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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

[Merged] Take a Stand for Skepticism!

Brian Thompson

Jun 16, 2011
A note from James Randi:

We need your help to create a world where everyone has access to the tools of science and critical thinking, and charlatans can’t get rich by deceiving others.

For less than $3.70 a week, you can help expose dangerous frauds, support skeptical teachers, and educate and inspire the next generation of critical thinkers.

The JREF's monthly donors are dedicated skeptics and critical thinkers who commit as little as $16 a month to provide year-round support for our shared mission.

Please click here to join with our other monthly donors today in support of our important mission. It only takes a minute to make a big difference for our humble organization.

James Randi
Trying to set up a monthly gift...

...unfortunately, the system won't allow me to set up $5 a month as an option, even in the custom amount field.

I know it's not exactly going to earn me a personal appearance by Mr. Randi, but I'd like to toss a few bucks the JREF's way, on an automated basis so I don't have to fiddle with it more than once.

I'm pretty sure I'd set up the exact same arrangement before, but that was before I changed my credit card out.

Any ideas?
Many banks will let you set up an "automated bill pay" where they automatically cut a check and mail it each month; this is often an included feature with your checking account. If you have this, you might be able to set up your monthly donation to the JREF as a "bill".
I set mine up through my employer's annual charitable contribution campaign.

That means I'm giving $20/month when my employer's employee match is applied. Big spender, I am.
I've tried to convince the forum staff here to do some sort of Supporting Membership like we have on Bullshido. I just wish they'd make it easier for me to give the JREF money... it's baffling.
I've tried to convince the forum staff here to do some sort of Supporting Membership like we have on Bullshido.

The forum staff have absolutely no control over funding or donations. If you want to make a suggestion along those lines you need to talk to the JREF directly. The same applies to your problem in the OP - I don't know how often the JREF staff actually read the forum so you'd be best off contacting them directly to get help.
...unfortunately, the system won't allow me to set up $5 a month as an option, even in the custom amount field.

I know it's not exactly going to earn me a personal appearance by Mr. Randi, but I'd like to toss a few bucks the JREF's way, on an automated basis so I don't have to fiddle with it more than once.

I'm pretty sure I'd set up the exact same arrangement before, but that was before I changed my credit card out.

Any ideas?

Probably best asked in this thread: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217675 ? Or drop a PM to Brian Thompson?
Sounds good Darat, could you just move my post(s) over to that thread, and nuke this one?
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