Just done a google search. The guy is innocent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Avery.
I came away absolutely sure of Dassey's innocence. That kid needs a new trial.
I'm only watching Episode 4 at the moment, but I am finding it very distressing - the way Dassey was treated was unbelievable. The amazing thing is that the detectives and investigators obviously had no inkling that what they were doing was wrong as they knew everything they did was being recorded and obviously had no problem with that. And his lawyer was appalling.
After trawling the internet for ideas I discovered this.Anyone else watching this Netflix doc? I'm a few episodes in. I really want to believe this guy is innocent. But right now I can't come up with a plausible case for innocence. Anyone?
After trawling the internet for ideas I discovered this.
Framing is the least of it. Somebody killed this woman. If it wasn't Avery, it was the cops. Everything I have learned about this case tells me it was the cops. They murdered her in cold blood and burned her body. They pinned it on Avery so they could get out from under a massive lawsuit they were sure to lose.
So, I look at it this way: if I lived up there, I'd a hell of a lot rather have Avery on the street than one of those cops in a patrol car, following me on the highway.
I know nothing about the case, but was interested to try to answer Caper.So what's your view? Did the cops frame Avery? What evidence do you have? Have you watched the documentary or are you just posting the musings of some random bozo on the web?
Not a massive discovery by the way.
I know nothing about the case, but was interested to try to answer Caper.
The police interrogation of Dassey was disgraceful. It should have been rejected as evidence. And that's only the bit that's recorded! Goodness knows what the kid was subjected to before the cameras were turned on.
lionking, I don't think officers framed Avery in the traditional sense. I don't believe they killed Teresa Halbach and then placed evidence at his place. I think she was killed by someone, the cops believe it is Avery but the case is flimsy so they augmented it by planting evidence that would point to his guilt. The take down of Dassey is just collateral damage on that path.
I don't think officers framed Avery in the traditional sense. I don't believe they killed Teresa Halbach and then placed evidence at his place. I think she was killed by someone, the cops believe it is Avery but the case is flimsy so they augmented it by planting evidence that would point to his guilt. The take down of Dassey is just collateral damage on that path.
I don't think officers framed Avery in the traditional sense. I don't believe they killed Teresa Halbach and then placed evidence at his place. I think she was killed by someone, the cops believe it is Avery but the case is flimsy so they augmented it by planting evidence that would point to his guilt.
As I said above, I think Avery may have done it. I don't think so to the level of beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty.
If you disregard the evidence that is most shady (the key, the bullet, and Avery's blood in the vehicle) it's even harder for me to get there.
Those things came from somewhere. If we buy the argument the police took Avery's blood from the evidence locker, we still have to ask where they got the key and the bullet with the victim's DNA on it?
Someone killed her. I have a hard time believing the police officers involved would be more afraid of Avery's lawsuit than potential murder charges -or even charges of interferring with justice. If they couldn't pay the judgement they could have filed bankruptcy; but if they were caught tampering with the crime scene, they would face losing criminal charges of their own.
So it seems more likely they were damn sure he did it, and they wanted to make sure he faced the charges.
The more I'm watching this doco, the angrier I'm getting. Avery may well be guilty, I'm divided. But the way the police and court stitched up the accused was disgusting.
Among the many issues which worry me is that Avery is no Rhodes Scholar, yet he left blood, but no fingerprints in the SUV. Halbach was allegedly butchered in Avery's shack, yet no trace of blood or tissue at all. He was no criminal mastermind. Things just don't add up, and I can't see how he is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Regardless of Avery's innocence or guilt, how was this allowed to fly?
For Dassey there's literally nothing - even granting the questionable evidence - except his own very conflicting words
Not to mention, from the interrogations it's quite clear that you can get him to say anything you want, and possibly to believe it himself.
It was said early in the doco, if I remember correctly, that Avery's IQ was 70. If anything Dassey's seems lower. This looks not to have been taken into account.
Then he called her late in the afternoon, presumably to make it look like he was looking for her when she didn't show up.
??? But she DID show up. His house was the last place she was known to be.
As I said upstairs, I believe he probably killed her. But "probably" isn't supposed to be enough to convict someone.
Is there a really good site somewhere that tells both sides of the story, or where the whole court transcript can be read?
Why no DNA of the victim in the trailer? This is one of the biggest problems in the prosecution case. This borderline intellectually disabled person somehow cleaned up every trace of DNA in a professional forensic manner? Yet was careless enough to leave blood, but no fingerprints, in the SUV? I don't think so.
Also sweat on the SUV but still no fingerprints. If he's wearing gloves how does that happen? If he's not, how does that happen? The forensics in this case are pretty squirrelly to say the least. No evidence of Theresa where it should be (the bedroom, the garage floor/ walls/ piles of junk, her own key), no evidence of Dassey anywhere. And as shown by the contaminated test of the bullet it's incredibly easy to leave traces of yourself behind everywhere you've been even when you're being careful.
Still think Avery might be guilty but not enough to convict, still convinced Dassey is innocent.