Sadly, I don't think it'll happen that way. As you'll remember, Dump voters suffered greatly from 2016-2020, and yet they insist they had a great time under Drumpf, even after a million Americans died, with right-wing cultists dying at a rate of 7 trumpkins to 1 American (hey, they are the ones who tear down US flags).
I'm sure he'll be even more horrible this time around, but will it be enough to make the cultists learn? Doubt it. I think the only thing that will break the spell if their God and Führer becoming so old and frail he's not worth worshiping anymore. Then again, maybe the person who takes over will have the same cult of personality.
Come to think of it, what typically happens in cults when the charismatic leader dies? Do the cults typically just dissolve, or is there a chance that the second-in-command can just take the reins? Because I don't see vice-president Vance (remember him?) having quite the same spell over the trumpkins, a lot of them don't even seem to like him.