the second portion of this interview can be found on our sister site, GameSnobs.com, later this week.

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Twitter, Texas, Jedi, EPA, and TAM on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

We have a winner in our Twitter contest, and he stops by for a visit. His name is Jim Crow, and he lives in Arkansas. Weird... Plus, we contemplate the consequences of Texas' secession from the United States, we discuss the validity of the Jedi religion, and we wonder whether people should rely on government press releases for all their scientific information. All this and a word from James Randi on The Amazing Meeting 7 on this week's show.

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Swine flu, homeopathy, and booties on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

We've got the swine flu fever here at The Amateur Scientist Podcast. Seriously, we're very ill. But that doesn't stop us from coughing in the face of hysteria, lamenting the fate of the world's pork farmers, suggesting the virus be renamed after America's favorite flugelhorn player, and contacting a real-life homeopathic remedy supplier about selling our swine flu treatment, Pigassist. Plus, a discussion of bottoms and what they have to do with the Book of 1 Timothy.

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Hubble, Huffington, and Huffing on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Might NASA's grounded rescue crew house the primary suspect in a hypothetical case of Hubble sabotage? Does Dr. Larry Dossey really believe Oprah has the power to see the future? Why the hell is marijuana still illegal? Can lithium in the groundwater drive a village to non-suicide? And who gives a **** about the world's oldest dog? The answers to those questions and more on this week's show.

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Fossils, Cheesus, Man-Beasts, and FIRE! on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Coming off an exciting week for Amateur Scientist Enterprises (Ltd.? LLC?), we reluctantly discuss the implications of the Ida "missing link" fossil, including whether or not it proves DARWINIST LIES! Plus, we negotiate for the release of Cheesus, decide what exactly makes for a abominable man-beast, and try to frame a magnifying glass fire as a sexy Mythbusters experiment.

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Extended, Uncut Amateur Scientist Podcast

In a special, extended, unedited episode, we discuss the Catholic Kama Sutra, the relationship between cell phones, elbow problems, and Cybermen, the neverending battle between Scientology and Wikipedia, and the wishy-washy attitude of the Obama administration when it comes to LGBT bunny hopping. Join us, won't you?

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Coming off an exciting week for Amateur Scientist Enterprises (Ltd.? LLC?), we reluctantly discuss the implications of the Ida "missing link" fossil, including whether or not it proves DARWINIST LIES! Plus, we negotiate for the release of Cheesus, decide what exactly makes for a abominable man-beast, and try to frame a magnifying glass fire as a sexy Mythbusters experiment.

Listen here.

So, I finally got around to adding you podcast to my subscription list, downloaded this episode and got it through my queue. I liked it. You guys are entertaining and informative. Keep up the good work.
Chiropractic, Rock Band, and Deadly Monitors on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

In between bouts of banging on plastic instruments, we take the time to discuss recent developments in the fight against chiropractic lunacy. British chiropractors have defended themselves against accusations that they make false claims by advising themselves to delete the false claims they've made. And we call a real chiropractor to get even more false claims straight from the quack's mouth. Plus, a new study shows the true (probably false) dangers of using a computer at home.

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In between bouts of banging on plastic instruments, we take the time to discuss recent developments in the fight against chiropractic lunacy. British chiropractors have defended themselves against accusations that they make false claims by advising themselves to delete the false claims they've made. And we call a real chiropractor to get even more false claims straight from the quack's mouth. Plus, a new study shows the true (probably false) dangers of using a computer at home.

Listen here.
Wow. You rock. I wish more chiropractors could cure Cylon's disease. Also the computer monitor injuries isnt entirely that implausible. The place where I work has two monitors which are attached to little boom arms. It wouldn't surprise me that they install those incorrectly. I think the title of the study should have been idiots who can't assemble furniture correctly and nearly kill themselves in the process.
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Well, at least you know you could hang around under those boom arms if you ever wanted a nice workplace injury settlement in your favor. That's more financial security than a lot of people have these days.
Well, at least you know you could hang around under those boom arms if you ever wanted a nice workplace injury settlement in your favor. That's more financial security than a lot of people have these days.
Nah... I had 3:1 odds that I will trip over the power cord. :p Come to think of it I nearly gave myself a concussion by a falling robot.
Jackson, Nixon, Sanford, and Thomas on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

We mourn for the departed King of Kings of Pop and plan for his resurrection, deconstruct Richard Nixon's hatred of mixed race babies, lament the downfall of one of America's most South Carolinian civil rights deniers, discuss the virtues of wearing a burqa in France, and reveal that Justice Clarence Thomas believes it's okay to shake down a naked 13-year-old girl. All of that and more on this week's show.

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P&T BS's Michael Goudeau on Inside the Amateur Scientist Studio

Comic juggler and head writer of Penn & Teller's ********! Michael Goudeau is in the studio this week to discuss skepticism on television, how to climb a six foot unicycle, the junction of politics and critical thinking, and how to make your own cheese.

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ANTS!, Sanford, racism, and aliens on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Ants are attacking the world, and we contemplate a diplomatic solution. South Carolina governor Mark Sanford keeps saying things he shouldn't, and we assess his godliness. Scientists have studied racism in Chinese people and Caucasians, and we defame them both. And in a vintage clip from our old call-in show, we talk to an Area 51 employee on the lamb. NOTE: This show was recorded just before Independence Day. No, we don't need new calendars.

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Eroticism, IQ, ouzo, and Freemasonry on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

It's a corker this week, and we're a little drunk on ouzo. But that's not stopping us from presenting the long-awaited erotic radio drama based on South Carolina governor Mark Sanford's sexy emails. Plus, news about the risk of heart disease in stupid people, the names most likely to send you to prison, the magical rituals of the Freemasons, and the wisdom of revealing national security secrets to our incompetent congress.

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Homophobia, organic food, texting, and M&Ms on The Amateur Scientist Podcast

Homophobes in Wisconsin want to burn books for turning kids gay. Bob is convinced organic food tastes better than the normal stuff. Blue M&Ms may cure paralysis (sort of). And the federal government wants to blackmail your state into outlawing texting behind the wheel.

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